Changeset - 5c4a88bf24b4
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0 - 9 years ago 2016-06-11 02:49:32
gobo rotation support on quantum (untested)
Ignore-this: a7e37b544d0cd0fb76790ad95e33753
2 files changed with 24 insertions and 18 deletions:
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@@ -179,18 +179,21 @@ def toOutputAttrs(deviceType, deviceAttr

        out[L9['goboChoice']] = {
            L9['open']: 0,
            L9['spider']: 6,
            L9['windmill']: 11,
            L9['limbo']: 16,
            L9['brush']: 21,
            L9['whirlpool']: 26,
            L9['stars']: 31,
            L9['spider']: 36,
            L9['windmill']: 41,
            L9['limbo']: 46,
            L9['brush']: 51,
            L9['whirlpool']: 56,
            L9['stars']: 61,
            }[deviceAttrSettings.get(L9['gobo'], L9['open'])]

        # my goboSpeed deviceAttr goes 0=stopped to 1=fastest (using one direction only)
        x = .5 + .5 * floatAttr(L9['goboSpeed'])
        out[L9['goboSpeedHi']] = _8bit(x)
        out[L9['goboSpeedLo']] = _8bit((x * 255) % 1.0)
        out.update( {
            L9['colorWheel']: 0,
            L9['goboSpeedHi']: 0,
            L9['goboSpeedLo']:  0,
            L9['goboStaticRotate']: 0,
            L9['prismRotation']: _8bit(floatAttr(L9['prism'])),
            L9['iris']: _8bit(floatAttr(L9['iris']) * (200/255)),
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@prefix : <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

:color a :DeviceAttr;             :dataType :color .
:rx a :DeviceAttr;                :dataType :angle .
:ry a :DeviceAttr;                :dataType :angle .
:uv a :DeviceAttr;                :dataType :scalar .
:brightness a :DeviceAttr;        :dataType :scalar .
:zoom a :DeviceAttr;              :dataType :scalar ; rdfs:comment "maybe a 'wide to narrow' type" .
:focus a :DeviceAttr;             :dataType :scalar .
:iris a :DeviceAttr;              :dataType :scalar .
:quantumGoboChoice a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :choice;
:color              a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :color .
:rx                 a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :angle .
:ry                 a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :angle .
:uv                 a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :scalar .
:brightness         a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :scalar .
:zoom               a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :scalar ;
  rdfs:comment "maybe make this a separate 'wide to narrow' type" .
:focus              a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :scalar .
:iris               a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :scalar .
:goboSpeed          a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :scalar ;
  rdfs:comment "0=stopped, 1=rotate the fastest".
:quantumGoboChoice  a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :choice;
  :choice :open, :spider, :windmill, :limbo, :brush, :whirlpool, :stars .

:SimpleDimmer a :DeviceClass;
@@ -104,7 +107,7 @@

:MacQuantum a :DeviceClass; 
  :docs <>;
  :deviceAttr :color, :rx, :ry, :zoom, :focus, :iris, :quantumGoboChoice;
  :deviceAttr :color, :rx, :ry, :zoom, :focus, :iris, :quantumGoboChoice, :goboSpeed;
    [ :dmxOffset 0; :outputAttr :shutter ; rdfs:comment "use 30" ],
    [ :dmxOffset 1; :outputAttr :dimmerFadeHi ],
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