Changeset - 40e7d08e0123
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David McClosky - 20 years ago 2005-06-15 04:14:18
combine_subdict optionally lets you set the name, permanent-ness
1 file changed with 11 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -124,10 +124,19 @@ def sub_maxes(*subs):
                     dict_max(*[sub.levels for sub in nonzero_subs]),

def combine_subdict(subdict):
    """A subdict is { Submaster objects : values }"""
def combine_subdict(subdict, name=None, permanent=False):
    """A subdict is { Submaster objects : levels }.  We combine all
    submasters first by multiplying the submasters by their corresponding
    levels and then max()ing them together.  Returns a new Submaster
    object.  You can give it a better name than the computed one that it
    will get or make it permanent if you'd like it to be saved to disk.
    Serves 8."""
    scaledsubs = [sub * level for sub, level in subdict.items()]
    maxes = sub_maxes(*scaledsubs)
    if name:
 = name
    if permanent:
        maxes.temporary = False

    return maxes

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