Changeset - 5c269c03863d
[Not reviewed]
2 4 2 - 20 months ago 2023-05-27 08:14:45
WIP device settings page can now load and save ok. Omitted GraphToControls for now
6 files changed with 223 insertions and 115 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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import debug from "debug";
import { Literal, NamedNode, Quad_Object, Quad_Predicate, Quad_Subject, Term } from "n3";
import { some } from "underscore";
import { Patch, patchContainsPreds, patchUpdate } from "../web/patch";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../web/SyncedGraph";
import { shortShow } from "../web/show_specific";
import { SubEvent } from "sub-events";

// todo: Align these names with, which uses HexColor and VTUnion.
type Color = string;
export type ControlValue = number | Color | NamedNode;

const log = debug("effect");

function isUri(x: Term | number | string): x is NamedNode {
  return typeof x == "object" && x.termType == "NamedNode";

// todo: eliminate this. address the scaling when we actually scale
// stuff, instead of making a mess of every setting
function valuePred(graph: SyncedGraph, attr: NamedNode): NamedNode {
  const U = graph.U();
  const scaledAttributeTypes = [U(":color"), U(":brightness"), U(":uv")];
  if (some(scaledAttributeTypes, (x: NamedNode) => attr.equals(x))) {
    return U(":scaledValue");
    return U(":value");
  } else {
    return U(":value");

// effect settings data; r/w sync with the graph
export class Effect {
  private settings: Array<{ device: NamedNode; deviceAttr: NamedNode; setting: NamedNode; value: ControlValue }> = [];
  private ctxForEffect: NamedNode
  settingsChanged:SubEvent<void>=new SubEvent()
    public graph: SyncedGraph,
    public uri: NamedNode,
    // called if the graph changes our values and not when the caller uses edit()
    private onValuesChanged: (values: void) => void
    // private onValuesChanged: (values: void) => void
  ) {
    this.ctxForEffect = this.graph.Uri(this.uri.value.replace("", `${shortShow}/effect`));
    graph.runHandler(this.rebuildSettingsFromGraph.bind(this), `effect sync ${uri.value}`);

  addNewEffectToGraph() {
    const U = this.graph.U();
    const quad = (s: Quad_Subject, p: Quad_Predicate, o: Quad_Object) => this.graph.Quad(s, p, o, this.ctxForEffect);

    const addQuads = [
      quad(this.uri, U("rdf:type"), U(":Effect")),
      quad(this.uri, U("rdfs:label"), this.graph.Literal(this.uri.value.replace(/.*\//, ""))),
@@ -52,58 +56,60 @@ export class Effect {
    log("init new effect", patch);
    this.settings = [];

  rebuildSettingsFromGraph(patch?: Patch) {
    const U = this.graph.U();
    if (patch && !patchContainsPreds(patch, [U(":setting"), U(":device"), U(":deviceAttr")])) {
      // that's an approx list of preds , but it just means we'll miss some pathological settings edits
      //   return;

    // log("syncFromGraph", this.uri);
    log("syncFromGraph", this.uri);

    // this repeats work- it gathers all settings when really some values changed (and we might even know about them). maybe push the value-fetching into a secnod phase of the run, and have the 1st phase drop out early
    const newSettings = [];

    const seenDevAttrPairs: Set<string> = new Set();

    for (let setting of Array.from(this.graph.objects(this.uri, U(":setting")))) {
      //   log(`  setting ${setting.value}`);
        log(`  setting ${setting.value}`);
      if (!isUri(setting)) throw new Error();
      let value: ControlValue;
      const device = this.graph.uriValue(setting, U(":device"));
      const deviceAttr = this.graph.uriValue(setting, U(":deviceAttr"));

      const pred = valuePred(this.graph, deviceAttr);
      try {
        value = this.graph.uriValue(setting, pred);
        if (!(value as NamedNode).id.match(/^http/)) {
          throw new Error("not uri");
      } catch (error) {
        try {
          value = this.graph.floatValue(setting, pred);
        } catch (error1) {
          value = this.graph.stringValue(setting, pred); // this may find multi values and throw
      //   log(`change: graph contains ${deviceAttr.value} ${value}`);

      newSettings.push({ device, deviceAttr, setting, value });
    this.settings = newSettings;
    log(`rebuild to ${this.settings.length}`);
    // this.onValuesChanged();

  currentValue(device: NamedNode, deviceAttr: NamedNode): ControlValue | null {
    for (let s of this.settings) {
      if (device.equals(s.device) && deviceAttr.equals(s.deviceAttr)) {
        return s.value;
    return null;

  // change this object now, but return the patch to be applied to the graph so it can be coalesced.
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file renamed from light9/live/Light9LiveControl.ts to light9/live/Light9AttrControl.ts
import debug from "debug";
import { css, html, LitElement, PropertyValues } from "lit";
import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { Literal, NamedNode } from "n3";
import { SubEvent } from "sub-events";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../web/SyncedGraph";
import { ControlValue } from "./Effect";
import { ControlValue, Effect } from "./Effect";
import { GraphToControls } from "./GraphToControls";
import { DeviceAttrRow } from "./Light9DeviceControl";
import { Choice } from "./Light9Listbox";
import { getTopGraph } from "../web/RdfdbSyncedGraph";
export { Slider } from "@material/mwc-slider";
export { Light9ColorPicker } from "../web/light9-color-picker";

const log = debug("control");
const log = debug("");


const makeType = (d: "scalar" | "color" | "choice") => new NamedNode(`${d}`);
type DataTypeNames = "scalar" | "color" | "choice";
const makeType = (d: DataTypeNames) => new NamedNode(`${d}`);

// UI for one device attr (of any type).
export class Light9LiveControl extends LitElement {
export class Light9AttrControl extends LitElement {
  graph!: SyncedGraph;

  static styles = [
      #colorControls {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
      #colorControls > * {
        margin: 0 3px;
    :host {
      border: 2px solid white;
      mwc-slider {
        width: 250px;

  // passed from parent
  @property() device!: NamedNode;
  @property() dataType: NamedNode;
  @property() deviceAttrRow!: DeviceAttrRow;
  @property() deviceAttrRow: DeviceAttrRow | null = null;
  @state() dataType: DataTypeNames = "scalar";

  @property() effect: Effect | null = null;
  // we'll connect to this and receive graphValueChanged and send uiValueChanged
  @property() graphToControls!: GraphToControls;
  // @property() graphToControls!: GraphToControls;

  @property() enableChange: boolean = false;
  @property() value: ControlValue | null = null;
  @property() value: ControlValue | null = null; // e.g. color string

  // slider mode
  @property() sliderValue: number = 0;
  // @property() sliderValue: number = 0;

  // color mode

  // choice mode
  @property() pickedChoice: Choice | null = null;
  @property() choiceValue: Choice | null = null;
  // @property() pickedChoice: Choice | null = null;
  // @property() choiceValue: Choice | null = null;

  valueChanged: SubEvent<Literal> = new SubEvent();

  constructor() {
    this.dataType = makeType("color");
    // getTopGraph().then((g) => {
    //   this.graph = g;
    //   // this.graph.runHandler(this.graphReads.bind(this), `${this.device} ${this.deviceAttrRow.uri} reads`);
    // });
    getTopGraph().then((g) => {
      this.graph = g;
      if (this.deviceAttrRow === null) throw new Error();
      // this.graph.runHandler(this.graphReads.bind(this), `${this.deviceAttrRow.device} ${this.deviceAttrRow.uri} reads`);

  connectedCallback(): void {

  render() {
    const dbg=html`
    if (this.dataType.equals(makeType("scalar"))) {
      return html`${dbg} <mwc-slider .value=${this.sliderValue} step=${1 / 255} min="0" max="1" @input=${this.onSliderInput}></mwc-slider> `;
    } else if (this.dataType.equals(makeType("color"))) {
      return html` ${dbg}
    if (this.deviceAttrRow === null) throw new Error();
    const dbg = html` live-control ${this.dataType}  ]`;
    if (this.dataType == "scalar") {
      const v = this.value || 0;
      return html`${dbg} <mwc-slider .value=${v} step=${1 / 255} min="0" max="1" @input=${this.onSliderInput}></mwc-slider> `;
    } else if ((this.dataType = "color")) {
      const v = this.value || '#000'
      return html`
        <div id="colorControls">
          <button on-click="goBlack">0.0</button>
          <light9-color-picker color="${this.value}"></light9-color-picker>
          <light9-color-picker .color=${v} @input=${this.onColorInput}></light9-color-picker>
    } else if (this.dataType.equals(makeType("choice"))) {
      return html`${dbg} <light9-listbox choices="{{deviceAttrRow.choices}}" value="{{choiceValue}}"> </light9-listbox> `;
    } else if (this.dataType == "choice") {
      return html`${dbg} <light9-listbox .choices=${this.deviceAttrRow.choices} .value=${this.choiceValue}> </light9-listbox> `;

  // graphReads() {
  //   if (this.deviceAttrRow === null) throw new Error();
  //   const U = this.graph.U();
  //   this.effect?.currentValue(this.deviceAttrRow.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri);
  // }

  updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {
    // if (changedProperties.has("graphToControls")) {
    //   // this.graphToControls.register(this.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri, this.onGraphValueChanged.bind(this));
    //   this.enableChange = true;
  // }

  updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues) {
    if (changedProperties.has("graphToControls")) {
      this.graphToControls.register(this.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri, this.onGraphValueChanged.bind(this));
      this.enableChange = true;
    if (changedProperties.has("deviceAttrRow")) {
    if (changedProperties.has("effect")) {
    if (changedProperties.has("value")) {

  private onValueProperty() {
    if (this.deviceAttrRow === null) throw new Error();
    if (this.effect !== null && this.graph !== undefined) {
      const p = this.effect.edit(this.deviceAttrRow.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri, this.value);
      log("patch", p, "to", this.graph);
      if (p.adds.length || p.dels.length) {

  private onEffectProperty() {
    if (this.effect === null) throw new Error();
    // effect will read graph changes on its own, but emit an event when it does
    this.effect.settingsChanged.subscribe(() => {

  private effectSettingsChanged() {
    // anything in the settings graph is new
    log("i check the effect current value");
    if (this.deviceAttrRow === null) throw new Error();
    if (this.effect === null) throw new Error();
    log("graph->ui on ", this.deviceAttrRow.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri);
    const v=this.effect.currentValue(this.deviceAttrRow.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri);

  private onDeviceAttrRowProperty() {
    if (this.deviceAttrRow === null) throw new Error();
    const d = this.deviceAttrRow.dataType;
    if (d.equals(makeType("scalar"))) {
      this.dataType = "scalar";
    } else if (d.equals(makeType("color"))) {
      this.dataType = "color";
    } else if (d.equals(makeType("choice"))) {
      this.dataType = "choice";

  onSliderInput(ev: CustomEvent) {
    if (ev.detail === undefined) {
      // not sure what this is, but it seems to be followed by good events
    log(ev.type, ev.detail?.value);
    this.graphToControls.controlChanged(this.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri, ev.detail.value);
    log(ev.type, ev.detail.value);
    this.value = ev.detail.value;
    // this.graphToControls.controlChanged(this.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri, ev.detail.value);

onColorInput(ev: CustomEvent) {
  this.value = ev.detail.value;

  onGraphValueChanged(v: ControlValue | null) {
    // log("change: control must display", v);
    if (this.deviceAttrRow === null) throw new Error();
    log("change: control must display", v, "for", this.deviceAttrRow.device.value, this.deviceAttrRow.uri.value);
    // this.enableChange = false;
    if (this.dataType.equals(makeType("scalar"))) {
    if (this.dataType == "scalar") {
      if (v !== null) {
        setTimeout(() => {
          // only needed once per page layout
          this.shadowRoot?.querySelector("mwc-slider")?.layout(/*skipUpdateUI=*/ false);
        }, 1);
        this.sliderValue = v as number;
        this.value = v;
      } else {
        this.sliderValue = 0;
         this.value = 0;
    } else if (this.dataType == "color") {
      log('graph sets coolor', v)
    // if (v === null) {
    //   this.clear();
    // } else {
    //   this.value = v;
    // }
    // if (this.deviceAttrRow.useChoice) {
    //   this.choiceValue = v === null ? v : v.value;
    // }
    // this.enableChange = true;

  graphToColor(v: ControlValue | null) {
    this.value = v === null ? "#000" : v;
    // const cp = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector("light9-color-picker") as Light9ColorPicker | null;
    // if (cp) {
    //   if (typeof v != "string") throw new Error("type v is " + typeof v);
    //   if (v === null) {
    //     v = "#000";
    //   }
    //   cp.setColor(v as string);
    // }

  goBlack() {
    this.value = "#000000";

  onChoice(value: any) {
    if (this.graphToControls == null || !this.enableChange) {
    if (value != null) {
      value = this.graph.Uri(value);
    } else {
      value = null;
    this.graphToControls.controlChanged(this.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri, value);
    // if (this.graphToControls == null || !this.enableChange) {
    //   return;
    // }
    // if (value != null) {
    //   value = this.graph.Uri(value);
    // } else {
    //   value = null;
    // }
    // this.graphToControls.controlChanged(this.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri, value);

  onChange(value: any) {
    if (this.graphToControls == null || !this.enableChange) {
    if (typeof value === "number" && isNaN(value)) {
    } // let onChoice do it
    //log('change: control tells graph', @deviceAttrRow.uri.value, value)
    if (value === undefined) {
      value = null;
    this.graphToControls.controlChanged(this.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri, value);
    // if (this.graphToControls == null || !this.enableChange) {
    //   return;
    // }
    // if (typeof value === "number" && isNaN(value)) {
    //   return;
    // } // let onChoice do it
    // //log('change: control tells graph', @deviceAttrRow.uri.value, value)
    // if (value === undefined) {
    //   value = null;
    // }
    // this.graphToControls.controlChanged(this.device, this.deviceAttrRow.uri, value);

  // clear() {
  //   this.pickedChoice = null;
  //   this.sliderWriteValue = 0;
  //   if (this.deviceAttrRow.useColor) {
  //     return (this.value = "#000000");
  //   } else if (this.deviceAttrRow.useChoice) {
  //     return (this.value = this.pickedChoice = null);
  //   } else {
  //     return (this.value = this.sliderValue = 0);
  //   }
Show inline comments
import debug from "debug";
import { css, html, LitElement } from "lit";
import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { NamedNode } from "n3";
import { unique } from "underscore";
import { Patch, patchContainsPreds } from "../web/patch";
import { getTopGraph } from "../web/RdfdbSyncedGraph";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../web/SyncedGraph";
import { GraphToControls } from "./GraphToControls";
import { Choice } from "./Light9Listbox";
import { Light9LiveControl } from "./Light9LiveControl";
import { Light9AttrControl } from "./Light9AttrControl";
import { Effect } from "./Effect";
export { ResourceDisplay } from "../web/ResourceDisplay";
export { Light9LiveControl };
const log = debug("devcontrol");
export { Light9AttrControl };
const log = debug("");

export interface DeviceAttrRow {
  uri: NamedNode; //devattr
  device: NamedNode;
  attrClasses: string; // the css kind
  dataType: NamedNode;
  showColorPicker: boolean;
  useColor: boolean;
  useChoice: boolean;
  choices: Choice[];
  choiceSize: number;
  useSlider: boolean;
  max: number;

// Widgets for one device with multiple Light9LiveControl rows for the attr(s).
export class Light9DeviceControl extends LitElement {
  graph!: SyncedGraph;
  static styles = [
      :host {
        display: inline-block;
      .device {
        border: 2px solid #151e2d;
        margin: 4px;
        padding: 1px;
@@ -79,41 +82,41 @@ export class Light9DeviceControl extends

  render() {
    return html`
      <div class="device ${this.devClasses}">
        <h2 style="${this._bgStyle(this.deviceClass)}" xon-click="onClick">
          <resource-display id="mainLabel" .uri="${this.uri}"></resource-display>
          a <resource-display minor .uri="${this.deviceClass}"></resource-display>

          (dattr: DeviceAttrRow) => html`
            <div @click="onAttrClick" class="deviceAttr ${dattr.attrClasses}">
              <span>attr <resource-display minor .uri="${dattr.uri}"></resource-display></span>
                <resource-display minor .uri=${dattr.uri}></resource-display>
              <light9-attr-control .deviceAttrRow=${dattr} .effect=${this.effect}>

  @property() uri!: NamedNode;
  @property() effect!: NamedNode;
  @property() graphToControls!: GraphToControls;
  @property() effect!: Effect;
  // @property() graphToControls!: GraphToControls;

  @property() devClasses: string = ""; // the css kind
  @property() deviceAttrs: DeviceAttrRow[] = [];
  @property() deviceClass: NamedNode | null = null;
  @property() selectedAttrs: Set<NamedNode> = new Set();

  constructor() {
    getTopGraph().then((g) => {
      this.graph = g;
      this.graph.runHandler(this.syncDeviceAttrsFromGraph.bind(this), `${this.uri.value} update`);
@@ -160,24 +163,25 @@ export class Light9DeviceControl extends
    Array.from(unique(this.graph.sortedUris(this.graph.objects(this.deviceClass, U(":deviceAttr"))))).map((da: NamedNode) =>

  attrRow(devAttr: NamedNode): DeviceAttrRow {
    let x: NamedNode;
    const U = (x: string) => this.graph.Uri(x);
    const dataType = this.graph.uriValue(devAttr, U(":dataType"));
    const daRow = {
      uri: devAttr,
      device: this.uri,
      showColorPicker: dataType.equals(U(":color")),
      attrClasses: this.selectedAttrs.has(devAttr) ? "selected" : "",
      useColor: false,
      useChoice: false,
      choices: [] as Choice[],
      choiceSize: 0,
      useSlider: false,
      max: 1,
    if (dataType.equals(U(":color"))) {
      daRow.useColor = true;
@@ -197,26 +201,26 @@ export class Light9DeviceControl extends
      daRow.max = 1;
      if (dataType.equals(U(":angle"))) {
        // varies
        daRow.max = 1;
    return daRow;

  clear() {
    // why can't we just set their values ? what's diff about
    // the clear state, and should it be represented with `null` value?
    throw new Error()
    Array.from(this.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll("light9-live-control")).map((lc: Element) => (lc as Light9LiveControl).clear());
    throw new Error();
    // Array.from(this.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll("light9-live-control")).map((lc: Element) => (lc as Light9LiveControl).clear());

  onClick(ev: any) {
    log("click", this.uri);
    // select, etc

  onAttrClick(ev: { model: { dattr: { uri: any } } }) {
    log("attr click", this.uri, ev.model.dattr.uri);
    // select
Show inline comments
file renamed from light9/live/Light9LiveControls.ts to light9/live/Light9DeviceSettings.ts
import debug from "debug";
import { css, html, LitElement, PropertyValues } from "lit";
import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { NamedNode } from "n3";
import { sortBy, uniq } from "underscore";
import { Patch, patchContainsPreds } from "../web/patch";
import { getTopGraph } from "../web/RdfdbSyncedGraph";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../web/SyncedGraph";
import { GraphToControls } from "./GraphToControls";
import { Effect } from "./Effect";
export { EditChoice } from "../web/EditChoice";
export { Light9DeviceControl as Light9LiveDeviceControl } from "./Light9DeviceControl";
const log = debug("controls");
const log = debug("settings");

export class Light9LiveControls extends LitElement {
export class Light9DeviceSettings extends LitElement {
  graph!: SyncedGraph;

  static styles = [
      :host {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
      #preview {
        width: 100%;
      #deviceControls {
@@ -34,70 +35,77 @@ export class Light9LiveControls extends 
      light9-live-device-control > div {
        break-inside: avoid-column;
      light9-live-device-control {

  render() {
    return html`

      <h1>effect deviceattrs</h1>
      <h1>effect EeviceSettings</h1>

      <div id="save">
          <button @click=${this.newEffect}>New effect</button>
          <edit-choice .uri=${this.effectChoice} @edited=${this.onEffectChoice2}></edit-choice>
          <edit-choice .uri=${this.currentEffect ? this.currentEffect.uri : null} @edited=${this.onEffectChoice2}></edit-choice>
          <button @click=${this.clearAll}>clear settings in this effect</button>

      <div id="deviceControls">
          (device: NamedNode) => html`
            <light9-device-control .uri=${device} .effect=${this.effectChoice} .graphToControls=${this.graphToControls}></light9-device-control>
            <light9-device-control .uri=${device} .effect=${this.currentEffect}> .graphToControls={this.graphToControls} </light9-device-control>

  devices: Array<NamedNode> = [];
  // uri of the effect being edited, or null. This is the
  // master value; GraphToControls follows.
  @property() effectChoice: NamedNode | null = null;
  graphToControls!: GraphToControls;
  @property() currentEffect: Effect | null = null;
  // graphToControls!: GraphToControls;
  okToWriteUrl: boolean = false;

  constructor() {

    getTopGraph().then((g) => {
      this.graph = g;
      this.graph.runHandler(this.findDevices.bind(this), "findDevices");
      this.graphToControls = new GraphToControls(this.graph);
      // this.graphToControls = new GraphToControls(this.graph);
      // this.graph.runHandler(this.update.bind(this), "Light9LiveControls update");
  onEffectChoice2(ev: CustomEvent) {
    this.effectChoice = ev.detail.newValue as NamedNode;
    const uri = ev.detail.newValue as NamedNode;
    if (uri === null) {
      this.currentEffect = null;
    } else {
      this.currentEffect = new Effect(this.graph, uri);
  updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues) {
    if (changedProperties.has("effectChoice")) {
      log(`effectChoice to ${this.effectChoice?.value}`);
  updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {
    log("ctls udpated", changedProperties);
    if (changedProperties.has("currentEffect")) {
      log(`effectChoice to ${this.currentEffect?.uri?.value}`);
    // this.graphToControls?.debugDump();

  // Note that this doesn't fetch setting values, so it only should get rerun
  // upon (rarer) changes to the devices etc.
  findDevices(patch?: Patch) {
    const U = this.graph.U();
    // if (patch && !patchContainsPreds(patch, [U("rdf:type")])) {
    //   return;
    // }

    this.devices = [];
    let classes = this.graph.subjects(U("rdf:type"), U(":DeviceClass"));
@@ -108,68 +116,68 @@ export class Light9LiveControls extends 
        this.devices.push(dev as NamedNode);

  setEffectFromUrl() {
    // not a continuous bidi link between url and effect; it only reads
    // the url when the page loads.
    const effect = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get("effect");
    if (effect != null) {
      log(`found effect in url ${effect}`);
      this.effectChoice = this.graph.Uri(effect);
      this.currentEffect = new Effect(this.graph, this.graph.Uri(effect));
    this.okToWriteUrl = true;

  writeToUrl(effect: NamedNode | null) {
  writeToUrl(effect: NamedNode | undefined) {
    const effectStr = effect ? this.graph.shorten(effect) : "";
    if (!this.okToWriteUrl) {
    const u = new URL(window.location.href);
    if ((u.searchParams.get("effect") || "") === effectStr) {
    u.searchParams.set("effect", effectStr); // this escapes : and / and i wish it didn't
    window.history.replaceState({}, "", u.href);
    log("wrote new url", u.href);

  newEffect() {
    this.effectChoice = this.graphToControls.newEffect();
    // this.effectChoice = this.graphToControls.newEffect();

  onEffectChoice() {
    const U = (x: any) => this.graph.Uri(x);
    if (this.effectChoice == null) {
      // unlink
      log("onEffectChoice unlink");
      if (this.graphToControls != null) {
    } else {
      if (this.graphToControls != null) {
      } else {
        throw new Error("graphToControls not set");
    // if (this.effectChoice == null) {
    //   // unlink
    //   log("onEffectChoice unlink");
    //   if (this.graphToControls != null) {
    //     this.graphToControls.setEffect(null);
    //   }
    // } else {
    //   if (this.graphToControls != null) {
    //     this.graphToControls.setEffect(this.effectChoice);
    //   } else {
    //     throw new Error("graphToControls not set");
    //   }
    // }

  clearAll() {
    // clears the effect!
    return this.graphToControls.emptyEffect();
    return; //this.graphToControls.emptyEffect();

  // configureFromGraph() {
  //   const U = (x: string) => this.graph.Uri(x);

  //   const newDevs: NamedNode[] = [];
  //   for (let dc of Array.from(this.graph.sortedUris(this.graph.subjects(U("rdf:type"), U(":DeviceClass"))))) {
  //     for (let dev of Array.from(this.graph.sortedUris(this.graph.subjects(U("rdf:type"), dc)))) {
  //       if (this.graph.contains(dev, U(":hideInLiveUi"), null)) {
  //         continue;
  //       }
  //       if (newDevs.length == 0) newDevs.push(dev);
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<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>device control</title>
    <title>device settings</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../style.css" />
    <script type="module" src="../live/Light9LiveControls"></script>
    <script type="module" src="./Light9DeviceSettings"></script>
      html {
        margin: 0;
      light9-live-controls {
      light9-device-settings {
        position: absolute;
        left: 2px;
        top: 2px;
        right: 8px;
        bottom: 0;
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@@ -49,37 +49,39 @@ export class Light9ColorPicker extends L
  @property() color: string = "#000";

  @state() hueSatColor: string = "#fff"; // always full value
  @state() value: int8 = 0;

  @queryAsync("#swatch") swatchEl!: Promise<HTMLElement>;

  connectedCallback(): void {
  update(changedProperties: PropertyValueMap<this>) {
    if (changedProperties.has("color")) {
    if (changedProperties.has("value") || changedProperties.has("hueSatColor")) {
      this.color = color(this.hueSatColor)
        .value(this.value / 255)

      this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("input", { detail: { value: this.color } }));

      this.swatchEl.then((sw) => {
 = this.hueSatColor;

  private onVSliderChange(ev: CustomEvent) {
    this.value = ev.detail.value;

  // for outside users of the component
  setColor(col: string) {
    if (col === null) throw new Error("col===null");
    if (typeof col !== "string") throw new Error("typeof col=" + typeof col);
    this.value = color(col).value() * 255;

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