Changeset - 5e8c505bcc2c
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dmcc - 23 years ago 2002-07-08 15:53:29

bad cues replaced with bogus ones that can't harm things
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 14 deletions:
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from random import randrange
from time import time
from __future__ import generators,division
from Subs import *
from Cue import *

f1 = Fade('col blue', 0, 2, 100)
f2 = Fade('god', 1, 3, 50)
f3 = Fade('house', 0, 4, 0)
f4 = Fade('col gree', 0, 8, 75) 
f1 = Fade('bogus sub, i hope', 0, 2, 0.1)

g1 = Fade('edges', 1, 2, 20)
g2 = Fade('sidepost', 0, 4, 50)
g3 = Fade('cyc', 1, 5, 20)
g4 = Fade('*curtain', 0, 8, 15) 

c1 = Cue("This", 0, 10, f1, f2, f3, f4)
c2 = Cue("That", 0, 5, g1, g2, g3, g4)
c3 = Cue("The other", 1, 7, f1, g2, g3, f4)

cues = [c1, c2, c3]
cues = [
    Cue("Seat filler", 0, 10, f1),

patch = {
    ('side l','sidepost1') : 45, # posts
    ('side r','sidepost2') : 46,
    'sidefill1' : 13,
    'sidefill2' : 14,

    ('patio1','main 1',) : 1,
    ('main 2',) : 2,
    ('main 3',) : 3,
    ('main 4',) : 4,
    ('main 5',) : 5,
    ('god','main 6') : 6,
    ('main 7',) : 7,
    ('main 8',) : 8,
    ('main 9',) : 9,
    ('main 10',) : 10,
    ('main 11',):11,
    ('patio2','main 12',):12,

    'cycleft' : 43,
    'cycright' : 42,
    ('desk1' ,'b11'):54, # left bank over house
    ('marry1' ,'b12'):53,
    ('hotbox1' ,'b14'):51,
    ('edge' ,'b15'):50,
    ('cuba1'   ,'b21'):55, # mid bank
    ('desk2'   ,'b26'):60,
    ('rock','b31'):61, # right bank
    ('hotbox2' ,'b33'):63,
    ('marry2' ,'b35'):65,
    ('cuba2' ,'b36'):66,
    'oran1':21,    'oran2':25,    'oran3':29,    'oran4':33,
    'gree1':22,    'gree2':26,    'gree3':30,    'gree4':34,
    'blue1':23,    'blue2':27,    'blue3':31,    'blue4':35,
    'red1' :24,    'red2' :28,    'red3' :32,    'red4' :36,
    'upfill1' : 40,
    'upfill2' : 38,
    'upfill3' : 37,
    'upfill4' : 39,

from util import maxes,scaledict
def fulls(chans):
    # pass a list or multiple args
    return dict([(c,FL) for c in chans])
def levs(chans,levs):
    return dict([(c,v) for c,v in zip(chans,levs)])

def strobe(params, slideradjuster):
    patterns = {
        'blue' : fulls((23,27,31,35,'b0 4 b','b2 3 b')),
        'cyc' : {42:FL,43:FL},
        'scp all' : fulls((13,16,18,19,39)),
        '1-5' : fulls(range(1, 6)),
    params.add_param('offtime',SliderParam(range=(0.1,0.3), res=0.001,
                                           initial=0.11, length=100))
    params.add_param('ontime',SliderParam(range=(0.0,0.8), res=0.001, 
    params.add_param('count',SliderParam(range=(0, 10), res=1, initial=0))
    lastchanged = time()
    state = 0
    blinkcounter = 0
    my_pattern = None

    while 1:
        if params['count'] and blinkcounter > params['count']:
            blinkcounter = 0

        if params['pattern'] != None:
            params['current'] = params['pattern']
            my_pattern = params['pattern']

        if state == 0:
            delay = params['offtime']
            delay = params['ontime']
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