Changeset - 38a17186ef35
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0 2 0 - 14 years ago 2011-06-20 18:47:35
2 files changed with 32 insertions and 4 deletions:
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@@ -54,12 +54,40 @@ port vidref to store pics in mongodb gri
consider doing all the lighting from seats in the house, with wifi or
ethernet or dmx+audio to the booth


pay attention to levels between songs in medlies, not just the
per-dance normalization

curtain warmer
turn off lcd
make curtain warmer
turn off lcd to fix the audio buzz
direct net
kill unnecessary daemons

show 2011:

big trouble with music player stopping at the end time, instead of
resetting to zero. then i ran the next curvecalc and it brought lights
on between songs. we worked around it by playing the next song and
then pausing it before it got to 4sec.

looks like the magic .2 sec threshold in might not be
working. that should be a proper gstreamer event at the real end

blacklight in 15 didn't seem to work

got through 16 songs until the sliders disconnected from KC, leaving
the solo special on until i could grab the mouse and take it
out. worked around this by restarting a zeroed-out KC so it
reconnected to sliders. i am still getting no error messages anywhere
for this slider failure. maybe i can constantly ping the sliders

16 goes briefly to black at 323!

16 the color and back chases that last until 512, those are really
extreme and long, when the theater is all dark. we should have been
stricter about dark theater during the day




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