Changeset - 321fc6150ee3
[Not reviewed]
0 8 2 - 12 years ago 2013-03-26 07:04:22
subcomposer's nice currently-editing DnD box
Ignore-this: f2a8542a4ab38dbe61b26c864da3bace
10 files changed with 493 insertions and 175 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -120,26 +120,13 @@ class SubmasterBox(Frame):
           ?session :subSetting [a :SubSetting; :sub ?s; :level ?l]
        # move to syncedgraph patchMapping
        with self.sub.graph.currentState() as graph:
            adds = set([])
            for setting in graph.objects(self.session, L9['subSetting']):
                if graph.value(setting, L9['sub']) == uri:
                setting = URIRef(self.session + "/setting/%s" %
                    (self.session, L9['subSetting'], setting, self.session),
                    (setting, RDF.type, L9['SubSetting'], self.session),
                    (setting, L9['sub'], uri, self.session),
            dels = set([])
            for prev in graph.objects(setting, L9['level']):
                dels.add((setting, L9['level'], prev, self.session))
            adds.add((setting, L9['level'], Literal(level), self.session))

            if adds != dels:
                self.sub.graph.patch(Patch(delQuads=dels, addQuads=adds))
                                    keyPred=L9['sub'], newKey=uri,
                                    valuePred=L9['level'], newValue=Literal(level))

    def updateLevelFromGraph(self):
        """read rdf level, write it to subbox.slider_var"""
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  observable(currentSub), a Submaster which tracks the graph

    EditChoice widget
      can change currentSub to another sub

    Levelbox widget
      watch observable(currentSub) for a new sub, and also watch currentSub for edits to push to the OneLevel widgets

        OneLevel widget
          UI edits are caught here and go all the way back to currentSub


from __future__ import division, nested_scopes
import time, logging
from optparse import OptionParser
import logging
import Tkinter as tk
@@ -10,14 +26,12 @@ from rdflib import URIRef

from run_local import log
from light9.dmxchanedit import Levelbox
from light9 import dmxclient, Patch, Submaster, showconfig, prof
from light9 import dmxclient, Patch, Submaster, prof
from light9.uihelpers import toplevelat
from light9.rdfdb.syncedgraph import SyncedGraph
from light9.rdfdb import clientsession
from light9.tkdnd import initTkdnd, dragSourceRegister, dropTargetRegister


class _NoNewVal(object):

@@ -94,6 +108,7 @@ class EditChoice(tk.Frame):


    def uriChanged(self, newUri):
        print "chg", newUri
        # i guess i show the label and icon for this
        if newUri is Local:
@@ -110,70 +125,98 @@ class Subcomposer(tk.Frame):
    editing. If we don't have a currentSub, then we're actually
    editing a session-local sub called <session> l9:currentSub <sessionLocalSub>

    I'm not sure that Locals should even be PersistentSubmaster with
    uri and graph storage, but I think that way is making fewer
    special cases.

    Contains an EditChoice widget

    UI actions:
    - drag a sub uri on here to make it the one we're editing

    - button to clear the currentSub (putting it back to
      sessionLocalSub, and also resetting sessionLocalSub to be empty

    - drag the sub uri off of here to send it to another receiver, but
      session local sub is not easily addressable elsewhere

    - make a new sub: transfers the current data (from a shared sub or
      from the local one) to the new sub. If you're on a local sub,
      the new sub is named automatically, ideally something brief,
      pretty distinct, readable, and based on the lights that are
      on. If you're on a named sub, the new one starts with a
      'namedsub 2' style name. The uri can also be with a '2' suffix,
      although maybe that will be stupid. If you change the name
      before anyone knows about this uri, we could update the current
      sub's uri to a slug of the new label.
      graph (?session :currentSub ?s) -> self.currentSub
      self.currentSub -> graph
      self.currentSub -> self._currentChoice (which might be Local)
      self._currentChoice (which might be Local) -> self.currentSub

    - rename this sub: not available if you're on a local sub. Sets
      the label of a named sub. Might update the uri of the named sub
      if it's new enough that no one else would have that uri. Not
      sure where we measure that 'new enough' value. Maybe track if
      the sub has 'never been dragged out of this subcomposer
      session'? But subs will also show up in other viewers and
      inside the current sub:
      graph -> Submaster levels (handled in Submaster)
      Submaster levels -> OneLevel widget
      OneLevel widget -> Submaster.editLevel
      Submaster.editLevel -> graph (handled in Submaster)

    def __init__(self, master, graph, session):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, bg='black')
        self.graph = graph
        self.session = session
        self.currentSub = Submaster.PersistentSubmaster(graph, URIRef('http://hello'))

        self.levelbox = Levelbox(self, graph)
        # this is a PersistentSubmaster (even for local) or None if we're not initialized
        self.currentSub = Observable(None)

        currentUri = Observable(Local)
        currentUri = Observable("http://curr")

        def pc(val):
  "change viewed sub to %s", val)
            print "change viewed sub to", val

        EditChoice(self, self.graph, currentUri).frame.pack(side='top')
        EditChoice(self, self.graph, self._currentChoice).frame.pack(side='top')

    def setupSubChoiceLinks(self):

        def ann():
            print "currently: session=%s currentSub=%r _currentChoice=%r" % (
                self.session, self.currentSub(), self._currentChoice())

        def alltozero():
            for lev in self.levelbox.levels:
        def graphChanged():
            s = graph.value(self.session, L9['currentSub'])
            if s is None:
                s = self.makeLocal()
            self.currentSub(Submaster.PersistentSubmaster(graph, s))

        tk.Button(self, text="all to zero", command=alltozero).pack(side='top')
        def subChanged(newSub):
            if newSub is None:
                                  self.session, L9['currentSub'], None)
                              self.session, L9['currentSub'], newSub.uri)

        dispatcher.connect(self.sendupdate, "levelchanged")
            if newSub and 'local' in newSub.uri: # wrong- use rdf:type or something?
                # i think right here is the point that the last local
                # becomes garbage, and we could clean it up. 

        dispatcher.connect(self.levelsChanged, "sub levels changed")
        def choiceChanged(newChoice):
            if newChoice is Local:
                newChoice = self.makeLocal()
            if newChoice is not None:
                    graph, newChoice))

    def switchToLocalSub(self, *args):
        stop editing a shared sub and go back to our local sub
    def levelsChanged(self, sub):
        if sub == self.currentSub():

    def fill_both_boxes(self, subname):
        for box in [self.savebox, self.loadbox]:
    def makeLocal(self):
        # todo: put a type on this, so subChanged can identify it right
        # todo: where will these get stored, or are they local to this
        # subcomposer process and don't use PersistentSubmaster at all?
        return URIRef("http://local/%s" % time.time())
    def setupLevelboxUi(self):
        self.levelbox = Levelbox(self, graph, self.currentSub)

        tk.Button(self, text="All to zero",
             command=lambda *args: self.currentSub().clear()).pack(side='top')

    def savenewsub(self, subname):
@@ -184,58 +227,49 @@ class Subcomposer(tk.Frame):


    # this is going to be more like 'tie to sub' and 'untied'
    def loadsub(self, subname):
        """puts a sub into the levels, replacing old level values"""

    def toDmxLevels(self):
        # the dmx levels we edit and output, range is 0..1 (dmx chan 1 is
        # the 0 element)
        out = {}
        for lev in self.levelbox.levels:
            out[lev.channelnum] = lev.currentlevel
        if not out:
            return []

        return [out.get(i, 0) for i in range(max(out.keys()) + 1)]

    def sendupdate(self):
        dmxclient.outputlevels(self.toDmxLevels(), twisted=True)
        d = self.currentSub().get_dmx_list()
        dmxclient.outputlevels(d, twisted=True)


class EntryCommand(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master, verb="Save", cmd=None):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, bd=2, relief='raised')
        tk.Label(self, text="Sub name:").pack(side='left')
        self.cmd = cmd
        self.entry = tk.Entry(self)
        self.entry.pack(side='left', expand=True, fill='x')
def launch(opts, args, root, graph, session):
    if not opts.no_geometry:
        toplevelat("subcomposer - %s" % opts.session, root, graph, session)

    sc = Subcomposer(root, graph, session)

        self.entry.bind("<Return>", self.action)
        tk.Button(self, text=verb, command=self.action).pack(side='left')
    tk.Label(root,text="Bindings: B1 adjust level; B2 set full; B3 instant bump",
             font="Helvetica -12 italic",anchor='w').pack(side='top',fill='x')

    if len(args) == 1:
        # it might be a little too weird that cmdline arg to this
        # process changes anything else in the same session. But also
        # I'm not sure who would ever make 2 subcomposers of the same
        # session (except when quitting and restarting, to get the
        # same window pos), so maybe it doesn't matter. But still,
        # this tool should probably default to making new sessions
        # usually instead of loading the same one

    def action(self, *args):
        subname = self.entry.get()
"command %s %s", self.cmd, subname)
        print "sub", self.cmd, subname

    def set(self, text):
        self.entry.delete(0, 'end')
        self.entry.insert(0, text)



if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [subname]")
    parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [suburi]")
    parser.add_option('--no-geometry', action='store_true',
                      help="don't save/restore window geometry")
    opts, args = parser.parse_args()


@@ -245,21 +279,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
    graph = SyncedGraph("subcomposer")
    session = clientsession.getUri('subcomposer', opts)

    if not opts.no_geometry:
        toplevelat("subcomposer - %s" % opts.session, root, graph, session)

    sc = Subcomposer(root, graph, session)

    tk.Label(root,text="Bindings: B1 adjust level; B2 set full; B3 instant bump",
             font="Helvetica -12 italic",anchor='w').pack(side='top',fill='x')

    if len(args) == 1:
        root.config(bg='green') # trying to make these look distinctive

    graph.initiallySynced.addCallback(lambda _: launch(opts, args, root, graph, session))

    root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', reactor.stop)
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@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from louie import dispatcher
log = logging.getLogger('submaster')

class Submaster(object):
    "Contain a dictionary of levels, but you didn't need to know that"
    """mapping of channels to levels"""
    def __init__(self, name, levels):
        """this sub has a name just for debugging. It doesn't get persisted.
        See PersistentSubmaster.
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ class Submaster(object):

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        # not sure how useful this is
        if not isinstance(other, Submaster):
            return -1
        return cmp(self.ident(), other.ident())

    def __hash__(self):
@@ -82,7 +84,8 @@ class Submaster(object):
                dmxchan = Patch.get_dmx_channel(k) - 1
            except ValueError:
                log.error("error trying to compute dmx levels for submaster %s" %
                log.error("error trying to compute dmx levels for submaster %s"
            if dmxchan >= len(levels):
                levels.extend([0] * (dmxchan - len(levels) + 1))
@@ -124,6 +127,8 @@ class Submaster(object):

class PersistentSubmaster(Submaster):
    def __init__(self, graph, uri):
        if uri is None:
            raise TypeError("uri must be URIRef")
        self.graph, self.uri = graph, uri
@@ -148,6 +153,8 @@ class PersistentSubmaster(Submaster):
        if oldLevels != self.levels:
  "sub %s changed" %
            # dispatcher too? this would help subcomposer
            dispatcher.send("sub levels changed", sub=self)

    def setLevelsFromGraph(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'levels'):
@@ -155,16 +162,55 @@ class PersistentSubmaster(Submaster):
            self.levels = {}
        for lev in self.graph.objects(self.uri, L9['lightLevel']):
            log.debug(" lightLevel %s %s", self.uri, lev)
            chan = self.graph.value(lev, L9['channel'])

            name = self.graph.label(chan)
            if not name:
                log.error("sub %r has channel %r with no name- leaving out that channel" % (, chan))
                log.error("sub %r has channel %r with no name- "
                          "leaving out that channel" % (, chan))
            val = self.graph.value(lev, L9['level'])
            if val is None:
                raise ValueError("sub %r has lightLevel %r with channel %r "
                                 "and level %r" % (self.uri, lev, chan, val))
            log.debug("   new val %r", val)
            self.levels[name] = float(val)
                log.error("name %r val %r" % (name, val))

    def saveContext(self):
        """the context in which we should save all the lightLevel triples for
        this sub"""
        with self.graph.currentState() as g:
                ctx = g.contextsForStatement(
                    (self.uri, RDF.type, L9['Submaster']))[0]
            except IndexError:
                raise ValueError(
                    "no context has %s rdf:type :Submaster, "
                    "so I don't know where to save this sub's data" % self.uri)
        return ctx

    def editLevel(self, chan, newLevel):
                                subject=self.uri, predicate=L9['lightLevel'],
                                keyPred=L9['channel'], newKey=chan,

    def clear(self):
        """set all levels to 0"""
        with self.graph.currentState() as g:
            levs = list(g.objects(self.uri, L9['lightLevel']))
        for lev in levs:
            self.graph.removeMappingNode(self.saveContext(), lev)

    def save(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("obsolete?")
        if self.temporary:
  "not saving temporary sub named %s",
@@ -176,7 +222,10 @@ class PersistentSubmaster(Submaster):
                chanUri = Patch.get_channel_uri(chan)
            except KeyError:
                log.error("saving dmx channels with no :Channel node is not supported yet. Give channel %s a URI for it to be saved. Omitting this channel from the sub." % chan)
                log.error("saving dmx channels with no :Channel node "
                          "is not supported yet. Give channel %s a URI "
                          "for it to be saved. Omitting this channel "
                          "from the sub." % chan)
            lev = BNode()
            graph.add((subUri, L9['lightLevel'], lev))
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@@ -18,9 +18,8 @@ proposal for new attribute system:
from __future__ import nested_scopes,division
import Tkinter as tk
from rdflib import RDF
from rdflib import RDF, Literal
from light9.namespaces import L9
import louie as dispatcher

stdfont = ('Arial', 9)

@@ -36,12 +35,23 @@ class Onelevel(tk.Frame):
        ch:b11-c     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c54;
         rdfs:label "b11-c" .

    and the level is like this:

       ?editor :currentSub ?sub .
       ?sub :lightLevel [:channel ?ch; :level ?level] .

    levels come in with self.setTo and go out by the onLevelChange
    callback. This object does not use the graph for level values,
    which I'm doing for what I think is efficiency. Unclear why I
    didn't use Observable for that API.
    def __init__(self, parent, graph, channelUri):
    def __init__(self, parent, graph, channelUri, onLevelChange):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self,parent, height=20)
        self.graph = graph
        self.onLevelChange = onLevelChange
        self.uri = channelUri
        self.currentlevel = 0 # the level we're displaying, 0..1
        self.currentLevel = 0 # the level we're displaying, 0..1

        # no statement yet
        self.channelnum = int(
@@ -73,7 +83,6 @@ class Onelevel(tk.Frame):
                                  padx=1, pady=0, bd=0, height=1)


    def updateLabel(self):
@@ -83,10 +92,10 @@ class Onelevel(tk.Frame):
        def b1down(ev):
        def b1motion(ev):
            self.setlevel(max(0, min(1, self._start_lev+delta*.005)))
        def b1up(ev):
        def b3up(ev):
@@ -114,28 +123,40 @@ class Onelevel(tk.Frame):

    def setlevel(self, newlev):
        """the main program is telling us to change our
        display. newlev is 0..1"""
        self.currentlevel = min(1, max(0, newlev))
        newlev = "%d" % (self.currentlevel * 100)
        """UI received a level change, which we put in the graph"""
        self.onLevelChange(self.uri, newlev)

    def setTo(self, newLevel):
        """levelbox saw a change in the graph"""
        self.currentLevel = min(1, max(0, newLevel))
        newLevel = "%d" % (self.currentLevel * 100)
        if newlev!=olddisplay:
        if newLevel != olddisplay:
        dispatcher.send("levelchanged", channel=self.uri, newlevel=newlev)


class Levelbox(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent, graph):
    this also watches all the levels in the sub and sets the boxes when they change
    def __init__(self, parent, graph, currentSub):
        currentSub is an Observable(PersistentSubmaster)

        self.currentSub = currentSub
        self.graph = graph

        self.currentSub.subscribe(lambda _: graph.addHandler(self.updateLevelValues))

    def updateChannels(self):
        """(re)make Onelevel boxes for the defined channels"""

        [ch.destroy() for ch in self.winfo_children()]
        self.levels = [] # Onelevel objects
        self.levelFromUri = {} # channel : OneLevel

        chans = list(self.graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9.Channel))
        chans.sort(key=lambda c: int(self.graph.value(c, L9.output).rsplit('/c')[-1]))
@@ -151,14 +172,33 @@ class Levelbox(tk.Frame):

        for i, channel in enumerate(chans): # sort?
            # frame for this channel
            f = Onelevel(columnFrames[i // rows], self.graph, channel)
            f = Onelevel(columnFrames[i // rows], self.graph, channel,

            self.levelFromUri[channel] = f

    def updateLevelValues(self):
        """set UI level from graph"""
        submaster = self.currentSub()
        if submaster is None:
        sub = submaster.uri
        if sub is None:
            raise ValueError("currentSub is %r" % submaster)

    def setlevels(self,newlevels):
        """sets levels to the new list of dmx levels (0..1). list can
        be any length"""
        for l,newlev in zip(self.levels,newlevels):
        remaining = set(self.levelFromUri.keys())
        for ll in self.graph.objects(sub, L9['lightLevel']):
            chan = self.graph.value(ll, L9['channel'])
            lev = self.graph.value(ll, L9['level']).toPython()
        for channel in remaining:

    def onLevelChange(self, chan, newLevel):
        """UI received a change which we put in the graph"""
        if self.currentSub() is None:
            raise ValueError("no currentSub in Levelbox")
        self.currentSub().editLevel(chan, newLevel)

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new file 100644
import Tkinter as tk
from rdflib import URIRef
from light9.tkdnd import dragSourceRegister, dropTargetRegister

class Local(object):
    """placeholder for the local uri that EditChoice does not
    manage. Set resourceObservable to Local to indicate that you're

class EditChoice(tk.Frame):
    Observable <-> linker UI

    widget for tying some UI to a shared resource for editing, or
    unlinking it (which means associating it with a local resource
    that's not named or shared). This object does not own the choice
    of resource; the caller does.

    UI actions:
    - drag a uri on here to make it the one we're editing

    - button to clear the currentSub (putting it back to
      sessionLocalSub, and also resetting sessionLocalSub to be empty

    - drag the sub uri off of here to send it to another receiver,
      but, if we're in local mode, the local sub should not be so
      easily addressable. Maybe you just can't drag it off.



    - filter by type so you can't drag a curve onto a subcomposer

    - 'save new' : make a new sub: transfers the current data (from a shared sub or
      from the local one) to the new sub. If you're on a local sub,
      the new sub is named automatically, ideally something brief,
      pretty distinct, readable, and based on the lights that are
      on. If you're on a named sub, the new one starts with a
      'namedsub 2' style name. The uri can also be with a '2' suffix,
      although maybe that will be stupid. If you change the name
      before anyone knows about this uri, we could update the current
      sub's uri to a slug of the new label.

    - rename this sub: not available if you're on a local sub. Sets
      the label of a named sub. Might update the uri of the named sub
      if it's new enough that no one else would have that uri. Not
      sure where we measure that 'new enough' value. Maybe track if
      the sub has 'never been dragged out of this subcomposer
      session'? But subs will also show up in other viewers and

    - list of recent resources that this choice was set to
    def __init__(self, parent, graph, resourceObservable):
        getResource is called to get the URI of the currently
        self.graph = graph
        self.frame = tk.Frame(parent, relief='raised', border=2)
        tk.Label(self.frame, text="Editing:").pack(side='left')
        self.currentLinkFrame = tk.Frame(self.frame)

        self.subIcon = tk.Label(self.currentLinkFrame, text="...",
                                borderwidth=2, relief='raised',
                                padx=10, pady=10)

        self.resourceObservable = resourceObservable

        # when the value is local, this should stop being a drag source
        dragSourceRegister(self.subIcon, 'copy', 'text/uri-list',
        def onEv(ev):
            return "link"
        self.onEv = onEv

        b=tk.Button(self.frame, text="Unlink", command=self.switchToLocalSub)

        # it would be nice if I didn't receive my own drags here, and
        # if the hover display wasn't per widget
        for target in ([self.frame, self.currentLinkFrame] +
                       self.frame.winfo_children() +
            dropTargetRegister(target, typeList=["*"], onDrop=onEv,

    def uriChanged(self, newUri):
        # if this resource had a type icon or a thumbnail, those would be
        # cool to show in here too
        if newUri is Local:

    def updateLabel(self):
        uri = self.resourceObservable()
        print "get label", repr(uri)
        label = self.graph.label(uri)
        self.subIcon.config(text=label or uri)

    def switchToLocalSub(self):

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new file 100644
class _NoNewVal(object):

class Observable(object):
    like knockout's observable. Hopefully this can be replaced by a
    better python one

    compare with:
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val
        self.subscribers = set()

    def __call__(self, newVal=_NoNewVal):
        if newVal is _NoNewVal:
            return self.val
        if newVal == self.val:
            print "%r unchanged from %r" % (newVal, self.val)
        self.val = newVal
        for s in self.subscribers:

    def subscribe(self, cb, callNow=True):
        """cb is called with new values, and also right now with the
        current value unless you opt out"""
        if callNow:
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@@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ class Patch(object):
    def addQuads(self):
        if self._addQuads is None:
            if self._addGraph is None:
                return []
            self._addQuads = list(quadsWithContextUris(
            if self._addGraph is not None:
                self._addQuads = list(self._addGraph.quads(ALLSTMTS))
        return self._addQuads

    def delQuads(self):
        if self._delQuads is None:
            if self._delGraph is None:
                return []
            self._delQuads = list(quadsWithContextUris(
            if self._delGraph is not None:
                self._delQuads = list(self._delGraph.quads(ALLSTMTS))
        return self._delQuads

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from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph, RDFS, RDF, Graph
import logging, cyclone.httpclient, traceback, urllib
from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph, RDFS, RDF, URIRef
import logging, cyclone.httpclient, traceback, urllib, random
from itertools import chain
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
log = logging.getLogger('syncedgraph')
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch, ALLSTMTS
from light9.rdfdb.rdflibpatch import patchQuads
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch
from light9.rdfdb.rdflibpatch import patchQuads, contextsForStatement as rp_contextsForStatement

# everybody who writes literals needs to get this
from rdflibpatch_literal import patch


def sendPatch(putUri, patch, **kw):
@@ -176,6 +182,12 @@ class SyncedGraph(object):
    This api is like rdflib.Graph but it can also call you back when
    there are graph changes to the parts you previously read.

    You may want to attach to self.initiallySynced deferred so you
    don't attempt patches before we've heard the initial contents of
    the graph. It would be ok to accumulate some patches of new
    material, but usually you won't correctly remove the existing
    statements unless we have the correct graph.

    If we get out of sync, we abandon our local graph (even any
    pending local changes) and get the data again from the
@@ -185,6 +197,7 @@ class SyncedGraph(object):
        label is a string that the server will display in association
        with your connection
        self.initiallySynced = defer.Deferred()
        _graph = self._graph = ConjunctiveGraph()
        self._watchers = GraphWatchers()

@@ -201,6 +214,11 @@ class SyncedGraph(object):
                # receive its patch correctly.

            if self.initiallySynced:
                self.initiallySynced = None


        listen = reactor.listenTCP(0, cyclone.web.Application(handlers=[
            (r'/update', makePatchEndpoint(onPatch)),
@@ -258,7 +276,7 @@ class SyncedGraph(object):
        # these could fail if we're out of sync. One approach:
        # Rerequest the full state from the server, try the patch
        # again after that, then give up.
"%s add %s", [q[2] for q in p.delQuads], [q[2] for q in  p.addQuads])
        patchQuads(self._graph, p.delQuads, p.addQuads, perfect=True)
@@ -268,6 +286,7 @@ class SyncedGraph(object):
        we asked for a patch to be queued and sent to the master, and
        that ultimately failed because of a conflict
        print "sendFailed"
        #i think we should receive back all the pending patches,
        #do a resysnc here,
        #then requeue all the pending patches (minus the failing one?) after that's done.
@@ -275,7 +294,10 @@ class SyncedGraph(object):

    def patchObject(self, context, subject, predicate, newObject):
        """send a patch which removes existing values for (s,p,*,c)
        and adds (s,p,newObject,c). Values in other graphs are not affected"""
        and adds (s,p,newObject,c). Values in other graphs are not affected.

        newObject can be None, which will remove all (subj,pred,*) statements.

        existing = []
        for spo in self._graph.triples((subject, predicate, None),
@@ -284,15 +306,55 @@ class SyncedGraph(object):
        # what layer is supposed to cull out no-op changes?
            addQuads=[(subject, predicate, newObject, context)]))
            addQuads=([(subject, predicate, newObject, context)]
                      if newObject is not None else [])))

    def patchMapping(self, context, subject, predicate, nodeClass, keyPred, valuePred, newKey, newValue):
        creates/updates a structure like this:

    def patchMapping(self, context, subject, predicate, keyPred, valuePred, newKey, newValue):
           ?subject ?predicate [
             a ?nodeClass;
             ?keyPred ?newKey;
             ?valuePred ?newValue ] .

        There should be a complementary readMapping that gets you a
        value since that's tricky too
        proposed api for updating things like ?session :subSetting [
        :sub ?s; :level ?v ]. Keyboardcomposer has an implementation
        already. There should be a complementary readMapping that gets
        you a value since that's tricky too

        with self.currentState() as graph:
            adds = set([])
            for setting in graph.objects(subject, predicate):
                if graph.value(setting, keyPred) == newKey:
                setting = URIRef(subject + "/map/%s" %
                    (subject, predicate, setting, context),
                    (setting, RDF.type, nodeClass, context),
                    (setting, keyPred, newKey, context),
            dels = set([])
            for prev in graph.objects(setting, valuePred):
                dels.add((setting, valuePred, prev, context))
            adds.add((setting, valuePred, newValue, context))

            if adds != dels:
                self.patch(Patch(delQuads=dels, addQuads=adds))

    def removeMappingNode(self, context, node):
        removes the statements with this node as subject or object, which
        is the right amount of statements to remove a node that
        patchMapping made.
        p = Patch(delQuads=[spo+(context,) for spo in
                            chain(self._graph.triples((None, None, node),
                                  self._graph.triples((node, None, None),

    def addHandler(self, func):
@@ -333,12 +395,21 @@ class SyncedGraph(object):
        a graph you can read without being in an addHandler
        if context is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("currentState with context arg")

        class Mgr(object):
            def __enter__(self2):
                # this should be a readonly view of the existing graph
                g = Graph()
                for s in self._graph.triples((None, None, None), context):
                # this should be a readonly view of the existing
                # graph, maybe with something to guard against
                # writes/patches happening while reads are being
                # done. Typical usage will do some reads on this graph
                # before moving on to writes.
                g = ConjunctiveGraph()
                for s,p,o,c in self._graph.quads((None,None,None)):
          ,p,o), c)
                g.contextsForStatement = lambda t: contextsForStatementNoWildcards(g, t)
                return g

            def __exit__(self, type, val, tb):
@@ -388,7 +459,19 @@ class SyncedGraph(object):
        self._watchers.addPredObjWatcher(func, predicate, object)
        return self._graph.subjects(predicate, object)

    # i find myself wanting 'patch' versions of these calls that tell
    def contextsForStatement(self, triple):
        """currently this needs to be in an addHandler section, but it
        sets no watchers so it won't actually update if the statement
        was added or dropped from contexts"""
        func = self._getCurrentFunc()
        return contextsForStatementNoWildcards(self._graph, triple)

    # i find myself wanting 'patch' (aka enter/leave) versions of these calls that tell
    # you only what results have just appeared or disappeared. I think
    # I'm going to be repeating that logic a lot. Maybe just for the
    # subjects(RDF.type, t) call

def contextsForStatementNoWildcards(g, triple):
    if None in triple:
        raise NotImplementedError("no wildcards")
    return rp_contextsForStatement(g, triple)
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@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@

          function collapseCuries(s) {
            // this is temporary. The correct thing is to parse the quad (or receive it as a tree) and then make links to the full URIs and display curies of them

              return s
                  .replace(/<http:\/\/\/2001\/XMLSchema#/g, function (match, short) { return "xsd:"+short; })
                  .replace(/<http:\/\/\/(.*?)>/g, function (match, short) { return "light9:"+short; })
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@@ -62,15 +62,11 @@ def toplevelat(name, existingtoplevel=No

    def savePos(ev):
        geo = tl.geometry()
        if not isinstance(ev.widget, Tkinter.Tk):
            # I think these are due to internal widget size changes,
            # not the toplevel changing

        # todo: need a way to filter out the startup window sizes that
        # weren't set by the user
        if geo.startswith("1x1") or geo.startswith(("378x85", "378x86")):
        # this is trying to not save all the startup automatic window
        # sizes. I don't have a better plan for this yet.
        if graphSetTime[0] == 0 or time.time() < graphSetTime[0] + 3:

        if geo == lastSaved[0]:
        if not setOnce[0]:
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