Changeset - 5ff9d9e264bb
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0 3 0 - 12 years ago 2012-09-29 21:00:34
Patch.fromDiff and its usage in graphfile changes
Ignore-this: 650eaba5a71a5e838d14af5110b04e34
3 files changed with 111 insertions and 13 deletions:
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import logging, traceback
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
from twisted.internet.inotify import IN_CLOSE_WRITE, IN_MOVED_FROM
from rdflib import Graph
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch
from light9.rdfdb.rdflibpatch import inContext

log = logging.getLogger()

class GraphFile(object):
    one rdf file that we read from, write to, and notice external changes to
@@ -37,20 +38,51 @@ class GraphFile(object):
            new.parse(location=self.path, format='n3')
        except SyntaxError as e:
            print e
            log.error("syntax error in %s" % self.path)

        adds = [(s, p, o, self.uri) for s, p, o in new - old]
        dels = [(s, p, o, self.uri) for s, p, o in old - new]
        old = inContext(old, self.uri)
        new = inContext(new, self.uri)
        print "old %s new %s" % (old, new)

        p = Patch.fromDiff(old, new)
        if p:
            self.patch(p, dueToFileChange=True)

        print "file dels"
        for s  in dels:
            print s
        print "file adds"
        for s in adds:
            print s
        print ""
    def dirty(self, graph):
        there are new contents for our file
        graph is the rdflib.Graph that contains the contents of the
        file. It is allowed to change. Note that dirty() will probably
        do the save later when the graph might be different.
        after a timer has passed, write it out. Any scheduling issues
        between files? i don't think so. the timer might be kind of
        huge, and then we might want to take a hint from a client that
        it's a good time to save the files that it was editing, like
        when the mouse moves out of the client's window and might be
        going towards a text file editor
"%s dirty, %s stmt" % (self.uri, len(graph)))

        self.graphToWrite = graph
        if self.writeCall:
            self.writeCall = reactor.callLater(self.flushDelay, self.flush)

    def flush(self):
        self.writeCall = None

        tmpOut = self.path + ".rdfdb-temp"
        f = open(tmpOut, 'w')
        t1 = time.time()
        self.graphToWrite.serialize(destination=f, format='n3')
        serializeTime = time.time() - t1
        self.lastWriteTimestamp = os.path.getmtime(tmpOut)
        os.rename(tmpOut, self.path)
"rewrote %s in %.1f ms", self.path, serializeTime * 1000)
        if adds or dels:
            self.patch(Patch(addQuads=adds, delQuads=dels))
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import json, unittest
from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph, URIRef
from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph, URIRef, URIRef as U
from light9.rdfdb.rdflibpatch import graphFromNQuad, graphFromQuads, serializeQuad

ALLSTMTS = (None, None, None)

class Patch(object):
@@ -25,12 +25,30 @@ class Patch(object):
            body = json.loads(self._jsonRepr)
            self._delGraph = graphFromNQuad(body['patch']['deletes'])
            self._addGraph = graphFromNQuad(body['patch']['adds'])
            if 'senderUpdateUri' in body:
                self.senderUpdateUri = body['senderUpdateUri']

    def fromDiff(cls, oldGraph, newGraph):
        make a patch that changes oldGraph to newGraph
        old = set(oldGraph.quads(ALLSTMTS))
        new = set(newGraph.quads(ALLSTMTS))
        return cls(addQuads=list(new - old), delQuads=list(old - new))

    def __nonzero__(self):
        does this patch do anything to a graph?
        if self._jsonRepr and self._jsonRepr.strip():
            raise NotImplementedError()
        return bool(self._addQuads or self._delQuads or
                    self._addGraph or self._delGraph)

    def addQuads(self):
        if self._addQuads is None:
            if self._addGraph is not None:
                self._addQuads = list(self._addGraph.quads(ALLSTMTS))
@@ -94,6 +112,47 @@ class Patch(object):
            for q in p2.addQuads:
                if q in dels:
        return Patch(delQuads=dels, addQuads=adds)

    def getContext(self):
        """assumes that all the edits are on the same context"""
        ctx = None
        for q in self.addQuads + self.delQuads:
            if ctx is None:
                ctx = q[3]

            if ctx != q[3]:
                raise ValueError("patch applies to multiple contexts, at least %r and %r" % (ctx, q[3]))
        return ctx

stmt1 = U('http://a'), U('http://b'), U('http://c'), U('http://ctx1')

class TestPatchFromDiff(unittest.TestCase):
    def testEmpty(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        p = Patch.fromDiff(g, g)
        self.assert_(not p)

    def testNonEmpty(self):
        g1 = ConjunctiveGraph()
        g2 = graphFromQuads([stmt1])
        p = Patch.fromDiff(g1, g2)

    def testNoticesAdds(self):
        g1 = ConjunctiveGraph()
        g2 = graphFromQuads([stmt1])
        p = Patch.fromDiff(g1, g2)
        self.assertEqual(p.addQuads, [stmt1])
        self.assertEqual(p.delQuads, [])

    def testNoticesDels(self):
        g1 = graphFromQuads([stmt1])
        g2 = ConjunctiveGraph()
        p = Patch.fromDiff(g1, g2)
        self.assertEqual(p.addQuads, [])
        self.assertEqual(p.delQuads, [stmt1])
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@@ -64,12 +64,20 @@ def serializeQuad(g):
        out += u"%s %s %s %s .\n" % (s.n3(),
    return out

def inContext(graph, newContext):
    make a ConjunctiveGraph where all the triples in the given graph
    are in newContext
    return graphFromQuads([(s,p,o,newContext) for s,p,o in graph])

class TestGraphFromQuads(unittest.TestCase):
    nqOut = '<> <> <> <> .\n'
    def testSerializes(self):
        n = U("")
        g = graphFromQuads([(n,n,n,n)])
        out = serializeQuad(g)
@@ -79,13 +87,12 @@ class TestGraphFromQuads(unittest.TestCa
        g = graphFromNQuad(self.nqOut)
        self.assertEqual(len(g), 1)
        out = serializeQuad(g)
        self.assertEqual(out.strip(), self.nqOut.strip())


stmt1 = U('http://a'), U('http://b'), U('http://c'), U('http://ctx1')
stmt2 = U('http://a'), U('http://b'), U('http://c'), U('http://ctx2')
class TestPatchQuads(unittest.TestCase):
    def testAddsToNewContext(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        patchQuads(g, [], [stmt1])
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