Changeset - 49f80544a3fb
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Drew Perttula - 9 years ago 2016-06-05 09:20:02
untested unsubscribe handle support
Ignore-this: dab69fabac0055146be720ac474b615f
1 file changed with 9 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -8,27 +8,33 @@ patchSizeSummary = (patch) ->

# partial port of
class GraphWatchers
  constructor: ->
    @handlersSp = {} # {s: {p: [handlers]}}
  subscribe: (s, p, o, onChange) -> # return subscription handle
    if o? then throw Error('not implemented')
    if not @handlersSp[s]
      @handlersSp[s] = {}
    if not @handlersSp[s][p]
      @handlersSp[s][p] = []
    handle = {s: s, p: p, func: onChange}
    return handle
  unsubscribe: (subscription) ->
    throw Error('not implemented')
    spList = @handlersSp[subscription.s][subscription.p]
    i = spList.indexOf(subscription.func)
    if i == -1
      throw new Error('subscription not found')
    spList.splice(i, 1)

  matchingHandlers: (quad) ->
    matches = []
    for subjDict in [@handlersSp[quad.subject] || {}, @handlersSp[null] || {}]
      for subjPredMatches in [subjDict[quad.predicate] || [], subjDict[null] || []]
        matches = matches.concat(subjPredMatches)
    return matches
  graphChanged: (patch) ->
    for quad in patch.delQuads
      for cb in @matchingHandlers(quad)
        # currently calls multiple times, which is ok, but we might
@@ -258,28 +264,29 @@ class window.SyncedGraph
      delQuads: existing,
      addQuads: [{subject: s, predicate: p, object: newObject, graph: g}]

  patchObject: (s, p, newObject, g) ->
    @applyAndSendPatch(@getObjectPatch(s, p, newObject, g))

  subscribe: (s, p, o, onChange) -> # return subscription handle
    # onChange is called with a patch that's limited to the quads
    # that match your request.
    # We call you immediately on existing triples.
    @_watchers.subscribe(s, p, o, onChange)
    handle = @_watchers.subscribe(s, p, o, onChange)
    immediatePatch = {delQuads: [], addQuads: @graph.findByIRI(s, p, o)}
    if immediatePatch.addQuads.length
    return handle

  unsubscribe: (subscription) ->

  _singleValue: (s, p) ->
    quads = @graph.findByIRI(s, p)
    switch quads.length
      when 0
        throw new Error("no value for "+s+" "+p)
      when 1
        obj = quads[0].object
        return N3.Util.getLiteralValue(obj)
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