Changeset - 5b38db0369fc
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 20 months ago 2023-05-22 08:06:27
add resolve() to DeviceSettings.__init__
1 file changed with 8 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -61,14 +61,20 @@ class _Settings:
    EntityType = DeviceUri
    AttrType = DeviceAttr

    def __init__(self, graph: GraphType, settingsList: List[Tuple[Any, Any, VTUnion]]):
        self.graph = graph  # for looking up all possible attrs
        self._compiled: Dict[self.__class__.EntityType, Dict[self.__class__.AttrType, VTUnion]] = {}
        for row in settingsList:
            self._compiled.setdefault(row[0], {})[row[1]] = row[2]
        for e, a, v in settingsList:
            attrVals = self._compiled.setdefault(e, {})
            if a in attrVals:
                v = resolve(
                    e,  # Hey, this is supposed to be DeviceClass (which is not convenient for us), but so far resolve() doesn't use that arg
                    [attrVals[a], v])
            attrVals[a] = v
        # self._compiled may not be final yet- see _fromCompiled

    def _fromCompiled(cls, graph: GraphType, compiled: Dict[EntityType, Dict[AttrType, VTUnion]]):
        obj = cls(graph, [])
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