Changeset - 45c89eb6dd4c
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0 1 0 - 20 months ago 2023-05-31 09:16:49
no cyclone at import time. i can't even install it now
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@@ -13,25 +13,24 @@ form of the call to set up the right typ
  def foo(): 

  metrics('goal_fps').set(f)           # a gauge because we called set()

  with metrics('recompute'): ...       # ctxmgr also makes a timer

I don't see a need for labels yet, but maybe some code will want like
metrics('foo', label1=one). Need histogram? Info?

from typing import Dict, Tuple, Callable, Type, TypeVar, cast
import cyclone.web
from prometheus_client import Counter, Gauge, Metric, Summary
from prometheus_client.exposition import generate_latest
from prometheus_client.registry import REGISTRY

_created: Dict[str, Metric] = {}

# _process=sys.argv[0]
# def setProcess(name: str):
#   global _process
#   _process = name

MT = TypeVar("MT")
@@ -68,33 +67,24 @@ class _MetricsRequest:

    def observe(self, x: float):
        return self._ensure(Summary).observe(x)

    def __enter__(self):
        return self._ensure(Summary).__enter__()


def metrics(name: str, **labels):
    return _MetricsRequest(name, **labels)


class _CycloneMetrics(cyclone.web.RequestHandler):

    def get(self):
        self.add_header('content-type', 'text/plain')


def metricsRoute() -> Tuple[str, Type[cyclone.web.RequestHandler]]:
    return ('/metrics', _CycloneMetrics)


stuff we used to have in greplin. Might be nice to get (client-side-computed) min/max/stddev back.

class PmfStat(Stat):
  A stat that stores min, max, mean, standard deviation, and some
  percentiles for arbitrary floating-point data. This is potentially a
  bit expensive, so its child values are only updated once every
  twenty seconds.


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