Changeset - 2442b086e4bb
[Not reviewed]
! ! ! - 16 years ago 2009-06-12 07:21:42
initial data for 2009
Ignore-this: 510a03fd313f9681f648d551ba922f65
1 file changed:
Changeset was too big and was cut off... Show full diff anyway
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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new file 100644
@prefix : <> .
@prefix ch: <> .
@prefix chase: <> .
@prefix dmx: <> .
@prefix group: <> .
@prefix mus: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix show: <> .
@prefix sub: <> .

mus:preSong :showPath "dance2008/silence-4sec.ogg" .
mus:postSong :showPath "dance2008/silence-15sec.ogg" .

show:dance2009 :playList (
  sh:song1  sh:song2  sh:song3  sh:song4  sh:song5
  sh:song6  sh:song7  sh:song8  sh:song9  sh:song10
  sh:song11 sh:song12 sh:song13 sh:song14 sh:song15
  sh:song16 sh:song17
) .

:Song is rdf:type of sh:song1, sh:song2, sh:song3, sh:song4,
   sh:song5, sh:song6, sh:song7, sh:song8, sh:song9, sh:song10,
   sh:song11, sh:song12, sh:song13, sh:song14, sh:song15, sh:song16,
   sh:song17 .

sh:song1 rdfs:label "1 ";		:showPath "dance2009/01-out.ogg" .
sh:song2 rdfs:label "2 newyork";	:showPath "dance2009/02-newyorkmix.ogg" .
sh:song3 rdfs:label "3 hawaii";		:showPath "dance2009/03-hawaii0.ogg" .
sh:song4 rdfs:label "4 cheek";		:showPath "dance2009/04-cheekout.ogg" .
sh:song5 rdfs:label "5 paris";		:showPath "dance2009/05-parisout.ogg" .
sh:song6 rdfs:label "6 africa";		:showPath "dance2009/06-africaout.ogg" .
sh:song7 rdfs:label "7 latin";		:showPath "dance2009/07-latinout.ogg" .
sh:song8 rdfs:label "8 bandstand";	:showPath "dance2009/08-bandstandout.ogg" .
sh:song9 rdfs:label "9 asian";		:showPath "dance2009/09-asianout.ogg" .
sh:song10 rdfs:label "10 jitterbug";	:showPath "dance2009/10-jitterbugout.ogg" .
sh:song11 rdfs:label "11 tequila";	:showPath "dance2009/11-tequila.ogg" .
sh:song12 rdfs:label "12 walkin";	:showPath "dance2009/12-walkin.ogg" .
sh:song13 rdfs:label "13 istanbul";	:showPath "dance2009/13-istanbul.ogg" .
sh:song14 rdfs:label "14 folk";		:showPath "dance2009/14-folkout.ogg" .
sh:song15 rdfs:label "15 western";	:showPath "dance2009/15-westernout.ogg" .
sh:song16 rdfs:label "16 hiphop";	:showPath "dance2009/16-hiphopout.ogg" .
sh:song17 rdfs:label "17 worldbeat";	:showPath "dance2009/17-worldbeat.ogg" .

sub:red :group group:strip; :order 0 .
sub:orange :group group:strip; :order 1 .
sub:green :group group:strip; :order 2 .
sub:blue :group group:strip; :order 3.

sub:sharlyn :group group:live; :order 1 .
sub:cyc :group group:live; :order 2 .
sub:house :group group:live; :order 3 .
sub:scoop :group group:live; :order 4 .
sub:front :group group:live; :order 5 .
sub:curtain :group group:live; :order 6 .

group:song is :group of
sub:song1, sub:song2, sub:song3, sub:song4,
   sub:song5, sub:song6, sub:song7, sub:song8, sub:song9, sub:song10,
   sub:song11, sub:song12, sub:song13, sub:song14, sub:song15, sub:song16,
   sub:song17 .

chase:up a :Chase; :channels ( ch:b13 ch:b21 ch:b22 ch:b35 ) .

chase:corners a :Chase; :channels (ch:b14 ch:b16 ch:cyc ch:b21 ch:b13) .

chase:colors a :Chase; :channels (ch:oran1 ch:gree1 ch:blue1 ch:red1 ch:oran2 ch:gree2 ch:blue2 ch:red2 ch:oran3 ch:gree3 ch:blue3 ch:red3 ch:oran4 ch:gree4 ch:blue4 ch:red4) .

chase:rb a :Chase; :channels ( ch:b12 ch:b36 ch:b14 ch:b34 ch:b16
ch:b32 ch:b22 ch:b26 ) .


#ch:b26 :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/front-left.png" ] .
#ch:front11 :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/front-right.png" ] . 
#ch:house1 :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/bg.png" ] . 
#ch:gree1 :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/cyc-lo-grn.png" ] . 
#ch:oran1 :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/cyc-lo-or.png" ] . 
#ch:red1 :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/cyc-lo-red.png" ] . 
#ch:blue1 :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/cyc-lo-blu.png" ]; rdfs:comment "(image is blank)". 

dmx:c1 :dmxAddress 1 .
dmx:c2 :dmxAddress 2 .
dmx:c3 :dmxAddress 3 .
dmx:c4 :dmxAddress 4 .
dmx:c5 :dmxAddress 5 .
dmx:c6 :dmxAddress 6 .
dmx:c7 :dmxAddress 7 .
dmx:c8 :dmxAddress 8 .
dmx:c9 :dmxAddress 9 .
dmx:c10 :dmxAddress 10 .
dmx:c11 :dmxAddress 11 .
dmx:c12 :dmxAddress 12 .
dmx:c13 :dmxAddress 13 .
dmx:c14 :dmxAddress 14 .
dmx:c15 :dmxAddress 15 .
dmx:c16 :dmxAddress 16 .
dmx:c17 :dmxAddress 17 .
dmx:c18 :dmxAddress 18 .
dmx:c19 :dmxAddress 19 .
dmx:c20 :dmxAddress 20 .
dmx:c21 :dmxAddress 21 .
dmx:c22 :dmxAddress 22 .
dmx:c23 :dmxAddress 23 .
dmx:c24 :dmxAddress 24 .
dmx:c25 :dmxAddress 25 .
dmx:c26 :dmxAddress 26 .
dmx:c27 :dmxAddress 27 .
dmx:c28 :dmxAddress 28 .
dmx:c29 :dmxAddress 29 .
dmx:c30 :dmxAddress 30 .
dmx:c31 :dmxAddress 31 .
dmx:c32 :dmxAddress 32 .
dmx:c33 :dmxAddress 33 .
dmx:c34 :dmxAddress 34 .
dmx:c35 :dmxAddress 35 .
dmx:c36 :dmxAddress 36 .
dmx:c37 :dmxAddress 37 .
dmx:c38 :dmxAddress 38 .
dmx:c39 :dmxAddress 39 .
dmx:c40 :dmxAddress 40 .
dmx:c41 :dmxAddress 41 .
dmx:c42 :dmxAddress 42 .
dmx:c43 :dmxAddress 43 .
dmx:c44 :dmxAddress 44 .
dmx:c45 :dmxAddress 45 .
dmx:c46 :dmxAddress 46 .
dmx:c47 :dmxAddress 47 .
dmx:c48 :dmxAddress 48 .
dmx:c49 :dmxAddress 49 .
dmx:c50 :dmxAddress 50 .
dmx:c51 :dmxAddress 51 .
dmx:c52 :dmxAddress 52 .
dmx:c53 :dmxAddress 53 .
dmx:c54 :dmxAddress 54 .
dmx:c55 :dmxAddress 55 .
dmx:c56 :dmxAddress 56 .
dmx:c57 :dmxAddress 57 .
dmx:c58 :dmxAddress 58 .
dmx:c59 :dmxAddress 59 .
dmx:c60 :dmxAddress 60 .
dmx:c61 :dmxAddress 61 .
dmx:c62 :dmxAddress 62 .
dmx:c63 :dmxAddress 63 .
dmx:c64 :dmxAddress 64 .
dmx:c65 :dmxAddress 65 .
dmx:c66 :dmxAddress 66 .
dmx:c67 :dmxAddress 67 .
dmx:c68 :dmxAddress 68 .
dmx:c69 :dmxAddress 69 .
dmx:c70 :dmxAddress 70 .
dmx:c71 :dmxAddress 71 .
dmx:c72 :dmxAddress 72 .

Changeset was too big and was cut off... Show full diff anyway

0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)