Changeset - 4b3d7e8ba24a
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Drew Perttula - 12 years ago 2013-06-06 04:43:21
subcomposer is nicer if we always have some Submaster object. and if you call all the init code
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@@ -58,34 +58,37 @@ class Subcomposer(tk.Frame):
      inside the current sub:
      graph -> Submaster levels (handled in Submaster)
      Submaster levels -> OneLevel widget
      OneLevel widget -> Submaster.editLevel
      Submaster.editLevel -> graph (handled in Submaster)

    def __init__(self, master, graph, session):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, bg='black')
        self.graph = graph
        self.session = session

        # this is a PersistentSubmaster (even for local) or None if we're not initialized
        self.currentSub = Observable(None)
        # this is a URIRef or Local
        self._currentChoice = Observable(Local)

        self._currentChoice = Observable(Local)
        # this is a PersistentSubmaster (even for local)
        self.currentSub = Observable(Submaster.PersistentSubmaster(
                    graph, self.makeLocal()))

        def pc(val):
  "change viewed sub to %s", val)

        EditChoice(self, self.graph, self._currentChoice).frame.pack(side='top')

    def setupSubChoiceLinks(self):

        def ann():
            print "currently: session=%s currentSub=%r _currentChoice=%r" % (
                self.session, self.currentSub(), self._currentChoice())

        def graphChanged():
            s = graph.value(self.session, L9['currentSub'])
            if s is None:
                s = self.makeLocal()
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