Changeset - 3b9644ae0349
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0 - 16 years ago 2009-06-13 17:15:15
add strobe/blacklight
Ignore-this: c8a8086c80ee9899ce47a873b0a5cb0a
2 files changed with 12 insertions and 12 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -53,26 +53,26 @@
[ :name "front3"; :output dmx:c3 ] .
[ :name "front4"; :output dmx:c4 ] .
[ :name "front5"; :output dmx:c5 ] .
[ :name "front6"; :output dmx:c6 ] .
[ :name "sharlyn"; :output dmx:c7 ] .
[ :name "front8"; :output dmx:c8 ] .
[ :name "front9"; :output dmx:c9 ] .
[ :name "front10"; :output dmx:c10 ] .
[ :name "front11"; :output dmx:c11 ] .
[ :name "front12"; :output dmx:c12 ] .

[ :name "down-l"; :output dmx:c13 ] .
[ :name "b"; :output dmx:c14 ] .
[ :name "s"; :output dmx:c15 ] .
[ :name "strobe"; :output dmx:c14 ] .
[ :name "blacklight"; :output dmx:c15 ] .
[ :name "down-r"; :output dmx:c16 ] .
[ :name "fr17"; :output dmx:c17 ] .
[ :name "fr18"; :output dmx:c18 ] .
[ :name "fr19"; :output dmx:c19 ] .
[ :name "fr20"; :output dmx:c20 ] .

[ :name "cyc-left"; :output dmx:c42 ] .
[ :name "cyc-mid"; :output dmx:c43 ] .
[ :name "cyc-right"; :output dmx:c44 ] .

[ :name "house-side"; :output dmx:c68 ] .
[ :name "house1"; :output dmx:c69 ] .
Show inline comments
#Processed by Id:,v 1.190 2006/08/09 23:20:42 syosi Exp 
#Processed by Id:,v 1.197 2007/12/13 15:38:39 syosi Exp 
        #    using base file:///home/drewp/projects/light9/show/dance2009/patch-source.n3
#  Notation3 generation by
#,v 1.191 2006/08/01 01:14:04 syosi Exp
#,v 1.200 2007/12/11 21:18:08 syosi Exp

#   Base was: file:///home/drewp/projects/light9/show/dance2009/patch-source.n3
     @prefix : <> .
    @prefix ch: <> .
    @prefix dmx: <> .
    @prefix rdfs: <> .
    ch:b     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c14;
         rdfs:label "b" .
    ch:b11     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c54;
         rdfs:label "b11" .
    ch:b12-r     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c53;
         rdfs:label "b12-r" .
    ch:b13-b     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c52;
         rdfs:label "b13-b" .
@@ -77,24 +73,28 @@
    ch:b34-b     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c64;
         rdfs:label "b34-b" .
    ch:b35-p     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c65;
         rdfs:label "b35-p" .
    ch:b36     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c66;
         rdfs:label "b36" .
    ch:blacklight     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c15;
         rdfs:label "blacklight" .
    ch:blue1     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c23;
         rdfs:label "blue1" .
    ch:blue2     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c27;
         rdfs:label "blue2" .
    ch:blue3     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c31;
         rdfs:label "blue3" .
@@ -249,37 +249,37 @@
    ch:red2     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c28;
         rdfs:label "red2" .
    ch:red3     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c32;
         rdfs:label "red3" .
    ch:red4     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c36;
         rdfs:label "red4" .
    ch:s     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c15;
         rdfs:label "s" .
    ch:s40     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c40;
         rdfs:label "s40" .
    ch:sharlyn     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c7;
         rdfs:label "sharlyn" .
    ch:sign     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c41;
         rdfs:label "sign" .
    ch:strobe     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c14;
         rdfs:label "strobe" .
    ch:upcenter     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c38;
         rdfs:label "upcenter" .
    ch:upright     a :Channel;
         :output dmx:c37;
         rdfs:label "upright" .
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)