Changeset - 35468f1dcf38
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0 - 3 years ago 2022-06-01 19:20:11
2 files changed with 2 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -10,48 +10,49 @@ class Note
  constructor: (@parentElem, @container, @project, @graph, @selection, @uri, @setAdjuster, @song, @viewState, @brickLayout) ->
    @adjusterIds = new Set() # id string
    @updateSoon = _.debounce(@update.bind(@), 30)

  initWatchers: ->
    @graph.runHandler(@update.bind(@), "note update #{@uri.value}")
    ko.computed @update.bind(@)

  destroy: ->
    log('destroy', @uri.value)
    @isDetached = true
    @parentElem.updateInlineAttrs(@uri, null)

  clearAdjusters: ->
    @adjusterIds.forEach (i) =>
      @setAdjuster(i, null)

  getCurvePoints: (subj, curveAttr) ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    originTime = @graph.floatValue(subj, U(':originTime'))

    for curve in @graph.objects(subj, U(':curve'))
      # todo: maybe shoudl be :effectAttr?
      if @graph.uriValue(curve, U(':attr')).equals(curveAttr)
        return @project.getCurvePoints(curve, originTime)
    throw new Error("curve #{@uri.value} has no attr #{curveAttr.value}")

  midPoint: (i0, i1) ->
    p0 = @worldPts[i0]
    p1 = @worldPts[i1]

  _planDrawing: ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    [pointUris, worldPts] = @getCurvePoints(@uri, U(':strength'))
    effect = @graph.uriValue(@uri, U(':effectClass'))

    yForV = @brickLayout.yForVFor(@)
    dependOn = [@viewState.zoomSpec.t1(),
    screenPts = (new PIXI.Point(@viewState.zoomInX(pt.e(1)),
                                yForV(pt.e(2))) for pt in worldPts)
    return {
      yForV: yForV
      worldPts: worldPts
      screenPts: screenPts
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@@ -31,48 +31,49 @@ class Project
      quads.push(quad(ts, U(':deviceAttr'), @graph.uriValue(fs, U(':deviceAttr'))))
        quads.push(quad(ts, U(':value'), @graph.uriValue(fs, U(':value'))))
        quads.push(quad(ts, U(':scaledValue'), @graph.uriValue(fs, U(':scaledValue'))))

    @graph.applyAndSendPatch({delQuads: [], addQuads: quads})
    return effect

  makeNewNote: (song, effect, dropTime, desiredWidthT) ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    quad = (s, p, o) => @graph.Quad(s, p, o, song)

    newNote = @graph.nextNumberedResource("#{song.value}/n")
    newCurve = @graph.nextNumberedResource("#{newNote.value}c")
    points = @graph.nextNumberedResources("#{newCurve.value}p", 4)

    curveQuads = [
        quad(song, U(':note'), newNote)
        quad(newNote, U('rdf:type'), U(':Note'))
        quad(newNote, U(':originTime'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(dropTime))
        quad(newNote, U(':effectClass'), effect)
        quad(newNote, U(':curve'), newCurve)
        quad(newCurve, U('rdf:type'), U(':Curve'))
        # todo: maybe shoudl be :effectAttr?
        quad(newCurve, U(':attr'), U(':strength'))

    pointQuads = []
    for i in [0...4]
      pt = points[i]
      pointQuads.push(quad(newCurve, U(':point'), pt))
      pointQuads.push(quad(pt, U(':time'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(i/3 * desiredWidthT)))
      pointQuads.push(quad(pt, U(':value'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(i == 1 or i == 2)))

    patch = {
      delQuads: []
      addQuads: curveQuads.concat(pointQuads)

  getCurvePoints: (curve, xOffset) ->
    worldPts = []
    uris = @graph.objects(curve, @graph.Uri(':point'))
    for pt in uris
      tm = @graph.floatValue(pt, @graph.Uri(':time'))
      val = @graph.floatValue(pt, @graph.Uri(':value'))
      v = $V([xOffset + tm, val])
      v.uri = pt
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