Changeset - 5bc1f1a9b4e4
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 17 years ago 2008-06-13 06:07:45
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -37,48 +37,52 @@ map some buttons to the worklights, etc.

ramdisk for the preload

test local net

curvecalc slider instructions please


  OK patches
  OK subs for each song
  OK fade curves per song
  OK worklight switch - use sliders and KC


packing list:
  power strips
  computers, bcf, dmx
  net hub and cables
  dmx cables
  external mouses, keyboards
  wrench, tape
  blank CDs
  label tape
  phone charger
  audio adapters
  gels and swatches





issues to note during the show:

 what ran dmx:
 what ran music:
 what ran curvecalc:

 music stutters?

 light flickers?


next time:

  does avahi make the host-finding stuff easy? probably not worth
  much, but at least the host settings should be in config.n3

  rename :showPath to something about mpd

  right amount of connection logging on asco. it doesn't error clearly
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