Changeset - 507581ee458b
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Drew Perttula - 8 years ago 2017-05-19 07:53:36
modernize the output code for Mini15
Ignore-this: f44087b3bab188a81bb702ad1ffb7854
2 files changed with 11 insertions and 16 deletions:
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@@ -57,12 +57,13 @@ def resolve(deviceType, deviceAttr, valu
            elif isinstance(v, (int, float)):
                raise TypeError(repr(v))
        # averaging with zeros? not so good
        return Literal(sum(floatVals) / len(floatVals))
    return max(values)

def toOutputAttrs(deviceType, deviceAttrSettings):
@@ -88,14 +89,14 @@ def toOutputAttrs(deviceType, deviceAttr
        out = colormath.color_conversions.convert_color(rgb, CMYColor)
        return (

    def fine16Attr(attr):
        x = floatAttr(attr)
    def fine16Attr(attr, scale=1.0):
        x = floatAttr(attr) * scale
        hi = _8bit(x)
        lo = _8bit((x * 255) % 1.0)
        return hi, lo
    if deviceType == L9['ChauvetColorStrip']:
        r, g, b = rgbAttr(L9['color'])
@@ -105,32 +106,26 @@ def toOutputAttrs(deviceType, deviceAttr
            L9['green']: g,
            L9['blue']: b
    elif deviceType == L9['SimpleDimmer']:
        return {L9['level']: _8bit(floatAttr(L9['brightness']))}
    elif deviceType == L9['Mini15']:
        inp = deviceAttrSettings
        rx8 = float(inp.get(L9['rx'], 0)) / 540 * 255
        ry8 = float(inp.get(L9['ry'], 0)) / 240 * 255
        r, g, b = hex_to_rgb(inp.get(L9['color'], '#000000'))
        return {
            L9['xRotation']: clamp255(int(math.floor(rx8))),
            # didn't find docs on this, but from tests it looks like 64 fine steps takes you to the next coarse step
            L9['xFine']: _8bit(1 - (rx8 % 1.0)),
            L9['yRotation']: clamp255(int(math.floor(ry8))),
            L9['yFine']: _8bit((ry8 % 1.0) / 4),
        out = {
            L9['rotationSpeed']: 0, # seems to have no effect
            L9['dimmer']: 255,
            L9['red']: r,
            L9['green']: g,
            L9['blue']: b,
            L9['colorChange']: 0,
            L9['colorSpeed']: 0,
            L9['goboShake']: 0,
            L9['goboChoose']: 0,
        out[L9['red']], out[L9['green']], out[L9['blue']] = rgbAttr(L9['color'])
        out[L9['xRotation']], out[L9['xFine']] = fine16Attr(L9['rx'], 1/540)
        out[L9['yRotation']], out[L9['yFine']] = fine16Attr(L9['ry'], 1/240)
        # didn't find docs on this, but from tests it looks like 64 fine steps takes you to the next coarse step

        return out
    elif deviceType == L9['ChauvetHex12']:
        out = {}
        out[L9['red']], out[L9['green']], out[L9['blue']] = r, g, b = rgbAttr(L9['color'])
        out[L9['amber']] = 0
        out[L9['white']] = min(r, g, b)
        out[L9['uv']] = _8bit(floatAttr(L9['uv']))
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@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ class TestMini15(unittest.TestCase):
        self.assertEqual(3, out[L9['blue']])
    def testConvertRotation(self):
        out = toOutputAttrs(L9['Mini15'], {L9['rx']: Literal(90), L9['ry']: Literal(45)})
        self.assertEqual(42, out[L9['xRotation']])
        self.assertEqual(127, out[L9['xFine']])
        self.assertEqual(47, out[L9['yRotation']])
        self.assertEqual(51, out[L9['yFine']])
        self.assertEqual(207, out[L9['yFine']])
        self.assertEqual(0, out[L9['rotationSpeed']])
class TestResolve(unittest.TestCase):
    def testMaxes1Color(self):
        # do not delete - this one catches a bug in the rgb_to_hex(...) lines
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