Changeset - 2b8a2a25b154
[Not reviewed]
0 3 0 - 20 months ago 2023-05-28 00:56:28
3 files changed with 3 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -28,96 +28,97 @@ def _outputMap(graph: SyncedGraph, outpu
    ret = cast(Dict[Tuple[DeviceUri, OutputAttr], Tuple[OutputUri, DmxMessageIndex]], {})

    for dc in graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9['DeviceClass']):
'mapping devices of class %s', dc)
        for dev in graph.subjects(RDF.type, dc):
            dev = cast(DeviceUri, dev)
  '  💡 mapping device %s', dev)
            universe = typedValue(OutputUri, graph, dev, L9['dmxUniverse'])
            if universe not in outputs:
                raise ValueError(f'{dev=} is configured to be in {universe=}, but we have no Output for that universe')
                dmxBase = typedValue(DmxIndex, graph, dev, L9['dmxBase'])
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError('no :dmxBase for %s' % dev)

            for row in sorted(graph.objects(dc, L9['attr']), key=str):
                outputAttr = typedValue(OutputAttr, graph, row, L9['outputAttr'])
                offset = typedValue(DmxIndex, graph, row, L9['dmxOffset'])
                index = makeDmxMessageIndex(dmxBase, offset)
                ret[(dev, outputAttr)] = (universe, index)
      '      {uriTail(outputAttr):15} maps to {uriTail(universe)} index {index}')
    return ret


class Collector:
    """receives setAttrs calls; combines settings; renders them into what outputs like; calls Output.update"""

    def __init__(self, graph: SyncedGraph, outputs: List[OutputInstance], listeners: WebListeners, clientTimeoutSec: float = 10):
        self.graph = graph
        self.outputs = outputs
        self.listeners = listeners
        self.clientTimeoutSec = clientTimeoutSec

        self._initTime = time.time()
        self._outputByUri: Dict[OutputUri, OutputInstance] = {}
        self._deviceType: Dict[DeviceUri, DeviceClass] = {}
        self.remapOut: Dict[Tuple[DeviceUri, OutputAttr], OutputRange] = {}


        # rename to activeSessons ?
        self.lastRequest: Dict[Tuple[ClientType, ClientSessionType], Tuple[UnixTime, Dict[Tuple[DeviceUri, DeviceAttr], VTUnion]]] = {}

        # (dev, devAttr): value to use instead of 0
        self.stickyAttrs: Dict[Tuple[DeviceUri, DeviceAttr], VTUnion] = {}

    def _compile(self):
        self._outputByUri = self._compileOutputByUri()
        self._outputMap = _outputMap(self.graph, set(self._outputByUri.keys()))

        for dc in self.graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9['DeviceClass']):
            dc = cast(DeviceClass, dc)
            for dev in self.graph.subjects(RDF.type, dc):
                dev = cast(DeviceUri, dev)
                self._deviceType[dev] = dc

    def _compileOutputByUri(self) -> Dict[OutputUri, OutputInstance]:
        ret = {}
        for output in self.outputs:
            ret[OutputUri(output.uri)] = output
        return ret

    def _compileRemapForDevice(self, dev: DeviceUri):
        for remap in self.graph.objects(dev, L9['outputAttrRange']):
            attr = typedValue(OutputAttr, self.graph, remap, L9['outputAttr'])
            start = typedValue(float, self.graph, remap, L9['start'])
            end = typedValue(float, self.graph, remap, L9['end'])
            self.remapOut[(dev, attr)] = OutputRange((start, end))

    def setAttrs(self, client: ClientType, clientSession: ClientSessionType, settings: DeviceSettings, sendTime: UnixTime):
        Given DeviceSettings, we resolve conflicting values,
        process them into output attrs, and call Output.update
        to send the new outputs.

        client is a string naming the type of client.
        (client, clientSession) is a unique client instance.
        clientSession is deprecated.

        Each client session's last settings will be forgotten
        after clientTimeoutSec.
        # todo: cleanup session code if we really don't want to be able to run multiple sessions of one client
        clientSession = ClientSessionType("no_longer_used")

        now = UnixTime(time.time())
        self._warnOnLateRequests(client, now, sendTime)


        self.lastRequest[(client, clientSession)] = (now, self._resolvedSettingsDict(settings))

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@@ -92,90 +92,90 @@ export class Light9AttrControl extends L

  private onValueProperty() {
    if (this.deviceAttrRow === null) throw new Error();
    if (this.effect !== null && this.graph !== undefined) {
      const p = this.effect.edit(this.deviceAttrRow.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri, this.value);
      if (p.adds.length || p.dels.length) {
        log("Effect told us to graph.patch", p, "to", this.graph);

  private onEffectProperty() {
    if (this.effect === null) throw new Error();
    // effect will read graph changes on its own, but emit an event when it does
    this.effect.settingsChanged.subscribe(() => {

  private effectSettingsChanged() {
    // something in the settings graph is new
    if (this.deviceAttrRow === null) throw new Error();
    if (this.effect === null) throw new Error();
    // log("graph->ui on ", this.deviceAttrRow.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri);
    const v = this.effect.currentValue(this.deviceAttrRow.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri);

  private onDeviceAttrRowProperty() {
    if (this.deviceAttrRow === null) throw new Error();
    const d = this.deviceAttrRow.dataType;
    if (d.equals(makeType("scalar"))) {
      this.dataType = "scalar";
    } else if (d.equals(makeType("color"))) {
      this.dataType = "color";
    } else if (d.equals(makeType("choice"))) {
      this.dataType = "choice";

  onValueInput(ev: CustomEvent) {
    if (ev.detail === undefined) {
      // not sure what this is, but it seems to be followed by good events
    log(ev.type, ev.detail.value);
    // log(ev.type, ev.detail.value);
    this.value = ev.detail.value;
    // this.graphToControls.controlChanged(this.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri, ev.detail.value);

  onGraphValueChanged(v: ControlValue | null) {
    if (this.deviceAttrRow === null) throw new Error();
    // log("change: control must display", v, "for", this.deviceAttrRow.device.value, this.deviceAttrRow.uri.value);
    // this.enableChange = false;
    if (this.dataType == "scalar") {
      if (v !== null) {
        this.value = v;
      } else {
        this.value = 0;
    } else if (this.dataType == "color") {
      this.value = v;

  goBlack() {
    this.value = "#000000";

  onChoice(value: any) {
    // if (value != null) {
    //   value = this.graph.Uri(value);
    // } else {
    //   value = null;
    // }

  onChange(value: any) {
    // if (typeof value === "number" && isNaN(value)) {
    //   return;
    // } // let onChoice do it
    // //log('change: control tells graph', @deviceAttrRow.uri.value, value)
    // if (value === undefined) {
    //   value = null;
    // }
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import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path

from light9.run_local import log

import rdfdb.service
from rdflib import URIRef

from light9 import showconfig
rdfRoot = Path(os.environ['LIGHT9_SHOW'].rstrip('/') + '/')
showUri = URIRef(showconfig.showUri() + '/')

app = rdfdb.service.makeApp(  #
    dirUriMap={rdfRoot: showUri},
        'show': showUri,
        '': URIRef(''),
        'rdf': URIRef(''),
        'rdfs': URIRef(''),
        'xsd': URIRef(''),
        'effect': URIRef(''),
        'dev': URIRef(''),
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