Changeset - 5e4fb4ac2d18
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drewp - 23 years ago 2002-07-07 12:24:01

corrected Patch's error behavior and subediting's catching behavior
2 files changed with 1 insertions and 4 deletions:
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from types import TupleType

def get_dmx_channel(name):
    if name in patch:
        return patch[name]

        i = int(name)
        return i
    except ValueError:
        raise "Invalid channel name:", name
        raise ValueError("Invalid channel name: %s" % name)

def get_channel_name(dmxnum):
        return reverse_patch[dmxnum]
    except KeyError:
        return str(dmxnum)

def reload_data(dummy):
    global patch, reverse_patch
    if dummy:
        import ConfigDummy as Config
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@@ -29,31 +29,28 @@ class Subediting:
    # next two methods are called by the Stage
    def startlevelchange(self):
        "stage is about to send some level changes. this method is called by the Stage."
        print "subedit: start-------"
        if self.sub is None:
            print "not editing any sub!"

        self.startlevels = self.sub.getlevels()

    def getcurrentlevel(self,lightname):
        print "resolve",lightname
        ch = get_dmx_channel(lightname)
            ch = get_dmx_channel(lightname)
        except ValueError:
            return None
        print "resolved ch",ch
        return self.currentoutputlevels[ch]

    def levelchange(self,lightnames,delta):
        """stage sends this message with its light names and a delta
        0..1 measured from the last startlevelchange call. this method is
        called by the Stage"""

        print "subedit: level change",lightnames,delta
        if self.sub is None:
            print "not editing any sub!"

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