Changeset - 47f7f5ac81e8
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 20 months ago 2023-06-02 23:15:20
skip effect compute if we have no devs for the effect
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@@ -83,24 +83,27 @@ class EffectEval2:
        calls our function using inputs (publishedAttr attrs, e.g. :strength)
        and effect-level settings including a special attr called :deviceSettings
        with DeviceSettings as its value
        if self.config is None:
            return DeviceSettings(self.graph, [])

        c = self.config
        kw = {}
        for arg in c.funcArgs:
            if arg.annotation == DeviceSettings:
                v = c.devSettings
                if v is None: # asked for ds but we have none
                    log.debug("%s asked for devs but we have none in config", self.uri)
                    return DeviceSettings(self.graph, [])
            elif == 'songTime':
                v = songTime
                eaForName = EffectAttr(L9[])
                v = self._getEffectAttrValue(eaForName, inputs)

            kw[] = v
        log.debug('calling %s with %s', c.func, kw)
        return c.func(**kw)

    def _getEffectAttrValue(self, attr: EffectAttr, inputs: EffectSettings) -> VTUnion:
        c = self.config
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