Changeset - 46d1c0f0a5ce
[Not reviewed]
0 3 0 - 7 years ago 2018-06-08 11:50:13
attempted redraw fixes, but the real problem is in autodeps
Ignore-this: 96cc361f1951d165131d46b8173b6685
3 files changed with 7 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -17,171 +17,173 @@ class Adjustable
    # config has:
    #   getTarget -> vec2 of current target position
    #   getSuggestedTargetOffset -> vec2 pixel offset from target
    #   emptyBox -> true if you want no value display

    # updated later by layout algoritm
    @handle = $V([0, 0])

  getDisplayValue: () ->
    return '' if @config.emptyBox
    defaultFormat = d3.format(".4g")(@_getValue())
    if @config.getDisplayValue?
      return @config.getDisplayValue(@_getValue(), defaultFormat)

  getSuggestedHandle: () ->

  getHandle: () -> # vec2 of pixels

  getTarget: () -> # vec2 of pixels

  subscribe: (onChange) ->
    # change could be displayValue or center or target. This likely
    # calls onChange right away if there's any data yet.
    throw new Error('not implemented')

  startDrag: () ->
    @initialTarget = @getTarget()

  continueDrag: (pos) ->
    ## pos is vec2 of pixels relative to the drag start
    @targetDraggedTo = pos.add(@initialTarget)

  endDrag: () ->
    # override

  _editorCoordinates: () -> # vec2 of mouse relative to <l9-t-editor>
    return @targetDraggedTo
    ev = d3.event.sourceEvent

      rootElem =
      rootElem ='light9-timeline-editor')

    if ev.touches?.length
      ev = ev.touches[0]

    # storing root on the object to remember it across calls in case
    # you drag outside the editor.
    @root = rootElem.getBoundingClientRect() if rootElem
    offsetParentPos = $V([ev.pageX - @root.left, ev.pageY -])

    return offsetParentPos

class window.AdjustableFloatObservable extends Adjustable
  constructor: (@config) ->
    # config also has:
    #   observable -> ko.observable we will read and write
    #   getValueForPos(pos) -> what should we set to if the user
    #                          moves target to this coord?

  _getValue: () ->

  continueDrag: (pos) ->
    # pos is vec2 of pixels relative to the drag start.
    epos = @_editorCoordinates()
    newValue = @config.getValueForPos(epos)

  subscribe: (onChange) ->
    log('AdjustableFloatObservable subscribe', @config)
    ko.computed =>

class window.AdjustableFloatObject extends Adjustable
  constructor: (@config) ->
    # config also has:
    #   graph
    #   subj
    #   pred
    #   ctx
    #   getTargetPosForValue(value) -> getTarget result for value
    #   getValueForPos
    if not @config.ctx?
      throw new Error("missing ctx")
    # this seems to not fire enough.
                             "adj sync #{@config.subj.value}")
                             "adj sync #{@config.subj.value} #{@config.pred.value}")

  _syncValue: () ->
    @_currentValue = @config.graph.floatValue(@config.subj, @config.pred)
    @_onChange() if @_onChange

  _getValue: () ->
    # this is a big speedup- callers use _getValue about 4x as much as
    # the graph changes and graph.floatValue is slow

  getTarget: () ->

  subscribe: (onChange) ->
    # only works on one subscription at a time
    throw new Error('multi subscribe not implemented') if @_onChange
    @_onChange = onChange

  continueDrag: (pos) ->
    # pos is vec2 of pixels relative to the drag start
    newValue = @config.getValueForPos(@_editorCoordinates())

    @config.graph.patchObject(@config.subj, @config.pred,

class window.AdjustableFade extends Adjustable
  constructor: (@yForV, @zoomInX, @i0, @i1, @note, offset, ctx) ->
    @config = {
      getSuggestedTargetOffset: -> offset
      getTarget: @getTarget.bind(@)
      ctx: ctx

  getTarget: ->
    mid = @note.midPoint(@i0, @i1)
    $V([@zoomInX(mid.e(1)), @yForV(mid.e(2))])

  _getValue: ->
    @note.midPoint(@i0, @i1).e(1)

  continueDrag: (pos) ->
    # pos is vec2 of pixels relative to the drag start
    graph = @note.graph
    U = (x) -> graph.Uri(x)

    goalCenterSec = @zoomInX.invert(@initialTarget.e(1) + pos.e(1))

    diamSec = @note.worldPts[@i1].e(1) - @note.worldPts[@i0].e(1)
    newSec0 = goalCenterSec - diamSec / 2
    newSec1 = goalCenterSec + diamSec / 2

    originSec = graph.floatValue(@note.uri, U(':originTime'))

    p0 = @_makePatch(graph, @i0, newSec0, originSec, @config.ctx)
    p1 = @_makePatch(graph, @i1, newSec1, originSec, @config.ctx)

    graph.applyAndSendPatch(@_addPatches(p0, p1))

  _makePatch: (graph, idx, newSec, originSec, ctx) ->
                         graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(newSec - originSec), ctx)

  _addPatches: (p0, p1) ->
      addQuads: p0.addQuads.concat(p1.addQuads),
      delQuads: p0.delQuads.concat(p1.delQuads)
\ No newline at end of file
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log = console.log
Drawing = window.Drawing

maxDist = 60

coffeeElementSetup(class AdjustersCanvas extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([Polymer.IronResizableBehavior], Polymer.Element)
  @is: 'light9-adjusters-canvas'
    setAdjuster: {type: Function, notify: true }
  @getter_observers: [
  constructor: ->
    @redraw = _.throttle(@_throttledRedraw.bind(@), 30, {leading: false})
    @adjs = {}
    @hoveringNear = null
  ready: ->
    @addEventListener('iron-resize', @resizeUpdate.bind(@))
    @ctx = @$.canvas.getContext('2d')
    @setAdjuster = @_setAdjuster.bind(@)

    # These don't fire; TimelineEditor calls the handlers for us.
    @addEventListener('mousedown', @onDown.bind(@))
    @addEventListener('mousemove', @onMove.bind(@))
    @addEventListener('mouseup', @onUp.bind(@))

  _mousePos: (ev) ->
    $V([ev.clientX, ev.clientY - @offsetParent.offsetTop])
  onDown: (ev) ->
    if ev.buttons == 1
      start = @_mousePos(ev)
      adj = @_adjAtPoint(start)
      if adj
        @currentDrag = {start: start, adj: adj}

  onMove: (ev) ->
    pos = @_mousePos(ev)
    if @currentDrag
      @hoveringNear = null
      @currentDrag.cur = pos
      near = @_adjAtPoint(pos)
      if @hoveringNear != near
        @hoveringNear = near

  onUp: (ev) ->
    return unless @currentDrag
    @currentDrag = null
  _setAdjuster: (adjId, makeAdjustable) ->
    # callers register/unregister the Adjustables they want us to make
    # adjuster elements for. Caller invents adjId.  makeAdjustable is
    # a function returning the Adjustable or it is null to clear any
    # adjusters with this id.
    if not @adjs[adjId] or not makeAdjustable?
      if not makeAdjustable?
      if @adjs[adjId]
        delete @adjs[adjId]
      # this might be able to reuse an existing one a bit
        adj = makeAdjustable()
        @adjs[adjId] = adj
 = adjId


    window.debug_adjsCount = Object.keys(@adjs).length

  updateAllCoords: ->

  _adjAtPoint: (pt) ->
    nearest = @qt.find(pt.e(1), pt.e(2))
    if not nearest? or nearest.distanceFrom(pt) > maxDist
      return null
    return nearest?.adj

  resizeUpdate: (ev) ->
    @$.canvas.width =
    @$.canvas.height =
    @canvasCenter = $V([@$.canvas.width / 2, @$.canvas.height / 2])

  _throttledRedraw: () ->
    return unless @ctx?
    console.time('adjs redraw')
    @ctx.clearRect(0, 0, @$.canvas.width, @$.canvas.height)

    for adjId, adj of @adjs
      ctr = adj.getHandle()
      target = adj.getTarget()
      if @_isOffScreen(target)
      @_drawConnector(ctr, target)
                     ctr.e(1) - 20, ctr.e(2) - 10,
                     ctr.e(1) + 20, ctr.e(2) + 10,
                     adj == @hoveringNear)
    console.timeEnd('adjs redraw')

  _layoutCenters: ->
    # push Adjustable centers around to avoid overlaps
    # Todo: also don't overlap inlineattr boxes
    # Todo: don't let their connector lines cross each other
    @qt = d3.quadtree([], ((d)->d.e(1)), ((d)->d.e(2)))
    @qt.extent([[0,0], [8000,8000]])

    for _, adj of @adjs
      adj.handle = @_clampOnScreen(adj.getSuggestedHandle())

    numTries = 8
    for tries in [0...numTries]
      for _, adj of @adjs
        current = adj.handle
        nearest = @qt.find(current.e(1), current.e(2), maxDist)
        if nearest
          dist = current.distanceFrom(nearest)
          if dist < maxDist
            current = @_stepAway(current, nearest, 1 / numTries)
            adj.handle = current
        current.adj = adj

      #if -50 < output.e(1) < 20 # mostly for zoom-left
      #  output.setElements([
      #    Math.max(20, output.e(1)),
      #    output.e(2)])

  _stepAway: (current, nearest, dx) ->
    away = current.subtract(nearest).toUnitVector()
    toScreenCenter = @canvasCenter.subtract(current).toUnitVector()
    goalSpacingPx = 20
    @_clampOnScreen(current.add(away.x(goalSpacingPx * dx)))

  _isOffScreen: (pos) ->
    pos.e(1) < 0 or pos.e(1) > @$.canvas.width or pos.e(2) < 0 or pos.e(2) > @$.canvas.height

  _clampOnScreen: (pos) ->    
    marg = 30
    $V([Math.max(marg, Math.min(@$.canvas.width - marg, pos.e(1))),
        Math.max(marg, Math.min(@$.canvas.height - marg, pos.e(2)))])
  _drawConnector: (ctr, target) ->
    @ctx.strokeStyle = '#aaa'
    @ctx.lineWidth = 2
    Drawing.line(@ctx, ctr, target)
  _drawAdjuster: (label, x1, y1, x2, y2, hover) ->
    radius = 8

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@@ -445,192 +445,193 @@ coffeeElementSetup(class TimeZoomed exte


coffeeElementSetup(class TimeAxis extends Polymer.Element
  @is: "light9-timeline-time-axis",
    viewState: { type: Object, notify: true, observer: "onViewState" }
  onViewState: ->
    ko.computed =>
      dependOn = [@viewState.zoomSpec.t1(), @viewState.zoomSpec.t2()]
      pxPerTick = 50
      axis = d3.axisTop(@viewState.zoomInX).ticks(@viewState.width() / pxPerTick)$.axis).call(axis)


# Maintains a pixi object, some adjusters, and inlineattrs corresponding to a note
# in the graph.
class Note
  constructor: (@parentElem, @container, @project, @graph, @selection, @uri, @setAdjuster, @song, @viewState, @brickLayout) ->
    @adjusterIds = new Set() # id string
    @updateSoon = _.debounce(@update.bind(@), 30)

  initWatchers: ->
    @graph.runHandler(@update.bind(@), "note update #{@uri.value}")
    ko.computed @update.bind(@)

  destroy: ->
    log('destroy', @uri.value)
    @isDetached = true
    @parentElem.updateInlineAttrs(@uri, null)

  clearAdjusters: ->
    @adjusterIds.forEach (i) =>
      @setAdjuster(i, null)

  getCurvePoints: (subj, curveAttr) ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    originTime = @graph.floatValue(subj, U(':originTime'))

    for curve in @graph.objects(subj, U(':curve'))
      if @graph.uriValue(curve, U(':attr')).equals(curveAttr)
        return @project.getCurvePoints(curve, originTime)
    throw new Error("curve #{@uri.value} has no attr #{curveAttr.value}")

  midPoint: (i0, i1) ->
    p0 = @worldPts[i0]
    p1 = @worldPts[i1]

  _planDrawing: ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    [pointUris, worldPts] = @getCurvePoints(@uri, U(':strength'))
    effect = @graph.uriValue(@uri, U(':effectClass'))

    yForV = @brickLayout.yForVFor(@)
    dependOn = [@viewState.zoomSpec.t1(),
    screenPts = (new PIXI.Point(@viewState.zoomInX(pt.e(1)),
                                yForV(pt.e(2))) for pt in worldPts)
    return {
      yForV: yForV
      worldPts: worldPts
      screenPts: screenPts
      effect: effect
      hover: @uri.equals(@selection.hover())
      selected: @selection.selected().filter((s) => s.equals(@uri)).length

  onRowChange: ->

  redraw: (params) ->
    # no observable or graph deps in here
    @graphics = new PIXI.Graphics({nativeLines: false})
    @graphics.interactive = true

    if params.hover
      @_traceBorder(params.screenPts, 12, 0x888888)
    if params.selected
      @_traceBorder(params.screenPts, 6, 0xff2900)

    shape = new PIXI.Polygon(params.screenPts)
    @graphics.beginFill(@_noteColor(params.effect), .313)

    @_traceBorder(params.screenPts, 2, 0xffd900)

  update: ->
    if not @parentElem.isActiveNote(@uri)
      # stale redraw call

    if @worldPts
      @brickLayout.setNoteSpan(@, @worldPts[0].e(1),
                               @worldPts[@worldPts.length - 1].e(1))

    params = @_planDrawing()
    @worldPts = params.worldPts


    curveWidthCalc = () => @project.curveWidth(@worldPts)
    @_updateAdjusters(params.screenPts, @worldPts, curveWidthCalc,
                      params.yForV, @viewState.zoomInX, @song)
    @_updateInlineAttrs(params.screenPts, params.yForV)

  _traceBorder: (screenPts, thick, color) ->
    @graphics.lineStyle(thick, color, 1)
    @graphics.moveTo(screenPts[0].x, screenPts[0].y)
    for p in screenPts.slice(1)
      @graphics.lineTo(p.x, p.y)

  _addMouseBindings: () ->
    @graphics.on 'mousedown', (ev) =>

    @graphics.on 'mouseover', =>
      if @selection.hover() and @selection.hover().equals(@uri)
        # Hovering causes a redraw, which would cause another
        # mouseover event.

    # mouseout never fires since we rebuild the graphics on mouseover.
    @graphics.on 'mousemove', (ev) =>
      if @selection.hover() and @selection.hover().equals(@uri) and != @graphics

  onUri: ->
    @graph.runHandler(@update.bind(@), "note updates #{@uri}")

  patchCouldAffectMe: (patch) ->
    if patch and patch.addQuads # sometimes patch is a polymer-sent value. @update is used as a listener too
      if patch.addQuads.length == patch.delQuads.length == 1
        add = patch.addQuads[0]
        del = patch.delQuads[0]
        if (add.predicate.equals(del.predicate) and del.predicate.equals(@graph.Uri(':time')) and add.subject.equals(del.subject))
          timeEditFor = add.subject
          if @worldPts and timeEditFor not in @pointUris
            return false
    return true

  xupdate: (patch) ->
    # update our note DOM and SVG elements based on the graph
    if not @patchCouldAffectMe(patch)
      # as autodep still fires all handlers on all patches, we just
      # need any single dep to cause another callback. (without this,
      # we would no longer be registered at all)
      @graph.subjects(@uri, @uri, @uri)
    if @isDetached?


  _updateAdjusters: (screenPts, worldPts, curveWidthCalc, yForV, zoomInX, ctx) ->
    # todo: allow offset even on more narrow notes
    if screenPts[screenPts.length - 1].x - screenPts[0].x < 100 or screenPts[0].x > @parentElem.offsetWidth or screenPts[screenPts.length - 1].x < 0
      @_makeOffsetAdjuster(yForV, curveWidthCalc, ctx)
      @_makeCurvePointAdjusters(yForV, worldPts, ctx)
      @_makeFadeAdjusters(yForV, zoomInX, ctx, worldPts)

  _updateInlineAttrs: (screenPts, yForV) ->
    w = 280

    leftX = Math.max(2, screenPts[Math.min(1, screenPts.length - 1)].x + 5)
    rightX = screenPts[Math.min(2, screenPts.length - 1)].x - 5
    if screenPts.length < 3
      rightX = leftX + w

    if rightX - leftX < w or rightX < w or leftX > @parentElem.offsetWidth
      @parentElem.updateInlineAttrs(@uri, null)

    config = {
      uri: @uri,
      left: leftX,
      top: yForV(1) + 5,
      width: w,
      height: yForV(0) - yForV(1) - 15,
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