Changeset - 490843093506
[Not reviewed]
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dmcc - 22 years ago 2003-06-10 10:31:57

all of this stuff is super rough and not well thought out yet.
all of this stuff is super rough and not well thought out yet.
i'm just checking in so we have some stuff to work with for the
sprint tonight.
2 files changed with 26 insertions and 122 deletions:
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@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ NoChange = "NoChange"
class NodeType:
    def __init__(self, iports=None, oports=None):
        make_attributes_from_args('iports', 'oports')
    def process(self,iports,oports):
    def process(self):
        # TODO: handle NoChange stuff

@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ class SumNode(NodeType):
class FadeNode(NodeType):
    """Provides a UI scaler to let you fade a value"""
    def __init__(self):
        NodeType.__init__(self, iports={'in1' : Port(), 
                                        'scale1' : Port()},
                                oports={'out1' : Port()},
    def process(self, iports, oports):
        NodeType.__init__(self, iports={'in1' : Port, 
                                        'scale1' : Port},
                                oports={'out1' : Port},
    def process(self, ports):
        ports.out1 = ports.in1 * ports.scale1 

class FadeConstellation(Constellation):
@@ -75,106 +75,3 @@ class FadeConstellation(Constellation):
      | out

node instance saves:
    node name, id, and such
    input ports:
        any port details
        what the port connects to
        maybe UI.Scale level
        maybe group contents


p=InputPort(node=self,minconns=1,maxconns=2) # an input port to this node
print p.connections()

op=OutputPort(node=self) # an output port
print op.connections() # lists all the nodes that call us an input node
op.connect(n) # calls n.connect(self)



    Port: "scalar"
    MultiPort: "array of Port"
    ^ all wrong

    Ports II:
        min/max number of connections
           (failure to fit these numbers means port is "deactivated")
        "Normal" ports are min=1, max=1
        "Multiports" are min=0, max=None
        "Binary" ports are min=2, max=2
        oh yeah, there are two totally different types of ports

        Input ports: min/max numbers of connections
           store current connections
        Output ports: nothing
           store nothing!

fake node persistence for subtract node

<!-- "my subtract" is a unique id -->
<!-- drew: there is no such thing as a subtract group -->
<node name="my subtract" type="math.Add">
    <port name="in1">
       <noderef name="node I"/>
       <noderef name="node II"/>


<node name="the group" type="group">

  <!-- all of the port names of the group are being made up right
  here- a group has no preset inputs or outputs-->

    <port name="group-in 1">
      <noderef name="node5"/>
      <noderef name="node6"/>
      <noderef name="node3">
        <connect localPort="in1" groupPort="group-in1"/>
      <noderef name="node4">
        <connect localPort="in1" groupPort="group-in1"/>
        <connect localPort="out1" groupPort="theoutput"/>


<node name="preset value" type="source.Scalar">
  <!-- no inputs, node has output only -->

      <slider res=".1" height="200" bgcolor="red"/>
      <priority>very high</priority>

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@@ -4,13 +4,10 @@ from time import time
from __future__ import division # "I'm sending you back to future!"

Fri May 16 15:17:34 PDT 2003
    Project started (roughly).

Mon May 19 17:56:24 PDT 2003
    Timeline is more or less working.  Still bugs with skipping
    FunctionFrames at random times.
Quote of the Build (from Ghostbusters II)
Dana:  Okay, but after dinner, I don't want you putting any of your old cheap 
       moves on me. 
Peter: Ohhhh no! I've got all NEW cheap moves.

Timeline idea
@@ -177,15 +174,17 @@ class BounceFunction(FunctionFrame):
class LoopFunction(FunctionFrame):
    def __call__(self, timeline, timedevent, node):
        print 'looped!'
        # print 'looped!'

class DoubleTimeFunction(FunctionFrame):
    def __call__(self, timeline, timedevent, node):
        timeline.set_rate(2 * timeline.rate)
        print 'doubled!', timeline.rate

class HalfTimeFunction(FunctionFrame):
    def __call__(self, timeline, timedevent, node):
        timeline.set_rate(0.5 * timeline.rate)
        print 'halved!', timeline.rate

class TimedEvent:
    """Container for a Frame which includes a time that it occurs at,
@@ -326,6 +325,8 @@ class TimelineTrack:
        be included.  This is because this is used to find FunctionFrames
        and we assume that any function frames at the start point (which
        could be i or j) have been processed."""
        return [e for e in if e >= i and e <= j]

        if direction == FORWARD:
            return [e for e in if e > i and e <= j]
@@ -416,8 +417,6 @@ class Timeline:
            last_clock = clock_time
        diff = clock_time - last_clock
        new_time = (self.direction * self.rate * diff) + last_time
        new_time = max(new_time, 0)
        new_time = min(new_time, self.length())
        # update the time
        self.last_clock_time = clock_time
@@ -426,6 +425,7 @@ class Timeline:
        # now, find out if we missed any functions
        if self.fn_track.has_events():
            lower_time, higher_time = last_time, new_time
            if lower_time == higher_time: print "zarg!"
            if lower_time > higher_time:
                lower_time, higher_time = higher_time, lower_time
@@ -436,6 +436,11 @@ class Timeline:
                # they better be FunctionFrames
                event.frame(self, event, None) # the None should be a Node, 
                                               # but that part is coming later
        # now we make sure we're in bounds (we don't do this before, since it
        # can cause us to skip events that are at boundaries.
        self.current_time = max(self.current_time, 0)
        self.current_time = min(self.current_time, self.length())
    def reverse_direction(self):
        """Reverses the direction of play for this node"""
        self.direction = self.direction * -1
@@ -475,18 +480,20 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
        T(10, scene3, blender=smoove),
        T(15, scene2)) # last TimedEvent doesn't need a blender

    if 1:
    halver = HalfTimeFunction('1/2x')
    doubler = DoubleTimeFunction('2x')
    if 0:
        # bounce is semiworking
        bouncer = BounceFunction('boing')
        halver = HalfTimeFunction('1/2x')
        doubler = DoubleTimeFunction('2x')
        tl = Timeline([track1], [T(0, bouncer), 
                                 T(0, halver),
                                 T(15, bouncer),
                                 T(15, doubler)])
        looper = LoopFunction('loop1')
        tl = Timeline([track1], [T(14, looper)])
        tl = Timeline([track1], [T(0, doubler),
                                 T(5, halver),
                                 T(14, looper)])

    import Tix
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