Changeset - 5c65903af22d
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Drew Perttula - 14 years ago 2011-06-18 04:51:44
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -26,62 +26,62 @@ can i dynamically change the output file

show is 70min of music: at 8fps and 50k/pic, 1.6MB of image data per pass.




after you get all the music files into config.n3, run bin/musicPad
once, and then update all their paths to the new pad/ directory.

THEN run bin/wavecurve

make new CDs with corrected songs
sync songs across computers
test dmx dongle, sliders box, sound playback


for 2011:
- bring a mouse for the curvecalc laptop
- vidref should have a time slider
- factor out music dir so it can be different per machine
- all settings should be in RDF and live-shared across all apps, maybe with anzo for updates
- when curvecalc says 'Slider 1', the X coordinates of the curve get misaligned
OK when curvecalc says 'Slider 1', the X coordinates of the curve get misaligned
OK asco should say clearly what machine it's running on
- asco should have GUI for picking which sound output you want, and store the setting
- vidref should have snapshot button for taking pics of the stage
- bring mini tripod or beanbag for the vidref camera
- more remote contol stuff
- gel sample pack
- vidref adjustable crop to the stage aspect
- vidref should have an 'in progress' row to prove that it's recording something new
OK curvecalc still has a problem making empty-name subterms. that should never happen, even once
- remote-run GUIs should say what machine they're on. Or, everyone should say what RDF server it's talking tox
- scrub inside curvecalc, preview a video in it
- bring curvecalc's logging inside the GUI window
- vidref stopped here once:
OK vidref stopped here once:
        File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 484, in run
          self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
        File "/home/drewp/projects/light9/light9/vidref/", line 54, in _timeUpdate
          position = jsonlib.loads(self.musicResource.get("time").body,
        File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/restkit-1.3.1-py2.6.egg/restkit/", line 135, in get
          return self.request("GET", path=path, headers=headers, **params)
        File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/restkit-1.3.1-py2.6.egg/restkit/", line 231, in request
          raise RequestError(e)
      RequestError: [Errno 111] Connection refused
- asco stops considerably after the autostop time (according to curvecalc)
OK CC should support zoom-crushing towards the left as well
- vidref's replay 'enabled' button should be completely sticky across sessions
- audio process pipeline; RDF graph should track versions of songs (padded, normalized)
OK vidref can loop like this if asco goes down:
       File "/home/drewp/projects/light9/light9/vidref/", line 168, in updateLoop
       File "/home/drewp/projects/light9/light9/vidref/", line 42, in update
       File "/home/drewp/projects/light9/light9/vidref/", line 57, in loadViewsForSong
         d = songDir(song)
       File "/home/drewp/projects/light9/light9/vidref/", line 10, in songDir
         safeUri = song.split('://')[-1].replace('/','_')
     AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
- CC subterms that are just curve(t) should not appear as rows; they should be described in their curverow
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