Changeset - 3b1a435a29b8
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Drew Perttula - 12 years ago 2013-06-08 08:22:39
start fixing curvecalc data model; not done yet
Ignore-this: 9960bef2556cd57da749e921bcf3248
3 files changed with 29 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -26,24 +26,25 @@ import run_local
from light9 import showconfig, prof, networking
from light9.rdfdb import clientsession
from light9.curvecalc.curve import Curveset
from light9.curvecalc import curveview 
from light9.curvecalc.musicaccess import Music, currentlyPlayingSong
from light9.wavelength import wavelength
from light9.namespaces import L9
from light9.curvecalc.subterm import savekey, graphPathForSubterms
from light9.curvecalc.subtermview import add_one_subterm
from light9.curvecalc.output import Output
from light9.gtkpyconsole import togglePyConsole
from light9.rdfdb.syncedgraph import SyncedGraph
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch
from light9.editchoicegtk import EditChoice
from light9.observable import Observable

class SubtermExists(ValueError):

class Main(object):
    def __init__(self, graph, opts, session, curveset, subterms, music):
        self.graph, self.opts, self.session = graph, opts, session
        self.curveset, self.subterms, = curveset, subterms, music
        self.lastSeenInputTime = 0

@@ -148,31 +149,44 @@ class Main(object):
        dialog = self.wtree.get_object("newSubterm")
        # the plan is to autocomplete this on existing subterm names
        # (but let you make one up, too)
        entry = self.wtree.get_object("newSubtermName").get_children()[0]
        if == 1:
            newname = entry.get_text()
            wc = self.wtree.get_object("newSubtermMakeCurve").get_active()
            self.makeSubterm(newname, withCurve=wc)

    def currentSong(self):
        with self.graph.currentState() as current:
            return current.value(self.session, L9['currentSong'])

    def songSubtermsContext(self):
        return self.currentSong()

    def makeSubterm(self, newname, withCurve=False, expr=None):
        uri = L9['sub/%s' % newname]
        if (uri, RDF.type, L9.Subterm) in self.graph:
            raise SubtermExists("already have a subterm named %r" % newname)
        self.graph.add((uri, RDF.type, L9.Subterm))
        self.graph.add((uri, RDFS.label, Literal(newname)))
        self.graph.add((, L9['subterm'], uri))
        with self.graph.currentState() as current:
            if (uri, RDF.type, L9.Subterm) in current:
                raise SubtermExists("already have a subterm named %r" % newname)

        ctx = self.songSubtermsContext()
            (uri, RDF.type, L9.Subterm, ctx),
            (uri, RDFS.label, Literal(newname), ctx),
            (self.currentSong(), L9['subterm'], uri, ctx),
        if withCurve:

    def add_subterms_for_song(self):
        master = self.wtree.get_object("subterms")
        [master.remove(c) for c in master.get_children()]

        song = self.graph.value(self.session, L9['currentSong'])
        for st in self.graph.objects(song, L9['subterm']):
  "song %s has subterm %s", song, st)
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new file 100644


  -- :subterm -->
       -- rdfs:label --> "chase 1"
       -- :sub --> sub
       -- :expression --> "curve1(t)"
\ No newline at end of file
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import gtk, logging
from louie import dispatcher
from rdflib import RDF, RDFS, Literal
from rdflib import URIRef
from light9 import Submaster
from light9.namespaces import L9
from light9.curvecalc.subterm import Subterm, Subexpr
log = logging.getLogger()

# inspired by
# keeping a ref to the __dict__ of the object stops it from getting zeroed
keep = []

class Subexprview(object):
    def __init__(self, se):
        self.subexpr = se
@@ -49,24 +49,25 @@ class Subtermview(object):
    has .label and .exprView widgets for you to put in a table
    def __init__(self, graph, st):
        self.subterm = st

        self.label = gtk.Label("sub %s" %

        sev = Subexprview(self.subterm.subexpr)
        self.exprView =

def add_one_subterm(graph, subUri, curveset, subterms, master, expr=None, show=False):
    assert isinstance(subUri, URIRef), subUri
    subname = graph.label(subUri)"%s's label is %s" % (subUri, subname))
    if not subname: # fake sub, like for a chase
        st = graph.subjects(L9['sub'], subUri).next()
        subname = graph.label(st)
"using parent subterm's name instead. parent %r, name %r" % (st, subname))
    assert subname, "%s has no name" % subUri
    if expr is None:
        expr = '%s(t)' % subname

    # this is what I'd like to have, but the name replacement above is
    # too unclear for me to make the change now
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