Changeset - 40b6a06bd090
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Drew Perttula - 18 years ago 2007-06-16 19:12:48
rework to fix chase(). now uses chase lists from config.n3
3 files changed with 79 insertions and 43 deletions:
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@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ now launches like this:


todo: curveview should preserve more objects, for speed maybe

from __future__ import division
import xmlrpclib,time,socket,sys,textwrap,math,glob,random,os,optparse
import xmlrpclib,time,socket,sys,textwrap,math,glob,random,os,optparse,traceback
from bisect import bisect_left,bisect,bisect_right
import Tkinter as tk
    from dispatch import dispatcher
except ImportError:
    import louie as dispatcher 
@@ -25,26 +25,20 @@ from rdflib.Graph import Graph
import logging
log = logging.getLogger()
logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)-5s %(name)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s")

import run_local
from light9 import Submaster, dmxclient, networking, showconfig, prof
from light9 import Submaster, dmxclient, networking, showconfig, prof, Patch
from light9.TLUtility import make_attributes_from_args, dict_subset
from light9.zoomcontrol import Zoomcontrol
from light9.curve import Curve, Curveview, Curveset, Curvesetview
from light9.wavelength import wavelength
from light9.uihelpers import toplevelat
from light9.namespaces import L9

import light9.Effects
fx_dict = light9.Effects.__dict__
all_fx = fx_dict['__all__']
expr_helpers = dict_subset(fx_dict, all_fx)
del fx_dict
del all_fx

class Music:
    def __init__(self):
        self.player=None # xmlrpc Proxy to player

@@ -69,37 +63,40 @@ class Music:
        return d
    def seekplay_or_pause(self,t):

class Expr(object):
    """singleton, provides functions for use in subterm expressions,
    e.g. chases"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.effectGlobals = light9.Effects.configExprGlobals()
    def exprGlobals(self, startDict, t):
        """globals dict for use by expressions"""

        glo = startDict.copy()
class Subexpr:
    curveset = None
    def __init__(self,curveset,expr=""):
        self.curveset = curveset
        self.lasteval = None
        self._smooth_random_items = [random.random() for x in range(100)]
    def eval(self,t):
        if self.expr=="":
            dispatcher.send("expr_error",sender=self,exc="no expr, using 0")
            return 0
        glo = self.curveset.globalsdict()
        glo['t'] = t

        # add in functions from Effects

        glo['nsin'] = lambda x: (math.sin(x * (2 * math.pi)) + 1) / 2
        glo['ncos'] = lambda x: (math.cos(x * (2 * math.pi)) + 1) / 2
        glo['within'] = lambda a, b: a < t < b
        glo['bef'] = lambda x: t < x
        glo['aft'] = lambda x: x < t
        glo['smoove'] = lambda x: -2 * (x ** 3) + 3 * (x ** 2)

        def chan(name):
            return Submaster.Submaster(
                leveldict={Patch.get_dmx_channel(name) : 1.0},
        glo['chan'] = chan

        def smooth_random(speed=1):
            """1 = new stuff each second, <1 is slower, fade-ier"""
            x = (t * speed) % len(self._smooth_random_items)
            x1 = int(x)
            x2 = (int(x) + 1) % len(self._smooth_random_items)
            y1 = self._smooth_random_items[x1]
@@ -113,12 +110,32 @@ class Subexpr:
            y1 = self._smooth_random_items[x1]
            return y1
        glo['noise'] = smooth_random
        glo['notch'] = notch_random

        return glo

exprglo = Expr()
class Subexpr:
    curveset = None
    def __init__(self,curveset,expr=""):
        self.curveset = curveset
        self.lasteval = None
        self._smooth_random_items = [random.random() for x in range(100)]
    def eval(self,t):
        if self.expr=="":
            dispatcher.send("expr_error",sender=self,exc="no expr, using 0")
            return 0
        glo = self.curveset.globalsdict()
        glo['t'] = t

        glo = exprglo.exprGlobals(glo, t)
            self.lasteval = eval(self.expr,glo)
        except Exception,e:
@@ -277,15 +294,12 @@ class SubtermSetView(tk.Frame):

def add_one_subterm(graph, subUri, curveset, subterms, root, ssv, expr=None):
    subname = graph.label(subUri)
    if expr is None:
        expr = '%s(t)' % subname

    print "req to add %r" % subUri
    for s in graph.triples((subUri, None, None)):
        print s
    term = Subterm(Submaster.Submaster(graph=graph, sub=subUri),

    stv=Subtermview(ssv, graph, term)
    # stv.pack(side='top',fill='x')
@@ -420,13 +434,13 @@ def savekey(*args):
root.bind("<Control-Key-r>", lambda evt: dispatcher.send('reload all subs'))

for helpline in ["Bindings: C-s save subterms;  Esc see current time; S-Esc see curtime to end; Mousewheel zoom; C-p play/pause music at mouse",
                 "Curve point bindings: B1 drag point; C-B1 curve add point; S-B1 sketch points; Del selected points; 1..5 add point at time; B1 drag select points",
                 "Available in functions: nsin/ncos period=amp=1; within(a,b) bef(x) aft(x) compare to time; smoove(x) cubic smoothstep; curvename(t) eval curve"]:
                 "Available in functions: nsin/ncos period=amp=1; within(a,b) bef(x) aft(x) compare to time; smoove(x) cubic smoothstep; chan(name); curvename(t) eval curve"]:
    tk.Label(root,text=helpline, font="Helvetica -12 italic",

#def logprint(msg):
#    print "log",msg
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import random
import light9.Submaster as Submaster
from chase import chase as chase_logic

thirds = 'third-l', 'third-c', 'third-r'
thirds_bounce = 'third-l', 'third-c', 'third-r', 'third-c'
backs = ['back%d' % d for d in range(1, 11)]
rand_flutter = ['scoop-l', 'scoop-c', 'scoop-r', 'down-c', 'down-l', 'down-r', 'cyc', 'zip_blue', 'zip_red', 'zip_green', 'zip_orange'] + backs
rand_flutter *= 10

# don't forget to update this!
__all__ = ['chase', 'thirds', 'thirds_bounce', 'rand_flutter', 'backs']
import showconfig
from rdflib import RDF
from light9 import Patch
from light9.namespaces import L9

def chase(t, ontime=0.5, offset=0.2, onval=1.0, 
          offval=0.0, names=None, combiner=max):
    """names is list of sub or channel names"""
    """names is list of URIs. returns a submaster that chases through
    the inputs"""
    sub_vals = {}
    chase_vals = chase_logic(t, ontime, offset, onval, offval, names, combiner)
    for name, value in chase_vals.items():
        sub = Submaster.get_sub_by_name(name)
        sub_vals[sub] = value
    lev = {}
    for uri, value in chase_vals.items():
            dmx = Patch.dmx_from_uri(uri)
        except KeyError:
            print ("chase includes %r, which doesn't resolve to a dmx chan" %
        lev[dmx] = value

    return Submaster.combine_subdict(sub_vals)
    ret = Submaster.Submaster(leveldict=lev, temporary=True)
    print ret
    return ret

def configExprGlobals():
    graph = showconfig.getGraph()
    ret = {}

    for chaseUri in graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9['Chase']):
        shortName = chaseUri.rsplit('/')[-1]
        chans = graph.value(chaseUri, L9['channels'])
        ret[shortName] = list(graph.items(chans))

    ret['chase'] = chase
    return ret

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@@ -31,17 +31,21 @@ def get_channel_name(dmxnum):
    except KeyError:
        return str(dmxnum)

def get_channel_uri(name):
    return uri_map[name]

def dmx_from_uri(uri):
    return uri_patch[uri]

def reload_data():
    global patch, reverse_patch, uri_map
    global patch, reverse_patch, uri_map, uri_patch
    patch = {}
    reverse_patch = {}
    uri_map = {}
    uri_patch = {}

    graph = showconfig.getGraph()

    for chan in graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9['Channel']):
        for which, name in enumerate([graph.label(chan)] +
                                     list(graph.objects(chan, L9['altName']))):
@@ -51,12 +55,14 @@ def reload_data():
            if name in patch:
                raise ValueError("channel name %r used multiple times" % name)
            for output in graph.objects(chan, L9['output']):
                for addr in graph.objects(output, L9['dmxAddress']):
                    addrInt = int(addr)
                    patch[name] = addrInt
                    uri_patch[chan] = addrInt

                    if which == 0:
                        reverse_patch[addrInt] = name
                        reverse_patch[addr] = name
                        norm_name = name
                        reverse_patch[name] = norm_name
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