Changeset - 416b2035b597
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0 0 1 - 11 years ago 2014-06-16 04:56:16
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after song3, lights stayed on.

song4 has colors before start because effect-5 missing env. fixed this during the song in the show!

clicking different parts of a song button doesn't work.

realized at showtime that i made the mic fader and light slider 6' apart. very hard.

because of rdfdb stalls, cyc got left on a little at the start of a song. i had turned it to 0, but that last step didn't get distributed, i think.

song15 had a spare env +1.0 for testing or something, which made colors between songs. fixed it just before the song started.

song17 had a 2013 sub instead of 2014, not sure how. fixed when i saw errors between songs. no visual impact.

but then the cyc got stuck on again.

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