Changeset - 41c6fbe95214
[Not reviewed]
0 4 0 - 12 years ago 2013-06-13 21:59:32
drag sub into curve area to get a curve+subterm and a 0..1 fade at the current play time
Ignore-this: ac77acf1cfbcfbce2f6b77da670b407
4 files changed with 74 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -90,6 +90,9 @@ class Main(object):


        def connect(w):
                            targets=[('text/uri-list', 0, 0)],
@@ -110,6 +113,34 @@ class Main(object):
        # may not work

    def acceptDragsOnCurveViews(self):
        w = self.wtree.get_object("curves")
                        targets=[('text/uri-list', 0, 0)],
        def recv(widget, context, x, y, selection,
                       targetType, time):
            subUri = URIRef(
            print "into curves", subUri
            with self.graph.currentState(
                    tripleFilter=(subUri, RDFS.label, None)) as current:
                subName = current.label(subUri)

                self.makeSubterm(subName, withCurve=True,
                                 expr="%s(t)" % subName)
            except SubtermExists:
                # we're not making sure the expression/etc are
                # correct-- user mihgt need to fix things
            curveView = self.curvesetView.row(subName).curveView
            t = self.lastSeenInputTime # curveView.current_time() # new curve hasn't heard the time yet. this has gotten too messy- everyone just needs to be able to reach the time source
            print "time", t
            curveView.add_points([(t - .5, 0),
                                  (t, 1)])
        w.connect("drag-data-received", recv)
    def onDataReceived(self, widget, context, x, y, selection,
                       targetType, time):
        data =
@@ -125,7 +156,6 @@ class Main(object):
        curveView = self.curvesetView.row(subName).curveView
        t = self.lastSeenInputTime # curveView.current_time() # new curve hasn't heard the time yet. this has gotten too messy- everyone just needs to be able to reach the time source
        print "time", t
        curveView.add_points([(t - .5, 0),
                              (t, 1)])

@@ -190,6 +220,15 @@ class Main(object):
        return self.currentSong()

    def makeSubterm(self, newname, withCurve=False, expr=None, sub=None):
        raises SubtermExists if we had a subterm with a sub with the given
        name. what about a no-sub term with the same label? who knows
        assert isinstance(newname, Literal), repr(newname)
        if withCurve:
            self.curveset.new_curve(newname, renameIfExisting=False)
        if newname in self.all_subterm_labels():
            raise SubtermExists("have a subterm who sub is named %r" % newname)
        with self.graph.currentState() as current:
            song = self.currentSong()
            for i in range(1000):
@@ -211,10 +250,24 @@ class Main(object):
            quads.append((uri, L9['expression'], Literal(expr), ctx))
        if withCurve:
        return uri
    def all_subterm_labels(self):
        Literal labels of subs in subterms. doesn't currently include labels of the
        subterm resources. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with
        labels = []
        with self.graph.currentState() as current:
            for st in current.objects(
                    current.value(self.session, L9['currentSong']),
                sub = current.value(st, L9['sub'])
                if sub is not None:
        return labels
    def set_subterms_from_graph(self):
        """rebuild all the gtktable 'subterms' widgets and the
        self.currentSubterms list"""
@@ -285,6 +338,7 @@ class Main(object):
[0] if times else None)

    def onSave(self, *args):
        # only doing curves still. I hope to eliminate all this.
        with self.graph.currentState() as g:
            song = g.value(self.session, L9['currentSong'])

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@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import division
import glob, time, logging, ast
from bisect import bisect_left,bisect
import louie as dispatcher
from rdflib import Literal

from bcf2000 import BCF2000

@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ class Curveset(object):
    curves = None # curvename : curve
    def __init__(self, sliders=False):
        """sliders=True means support the hardware sliders"""
        self.curves = {} # name : Curve
        self.curves = {} # name (str) : Curve
        self.curveName = {} # reverse
        self.sliderCurve = {} # slider number (1 based) : curve name
        self.sliderNum = {} # reverse
@@ -194,6 +195,8 @@ class Curveset(object):
        return sorted(self.curves.keys(), key=self.sorter)
    def add_curve(self,name,curve):
        if isinstance(name, Literal):
            name = str(name) 
        if name in self.curves:
            raise ValueError("can't add a second curve named %r" % name)
        self.curves[name] = curve
@@ -218,10 +221,14 @@ class Curveset(object):
    def get_time_range(self):
        return 0, dispatcher.send("get max time")[0][1]

    def new_curve(self,name):
    def new_curve(self, name, renameIfExisting=True):
        if isinstance(name, Literal):
            name = str(name)
        if name=="":
            print "no name given"
        if not renameIfExisting and name in self.curves:
        while name in self.curves:

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@@ -671,6 +671,7 @@
  <object class="GtkTextBuffer" id="help">
    <property name="text">Mousewheel zoom; C-p play/pause music at mouse
Drag sub into curve area for new curve+subterm
Keys in a selected curve: C to collapse; R to rebuild broken canvas widget; 1..5 add point at time cursor; q,w,e,r,t,y set marker at time cursor
Curve point bindings: B1 drag point; C-B1 curve add point; S-B1 sketch points; B1 drag select points
Available in functions: nsin/ncos period=amp=1; within(a,b) bef(x) aft(x) compare to time; smoove(x) cubic smoothstep; chan(name); curvename(t) eval curve</property>
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@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import division
import math, time, logging
import gtk, goocanvas
import louie as dispatcher
from rdflib import Literal
from light9.curvecalc.zoomcontrol import RegionZoom
from light9.curvecalc import cursors
from light9.curvecalc.curve import introPad, postPad
@@ -1183,6 +1184,8 @@ class Curvesetview(object):
    def add_curve(self, name, slider=None, knobEnabled=False):
        if isinstance(name, Literal):
            name = str(name)
        curve = self.curveset.curves[name]
        f = CurveRow(name, curve, self.curveset.markers,
                     slider, knobEnabled, self.zoomControl)
@@ -1192,9 +1195,12 @@ class Curvesetview(object):

    def row(self, name):
        if isinstance(name, Literal):
            name = str(name)
        matches = [r for r in self.allCurveRows if == name]
        if not matches:
            raise ValueError("no curveRow named %r" % name)
            raise ValueError("no curveRow named %r. only %s" %
                             (name, [ for r in self.allCurveRows]))
        return matches[0]

    def goLive(self):
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