Changeset - 46c1ed2b0fb8
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 7 years ago 2018-05-05 09:10:45
update timeline code to polymer2 element api. pixi test is displaying again.
Ignore-this: 2137f5b5b5f6e1a723c99a07c9fd0d8e
1 file changed with 43 insertions and 41 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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log = console.log
RDF = ''
Drawing = window.Drawing


  is: 'light9-timeline-editor'
  behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
class TimelineEditor extends Polymer.Element
  @is: 'light9-timeline-editor'
  @behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
    viewState: { type: Object }
    debug: {type: String}
    graph: {type: Object, notify: true}
    setAdjuster: {type: Function, notify: true}
    playerSong: {type: String, notify: true}
    followPlayerSong: {type: Boolean, notify: true, value: true}
    song: {type: String, notify: true}
    show: {value: ''}
    songTime: {type: Number, notify: true, observer: '_onSongTime'}
    songDuration: {type: Number, notify: true, observer: '_onSongDuration'}
    songPlaying: {type: Boolean, notify: true}
    fullZoomX: {type: Object, notify: true}
    zoomInX: {type: Object, notify: true}
    selection: {type: Object, notify: true}
  width: ko.observable(1)
    'iron-resize': '_onIronResize'
  observers: [
  @observers: [
    'setSong(playerSong, followPlayerSong)'
  _onIronResize: ->
  _onSongTime: (t) ->
  _onSongDuration: (d) ->
    d = 700 if d < 1 # bug is that asco isn't giving duration, but 0 makes the scale corrupt
  setSong: (s) ->
    @song = @playerSong if @followPlayerSong

  ready: ->
  connectedCallback: ->
    ko.options.deferUpdates = true;
    @selection = {hover: ko.observable(null), selected: ko.observable([])}

    window.debug_zoomOrLayoutChangedCount = 0
    window.debug_adjUpdateDisplay = 0
    @viewState =
        duration: ko.observable(100) # current song duration
        t1: ko.observable(0) # need validation to stay in bounds and not go too close
        t2: ko.observable(100)
        t: ko.observable(20)
        pos: ko.observable($V([0,0]))
    @fullZoomX = d3.scaleLinear()
    @zoomInX = d3.scaleLinear()
    @setAdjuster = @$.adjustersCanvas.setAdjuster.bind(@$.adjustersCanvas)
    #@setAdjuster = @$.adjustersCanvas.setAdjuster.bind(@$.adjustersCanvas)

    setInterval(@updateDebugSummary.bind(@), 100)

    #if anchor == loadtest
    #  add note and delete it repeatedly
    #  disconnect the graph, make many notes, drag a point over many steps, measure lag somewhere

  updateDebugSummary: ->
    elemCount = (tag) -> document.getElementsByTagName(tag).length
    @debug = "#{window.debug_zoomOrLayoutChangedCount} layout change,
     #{elemCount('light9-timeline-note')} notes,
     #{@selection.selected().length} selected
@@ -247,49 +248,51 @@ Polymer

    @setAdjuster('zoom-pan', => new AdjustableFloatObservable({
      observable: panObs
      emptyBox: true
      # fullzoom is not right- the sides shouldn't be able to go
      # offscreen
      getTarget: () => $V([@fullZoomX(panObs()), yMid()])
      getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([0, 0])
      getValueForPos: valForPos
customElements.define(, TimelineEditor)

# plan: in here, turn all the notes into simple js objects with all
# their timing data and whatever's needed for adjusters. From that, do
# the brick layout. update only changing adjusters.
  is: 'light9-timeline-time-zoomed'
  behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
class TimeZoomed extends Polymer.Element
  @is: 'light9-timeline-time-zoomed'
  @behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
    graph: { type: Object, notify: true }
    selection: { type: Object, notify: true }
    dia: { type: Object, notify: true }
    song: { type: String, notify: true }
    zoomInX: { type: Object, notify: true }
    zoom: { type: Object, notify: true, observer: 'onZoom' } # viewState.zoomSpec
    zoomFlattened: { type: Object, notify: true }
  observers: [
  @observers: [
    'onGraph(graph, dia, setAdjuster, song, zoomInX)'
  onZoom: ->
    updateZoomFlattened = ->
      @zoomFlattened = ko.toJS(@zoom)
  ready: ->
  connectedCallback: ->
     root = @closest('light9-timeline-editor')
     stage = new PIXI.Container();
     renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(300,200, {
         backgroundColor: 0xff6060,
     graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();

     graphics.lineStyle(4, 0xffd900, 1);

@@ -302,28 +305,25 @@ Polymer

  onGraph: ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    log('assign rows',@song)

    for uri in _.sortBy(@graph.objects(@song, U(':note')), 'uri')
      #should only make new ones
      child = new Note(@graph, @selection, @dia, uri, @setAdjuster, @song, @zoomInX)
      log('note ',uri)
    @rows = (new NoteRow(@graph, @dia, @song, @zoomInX, @noteUris, i, @selection) for i in [0...ROW_COUNT])

  attached: ->
    root = @closest('light9-timeline-editor')
    @rows = []#(new NoteRow(@graph, @dia, @song, @zoomInX, @noteUris, i, @selection) for i in [0...ROW_COUNT])

  onDrop: (effect, pos) ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)

    return unless effect and effect.match(/^http/)

    # we could probably accept some initial overrides right on the
    # effect uri, maybe as query params

    if not @graph.contains(effect, RDF + 'type', U(':Effect'))
      if @graph.contains(effect, RDF + 'type', U(':LightSample'))
        effect = @makeEffect(effect)
@@ -390,29 +390,32 @@ Polymer
    for i in [0...4]
      pt = points[i]
      pointQuads.push(quad(newCurve, U(':point'), pt))
      pointQuads.push(quad(pt, U(':time'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(i/3 * desiredWidthT)))
      pointQuads.push(quad(pt, U(':value'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(i == 1 or i == 2)))

    patch = {
      delQuads: []
      addQuads: curveQuads.concat(pointQuads)

  is: "light9-timeline-time-axis",
customElements.define(, TimeZoomed)

class TimeAxis extends Polymer.Element
  @is: "light9-timeline-time-axis",
  # for now since it's just one line calling dia,
  # light9-timeline-editor does our drawing work.

customElements.define(, TimeAxis)

class NoteRow
  constructor: (@graph, @dia, @song, @zoomInX, @noteUris, @rowIndex, @selection) ->
    @graph.runHandler(@update.bind(@), "row notes #{@rowIndex}")

  observers: [
    'observedUpdate(graph, song, rowIndex)'


  observedUpdate: (graph, song, rowIndex) ->
@@ -616,37 +619,36 @@ class Note

  _makeFadeAdjuster: (yForV, ctx, adjId, i0, i1, offset) ->
    @adjusterIds[adjId] = true
    @setAdjuster adjId, => new AdjustableFade(yForV, i0, i1, @, offset, ctx)
  _suggestedOffset: (pt) ->
    if pt.e(2) > .5
      $V([0, 30])
      $V([0, -30])

  is: "light9-timeline-note-inline-attrs"
class InlineAttrs extends Polymer.Element
  @is: "light9-timeline-note-inline-attrs"
    graph: { type: Object, notify: true }
    song: { type: String, notify: true }
    uri: { type: String, notify: true }  # the Note
    rect: { type: Object, notify: true }
    effect: { type: String, notify: true }
    colorScale: { type: String, notify: true }
    noteLabel: { type: String, notify: true }
    selection: { type: Object, notify: true }
  observers: [
  @observers: [
    'addHandler(graph, uri)'
    'onColorScale(graph, uri, colorScale)'
  displayed: ->
  onColorScale: ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    if @colorScale == @colorScaleFromGraph
    @editAttr(@song, @uri, U(':colorScale'), @graph.Literal(@colorScale))

  editAttr: (song, note, attr, value) ->
@@ -689,44 +691,45 @@ Polymer
      if ea == U(':colorScale')
        @colorScaleFromGraph = value
        @colorScale = value
        existingColorScaleSetting = setting
    if existingColorScaleSetting == null
      @colorScaleFromGraph = '#ffffff'
      @colorScale = '#ffffff'
    #console.timeEnd('attrs update')


  onDel: ->
    deleteNote(@graph, @song, @uri, @selection)

customElements.define(, InlineAttrs)

deleteNote = (graph, song, note, selection) ->
  patch = {delQuads: [{subject: song, predicate: graph.Uri(':note'), object: note, graph: song}], addQuads: []}
  if note in selection.selected()
    selection.selected(_.without(selection.selected(), note))

  is: 'light9-adjusters-canvas'
  behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
class AdjustersCanvas extends Polymer.Element
  @is: 'light9-adjusters-canvas'
  @behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
    adjs: { type: Object, notify: true }, # adjId: Adjustable
  observers: [
  @observers: [
    'iron-resize': 'resizeUpdate'
  ready: ->
  connectedCallback: ->
    @adjs = {}
    @ctx = @$.canvas.getContext('2d')

  onDown: (ev) ->
    if ev.buttons == 1
      start = $V([ev.x, ev.y])
      adj = @_adjAtPoint(start)
      if adj
        @currentDrag = {start: start, adj: adj}
@@ -852,36 +855,34 @@ Polymer

    @ctx.font = "12px sans"
    @ctx.fillStyle = '#000'
    @ctx.fillText(label, x1 + 5, y2 - 5, x2 - x1 - 10)

    # coords from a center that's passed in
    # # special layout for the thaeter ones with middinh 
    # l/r arrows
    # mouse arrow cursor upon hover, and accent the hovered adjuster
    # connector

class DiagramLayer extends Polymer.Element
  # note boxes. 
  is: 'light9-timeline-diagram-layer'
  properties: {
  @is: 'light9-timeline-diagram-layer'
  @properties: {
    selection: {type: Object, notify: true}
  ready: ->
  connectedCallback: ->
    @elemById = {}

  attached: ->

  setTimeAxis: (width, yTop, scale) ->
    pxPerTick = 50
    axis = d3.axisTop(scale).ticks(width / pxPerTick)$.timeAxis).attr('transform', 'translate(0,'+yTop+')').call(axis)

  getOrCreateElem: (uri, groupId, tag, attrs, moreBuild) ->
    elem = @elemById[uri]
    if !elem
      elem = @elemById[uri] = document.createElementNS("", tag)
      elem.setAttribute('id', uri)
      for k,v of attrs
@@ -956,12 +957,13 @@ Polymer
    return !!@elemById[uri + '/area']

  _updateNotePathClasses: (uri, elem) ->
    ko.computed =>
      return if not @_noteInDiagram(uri)
      classes = 'light9-timeline-diagram-layer ' + (if @selection.hover() == uri then 'hover' else '') + ' '  + (if uri in @selection.selected() then 'selected' else '')
      elem.setAttribute('class', classes)
    #elem = @getOrCreateElem(uri+'/label', 'noteLabels', 'text', {style: "font-size:13px;line-height:125%;font-family:'Verana Sans';text-align:start;text-anchor:start;fill:#000000;"})
    #elem.setAttribute('x', curvePts[0].e(1)+20)
    #elem.setAttribute('y', curvePts[0].e(2)-10)
    #elem.innerHTML = effectLabel;
customElements.define(, DiagramLayer)
\ No newline at end of file
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