Changeset - 2ed61945d881
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Drew Perttula - 9 years ago 2016-06-12 11:25:27
adjusters hide at zoomed-out views. start inline-attrs box. note delete command
Ignore-this: b4674195f31c5bb82ecd7c0b3b7c8f3d
2 files changed with 101 insertions and 25 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -206,25 +206,30 @@ background: rgba(126, 52, 245, 0.0784313
     This element has the right Y coords.
     We compute X coords from the zoom setting.
     diagram-layer draws the note body. -->
<dom-module id="light9-timeline-note">
     :host {
         display: block;
         background: green;
         /* outline: 2px solid red; */
    <light9-timeline-note-inline-attrs rect="{{inlineRect}}"

<!-- All the adjusters you can edit or select.
     This element manages their layout and suppresion.
     Owns the selection.
     Maybe includes selecting things that don't even have adjusters.
     Maybe manages the layout of other labels and text too, to avoid overlaps.
<dom-module id="light9-timeline-adjusters">
@@ -293,33 +298,42 @@ background: rgba(126, 52, 245, 0.0784313
        <tr><td></td><td style="visibility: hidden">↑</td><td></td></tr>
        <tr><td>←</td><td><span id="label" class$="[[spanClass]]">[[displayValue]]</span></td><td>→</td></tr>
        <tr><td></td><td style="visibility: hidden">↓</td><td></td></tr>

<!-- sometimes we draw attrs within the shape of a note. -->
<dom-module id="light9-timeline-note-inline-attrs">

     #top {
         position: absolute;
         overflow: hidden;
         background: #7b7b7b;
         border-radius: 6px;
         box-shadow: 0 0 5px black;
         padding: 3px;
    <div id="top" style$="left: [[rect.left]]px; top: [[]]px; width: [[rect.width]]px; height: [[rect.height]]px; display: [[rect.display]]">
      <div>note [[noteLabel]] <button on-click="onDel">del</button></div>
        <tr><th>effect:</th><td><edit-choice uri="{{effect}}" label="{{effectLabel}}"></edit-choice></td></tr>
        <!-- <tr><th>color:</th><td>[[color]]</td></tr> -->
       is: "light9-timeline-note-inline-attrs",
       properties: {

<script src="/lib/sylvester/sylvester.js"></script>
<script src="/lib/d3/build/d3.min.js"></script>

<!-- version with -->
<script src="/lib/N3.js-pull61/browser/n3-browser.js"></script>
<!-- master version -->
<xxscript src="/lib/N3.js/browser/n3-browser.js"></script>
<script src="/lib/knockout/dist/knockout.debug.js"></script>
<script src="/lib/shortcut/index.js"></script>
Show inline comments
@@ -363,102 +363,156 @@ getCurvePoints = (graph, curve, xOffset)
  return worldPts

  is: 'light9-timeline-note'
  behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
  listeners: 'iron-resize': 'update'
    graph: { type: Object, notify: true }
    dia: { type: Object, notify: true }
    uri: { type: String, notify: true }
    zoomInX: { type: Object, notify: true }
    setAdjuster: {type: Function, notify: true}
    inlineRect: { type: Object, notify: true }
  observers: [
    'onUri(graph, dia, uri, zoomInX, setAdjuster)'
    'update(graph, dia, uri, zoomInX, setAdjuster)'
  ready: ->
    @adjusterIds = {}

  detached: ->
    log('detatch', @uri)
    @dia.clearElem(@uri, ['/area', '/label'])
    @isDetached = true

  clearAdjusters: ->
    for i in Object.keys(@adjusterIds)
      @setAdjuster(i, null)

  onUri: ->
    @graph.runHandler(@update.bind(@), "note updates #{@uri}")
  update: ->
    if @isDetached?
      log('skipping update', @uri)
    # update our note DOM and SVG elements based on the graph
    U = (x) -> @graph.Uri(x)
    worldPts = [] # (song time, value)

    yForV = (v) => @offsetTop + (1 - v) * @offsetHeight

    originTime = @graph.floatValue(@uri, U(':originTime'))
    for curve in @graph.objects(@uri, U(':curve'))
      if @graph.uriValue(curve, U(':attr')) == U(':strength')
        worldPts = getCurvePoints(@graph, curve, originTime)
        @updateStrengthCurveEtc(originTime, curve, yForV)
  updateStrengthCurveEtc: (originTime, curve, yForV) ->
    U = (x) -> @graph.Uri(x)
    worldPts = getCurvePoints(@graph, curve, originTime) # (song time, value)

        curveWidth = =>
          tMin = @graph.floatValue(worldPts[0].uri, U(':time'))
          tMax = @graph.floatValue(worldPts[3].uri, U(':time'))
          tMax - tMin            

    screenPts = ($V([@zoomInX(pt.e(1)), @offsetTop + (1 - pt.e(2)) * @offsetHeight]) for pt in worldPts)
    @dia.setNote(@uri, screenPts, label)

    leftX = screenPts[1].e(1) + 5
    rightX = screenPts[2].e(1) - 5
    w = 120
    h = 45
    @inlineRect = {
      left: leftX,
      top: @offsetTop + @offsetHeight - h - 5,
      width: w,
      height: h,
      display: if rightX - leftX > w then 'block' else 'none'

    if screenPts[3].e(1) - screenPts[0].e(1) < 100

        @adjusterIds[@uri+'/offset'] = true
        @setAdjuster(@uri+'/offset', => new AdjustableFloatObject({
          graph: @graph
          subj: @uri
          pred: @graph.Uri(':originTime')
          ctx: @graph.Uri(@song)
          getDisplayValue: (v, dv) => "o=#{dv}"
          getTargetPosForValue: (value) =>
            # display bug: should be working from pt[0].t, not from origin
            $V([@zoomInX(value + curveWidth() / 2), yForV(.5)])
          getValueForPos: (pos) =>
            @zoomInX.invert(pos.e(1)) - curveWidth() / 2
          getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([-10, 0])

        for pointNum in [0, 1, 2, 3]
      do (pointNum) =>
          @adjusterIds[@uri+'/p'+pointNum] = true
          @setAdjuster(@uri+'/p'+pointNum, =>
              adj = new AdjustableFloatObject({
                graph: @graph
                subj: worldPts[pointNum].uri
                pred: @graph.Uri(':time')
                ctx: @graph.Uri(@song)
                getTargetPosForValue: (value) => $V([@zoomInX(value), yForV(0)])
              getTargetPosForValue: (value) =>
                getValueForPos: (pos) =>
                  origin = @graph.floatValue(@uri, U(':originTime'))
                  (@zoomInX.invert(pos.e(1)) - origin)
                getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([0, -80])
              getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([0, (if worldPts[pointNum].e(2) > .5 then 30 else -30)])
              adj._getValue = (=>
                # note: don't use originTime from the closure- we need the
                # graph dependency
                adj._currentValue + @graph.floatValue(@uri, U(':originTime'))

    screenPos = (pt) =>
      $V([@zoomInX(pt.e(1)), @offsetTop + (1 - pt.e(2)) * @offsetHeight])

    label = @graph.uriValue(@uri, U(':effectClass')).replace(/.*\//, '')
    @dia.setNote(@uri, (screenPos(pt) for pt in worldPts), label)
  is: "light9-timeline-note-inline-attrs"
    graph: { type: Object, notify: true }
    song: { type: String, notify: true }
    uri: { type: String, notify: true }
    rect: { type: Object, notify: true }
    effect: { type: String, notify: true }
    effectLabel: { type: String, notify: true }
    color: { type: String, notify: true }
    noteLabel: { type: String, notify: true }
  observers: [
    'addHandler(graph, uri)'
  addHandler: ->
  update: ->
    U = (x) -> @graph.Uri(x)
    @effect = @graph.uriValue(@uri, U(':effectClass'))
    @effectLabel = @effect.replace(/.*\//, '')
    @noteLabel = @uri.replace(/.*\//, '')
    @color = '#ff0000'
  onDel: ->
    patch = {delQuads: [{subject: @song, predicate: @graph.Uri(':note'), object: @uri, graph: @song}], addQuads: []}


  is: "light9-timeline-adjusters"
    adjs: { type: Object, notify: true }, # adjId: Adjustable
    dia: { type: Object }

  ready: ->
    @adjs = {}
  setAdjuster: (adjId, makeAdjustable) ->
    # callers register/unregister the Adjustables they want us to make
@@ -479,24 +533,25 @@ Polymer
        if == adjId

    window.debug_adjsCount = Object.keys(@adjs).length
  adjsChanged: ->
    updateChildren @$.all, Object.keys(@adjs), (newUri) =>
      child = document.createElement('light9-timeline-adjuster')
      child.dia = @dia
      child.graph = @graph
      child.uri = newUri = newUri
      child.visible = true
      child.adj = @adjs[newUri]
      return child

  layoutCenters: ->
    # push Adjustable centers around to avoid overlaps
    qt = d3.quadtree()
    qt.extent([[0,0], [8000,8000]])
    for _, adj of @adjs
      desired = adj.getSuggestedCenter()
      output = desired
      for tries in [0...2]
@@ -520,64 +575,69 @@ Polymer
    for elem in @querySelectorAll('light9-timeline-adjuster')

  is: 'light9-timeline-adjuster'
    graph: { type: Object, notify: true }
    adj: { type: Object, notify: true }
    id: { type: String, notify: true }
    visible: { type: Boolean, notify: true }
    displayValue: { type: String }
    centerStyle: { type: Object }
    spanClass: { type: String, value: '' }

  observer: [
    'onAdj(graph, adj, dia, id)'
    'onAdj(graph, adj, dia, id, visible)'
  onAdj:  ->
    log('onAdj', @id)

  updateDisplay: () ->
    go = =>
      if !@visible
      @spanClass = if @adj.config.emptyBox then 'empty' else ''
      @displayValue = @adj.getDisplayValue()
      center = @adj.getCenter()
      target = @adj.getTarget()
      #log("adj updateDisplay center #{center.elements} target #{target.elements}")
      return if isNaN(center.e(1))
      @centerStyle = {x: center.e(1), y: center.e(2)}
      @dia.setAdjusterConnector( + '/conn', center, target)
    @debounce('updateDisplay', go, 1)
  attached: ->
    drag = d3.drag()
    sel =$.label)
    drag.subject((d) -> {x: @offsetLeft, y: @offsetTop})
    drag.on('start', () => @adj?.startDrag())
    drag.on 'drag', () =>
      @adj?.continueDrag($V([d3.event.x, d3.event.y]))
    drag.on('end', () => @adj?.endDrag())


  detached: ->
  detached: -> @clearElements()
  clearElements: ->
    @dia.clearElem(, ['/conn'])


svgPathFromPoints = (pts) ->
  out = ''
  pts.forEach (p) ->
    p = p.elements if p.elements # for vec2
    if out.length == 0
      out = 'M '
      out += 'L '
    out += '' + p[0] + ',' + p[1] + ' '
@@ -615,38 +675,40 @@ Polymer
    for suff in suffixes
      elem = @elemById[uri+suff]
      if elem
        delete @elemById[uri+suff]

  anyPointsInView: (pts) ->
    for pt in pts
      if pt.e(1) > -100 && pt.e(1) < 2500
        return true
    return false
  setNote: (uri, curvePts, effectLabel) ->
  setNote: (uri, curvePts) ->
    areaId = uri + '/area'
    labelId = uri + '/label'
    if not @anyPointsInView(curvePts)
      @clearElem(uri, ['/area', '/label'])
    # for now these need to be pretty transparent since they're
    # drawing on top of the inline-attrs widget :(
    elem = @getOrCreateElem(areaId, 'notes', 'path',
      {style:"fill:#53774b; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:1.5;"})
      {style:"fill:#53774b50; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:1.5;"})
    elem.setAttribute('d', svgPathFromPoints(curvePts))

    elem = @getOrCreateElem(uri+'/label', 'noteLabels', 'text', {style: "font-size:13px;line-height:125%;font-family:'Verana Sans';text-align:start;text-anchor:start;fill:#000000;"})
    elem.setAttribute('x', curvePts[0].e(1)+20)
    elem.setAttribute('y', curvePts[0].e(2)-10)
    elem.innerHTML = effectLabel;
    #elem = @getOrCreateElem(uri+'/label', 'noteLabels', 'text', {style: "font-size:13px;line-height:125%;font-family:'Verana Sans';text-align:start;text-anchor:start;fill:#000000;"})
    #elem.setAttribute('x', curvePts[0].e(1)+20)
    #elem.setAttribute('y', curvePts[0].e(2)-10)
    #elem.innerHTML = effectLabel;

  setCursor: (y1, h1, y2, h2, fullZoomX, zoomInX, cursor) ->
    @cursorPath =
      top: @querySelector('#cursor1')
      mid: @querySelector('#cursor2')
      bot: @querySelector('#cursor3')
    return if !
    xZoomedOut = fullZoomX(cursor.t())
    xZoomedIn = zoomInX(cursor.t()) 'd', svgPathFromPoints([
      [xZoomedOut, y1]
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)