Changeset - 3ddd5b4964b3
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0 - 7 years ago 2018-05-31 00:47:07
fix time adjs crossing each other. more simulation steps for adjs.
Ignore-this: 8a14c5c954ca1dd9dbc1180386fa875a
2 files changed with 24 insertions and 14 deletions:
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log = console.log
Drawing = window.Drawing

maxDist = 60

coffeeElementSetup(class AdjustersCanvas extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([Polymer.IronResizableBehavior], Polymer.Element)
  @is: 'light9-adjusters-canvas'
    setAdjuster: {type: Function, notify: true }
  @getter_observers: [
  constructor: ->
    @redraw = _.throttle(@_throttledRedraw.bind(@), 60, {leading: false})
    @redraw = _.throttle(@_throttledRedraw.bind(@), 30, {leading: false})
    @adjs = {}
  ready: ->
    @addEventListener('iron-resize', @resizeUpdate.bind(@))
    @ctx = @$.canvas.getContext('2d')
    @setAdjuster = @_setAdjuster.bind(@)

    # These don't fire; TimelineEditor calls the handlers for us.
    @addEventListener('mousedown', @onDown.bind(@))
    @addEventListener('mousemove', @onMove.bind(@))
    @addEventListener('mouseup', @onUp.bind(@))
  onDown: (ev) ->
    if ev.buttons == 1
      start = $V([ev.x, ev.y])
      adj = @_adjAtPoint(start)
      if adj
        @currentDrag = {start: start, adj: adj}

@@ -72,90 +72,100 @@ coffeeElementSetup(class AdjustersCanvas
  _adjAtPoint: (pt) ->
    nearest = @qt.find(pt.e(1), pt.e(2))
    if nearest?
      log('near', nearest.distanceFrom(pt))
    if not nearest? or nearest.distanceFrom(pt) > maxDist
      return null
    return nearest?.adj

  resizeUpdate: (ev) ->
    @$.canvas.width =
    @$.canvas.height =
    @canvasCenter = $V([@$.canvas.width / 2, @$.canvas.height / 2])

  _throttledRedraw: () ->
    return unless @ctx?
    console.time('adjs redraw')
    @ctx.clearRect(0, 0, @$.canvas.width, @$.canvas.height)

    for adjId, adj of @adjs
      ctr = adj.getHandle()
      target = adj.getTarget()
      if target.e(1) < 0 or target.e(1) > @$.canvas.width or target.e(2) < 0 or target.e(2) > @$.canvas.height
      if @_isOffScreen(target)
      @_drawConnector(ctr, target)
                     Math.floor(ctr.e(1)) - 20, Math.floor(ctr.e(2)) - 10,
                     Math.floor(ctr.e(1)) + 20, Math.floor(ctr.e(2)) + 10)
                     ctr.e(1) - 20, ctr.e(2) - 10,
                     ctr.e(1) + 20, ctr.e(2) + 10)
    console.timeEnd('adjs redraw')

  _layoutCenters: ->
    # push Adjustable centers around to avoid overlaps
    # Todo: also don't overlap inlineattr boxes
    # Todo: don't let their connector lines cross each other
    @qt = d3.quadtree([], ((d)->d.e(1)), ((d)->d.e(2)))
    @qt.extent([[0,0], [8000,8000]])

    for _, adj of @adjs
      adj.handle = adj.getSuggestedHandle()
      adj.handle = @_clampOnScreen(adj.getSuggestedHandle())
    for tries in [0...5]
    numTries = 8
    for tries in [0...numTries]
      for _, adj of @adjs
        current = adj.handle
        nearest = @qt.find(current.e(1), current.e(2), maxDist)
        if nearest
          dist = current.distanceFrom(nearest)
          if dist < maxDist
            away = current.subtract(nearest).toUnitVector()
            toScreenCenter = @canvasCenter.subtract(current).toUnitVector()
            current = current.add(away.x(20).add(toScreenCenter.x(2)))
            marg = 10
            current = $V([Math.max(marg, Math.min(@$.canvas.width - marg, current.e(1))),
                         Math.max(marg, Math.min(@$.canvas.height - marg, current.e(2)))])
            current = @_stepAway(current, nearest, 1 / numTries)
            adj.handle = current
        current.adj = adj

      #if -50 < output.e(1) < 20 # mostly for zoom-left
      #  output.setElements([
      #    Math.max(20, output.e(1)),
      #    output.e(2)])
  _stepAway: (current, nearest, dx) ->
    away = current.subtract(nearest).toUnitVector()
    toScreenCenter = @canvasCenter.subtract(current).toUnitVector()
    goalSpacingPx = 20
    @_clampOnScreen(current.add(away.x(goalSpacingPx * dx)))

  _isOffScreen: (pos) ->
    pos.e(1) < 0 or pos.e(1) > @$.canvas.width or pos.e(2) < 0 or pos.e(2) > @$.canvas.height

  _clampOnScreen: (pos) ->    
    marg = 30
    $V([Math.max(marg, Math.min(@$.canvas.width - marg, pos.e(1))),
        Math.max(marg, Math.min(@$.canvas.height - marg, pos.e(2)))])
  _drawConnector: (ctr, target) ->
    @ctx.strokeStyle = '#aaa'
    @ctx.lineWidth = 2
    Drawing.line(@ctx, ctr, target)
  _drawAdjuster: (label, x1, y1, x2, y2) ->
    radius = 8

    @ctx.shadowColor = 'black'
    @ctx.shadowBlur = 15
    @ctx.shadowOffsetX = 5
    @ctx.shadowOffsetY = 9
    @ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5)'
    Drawing.roundRect(@ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius)

    @ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'
    @ctx.strokeStyle = 'yellow'
    @ctx.lineWidth = 2
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@@ -222,57 +222,57 @@ coffeeElementSetup(class TimelineEditor 

  bindKeys: ->
    shortcut.add "Ctrl+P", (ev) =>
    shortcut.add "Ctrl+Escape", => @viewState.frameAll()
    shortcut.add "Shift+Escape", => @viewState.frameToEnd()
    shortcut.add "Escape", => @viewState.frameCursor()
    shortcut.add "L", =>
    shortcut.add 'Delete', =>
      for note in @selection.selected()
        @project.deleteNote(@graph.Uri(@song), note, @selection)

  makeZoomAdjs: ->
    yMid = => @$.audio.offsetTop + @$.audio.offsetHeight / 2

    valForPos = (pos) =>
      x = pos.e(1)
      t = @viewState.fullZoomX.invert(x)
    @setAdjuster('zoom-left', => new AdjustableFloatObservable({
      observable: @viewState.zoomSpec.t1,
      getTarget: () =>
        $V([@viewState.fullZoomX(@viewState.zoomSpec.t1()), yMid()])
      getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([50, 10])
      getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([-50, 10])
      getValueForPos: valForPos

    @setAdjuster('zoom-right', => new AdjustableFloatObservable({
      observable: @viewState.zoomSpec.t2,
      getTarget: () =>
        $V([@viewState.fullZoomX(@viewState.zoomSpec.t2()), yMid()])
      getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([-50, 10])
      getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([50, 10])
      getValueForPos: valForPos

    panObs = ko.pureComputed({
      read: () =>
        (@viewState.zoomSpec.t1() + @viewState.zoomSpec.t2()) / 2
      write: (value) =>
        zs = @viewState.zoomSpec
        span = zs.t2() - zs.t1()
        zs.t1(value - span / 2)
        zs.t2(value + span / 2)

    @setAdjuster('zoom-pan', => new AdjustableFloatObservable({
      observable: panObs
      emptyBox: true
      # fullzoom is not right- the sides shouldn't be able to go
      # offscreen
      getTarget: () => $V([@viewState.fullZoomX(panObs()), yMid()])
      getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([0, 0])
      getValueForPos: valForPos

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