Changeset - 48e4e25f37a3
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0 1 0 - 7 years ago 2018-06-03 04:51:43
starting BrickLayout. WIP
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@@ -267,36 +267,43 @@ coffeeElementSetup(class TimelineEditor 

    @setAdjuster('zoom-pan', => new AdjustableFloatObservable({
      observable: panObs
      emptyBox: true
      # fullzoom is not right- the sides shouldn't be able to go
      # offscreen
      getTarget: () => $V([@viewState.fullZoomX(panObs()), yMid()])
      getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([0, 0])
      getValueForPos: valForPos


class BrickLayout
  constructor: (@viewState, @numRows) ->
    @noteRow = {} # uristr: row, t0, t1
  addNote: (n) ->
    @noteRow[n.uri.value] = {row: nr%6, t0: 0, t1: 0}
    @noteRow[n.uri.value] = {row: 0, t0: 0, t1: 0}
  setNoteSpan: (n, t0, t1) ->
    @noteRow[n.uri.value].t0 = t0
    @noteRow[n.uri.value].t1 = t1
  delNote: (n) ->
    delete @noteRow[n.uri.value]
  _recompute: ->
    notesByWidth = _.sortBy([{dur: row.t1 - row.t0 + row.t0 * .0001, uri: u} for u, row of @noteRow], 'dur')
    for n in notesByWidth
      @noteRow[n.uri].row = 0
  rowBottom: (row) -> @viewState.rowsY() + 20 + 150 * row + 140
  yForVFor: (n) ->
    row = @noteRow[n.uri.value].row
    rowBottom = @rowBottom(row)
    rowTop = rowBottom - 140
    (v) => rowBottom + (rowTop - rowBottom) * v      

# plan: in here, turn all the notes into simple js objects with all
# their timing data and whatever's needed for adjusters. From that, do
# the brick layout. update only changing adjusters.
coffeeElementSetup(class TimeZoomed extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([Polymer.IronResizableBehavior], Polymer.Element)
  @is: 'light9-timeline-time-zoomed'
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