Changeset - 60cc3a504377
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0 6 0
Drew Perttula - 8 years ago 2017-05-22 04:37:28
more coverage. Zeros are now dropped from Settings lists.
Ignore-this: cc61e2f12ad9b41daa126ccfb58b4f09
6 files changed with 135 insertions and 30 deletions:
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@@ -28,49 +28,49 @@ def outputMap(graph, outputs):
    for out in outputs:
        outputByUri[out.uri] = out

    for dc in graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9['DeviceClass']):
'mapping DeviceClass %s', dc)
        for dev in graph.subjects(RDF.type, dc):
  '  mapping device %s', dev)
            universe = graph.value(dev, L9['dmxUniverse'])
                output = outputByUri[universe]
            except Exception:
                log.warn('dev %r :dmxUniverse %r', dev, universe)
            dmxBase = int(graph.value(dev, L9['dmxBase']).toPython())
            for row in graph.objects(dc, L9['attr']):
                outputAttr = graph.value(row, L9['outputAttr'])
                offset = int(graph.value(row, L9['dmxOffset']).toPython())
                index = dmxBase + offset - 1
                ret[(dev, outputAttr)] = (output, index)
                log.debug('    map %s to %s,%s', outputAttr, output, index)
    return ret
class Collector(Generic[ClientType, ClientSessionType]):
    def __init__(self, graph, outputs, listeners=None, clientTimeoutSec=10):
        # type: (Graph, List[Output], float) -> None
        # type: (Graph, List[Output], List[Listener], float) -> None
        self.graph = graph
        self.outputs = outputs
        self.listeners = listeners
        self.clientTimeoutSec = clientTimeoutSec
        self.initTime = time.time()
        self.allDevices = set()


        # client : (session, time, {(dev,devattr): latestValue})
        self.lastRequest = {} # type: Dict[ClientType, Tuple[ClientSessionType, float, Dict[Tuple[URIRef, URIRef], float]]]

        # (dev, devAttr): value to use instead of 0
        self.stickyAttrs = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[URIRef, URIRef], float] 

    def rebuildOutputMap(self):
        self.outputMap = outputMap(self.graph, self.outputs) # (device, outputattr) : (output, index)
        self.deviceType = {} # uri: type that's a subclass of Device
        self.remapOut = {} # (device, deviceAttr) : (start, end)
        for dc in self.graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9['DeviceClass']):
            for dev in self.graph.subjects(RDF.type, dc):
                self.deviceType[dev] = dc

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Data structure and convertors for a table of (device,attr,value)
rows. These might be effect attrs ('strength'), device attrs ('rx'),
or output attrs (dmx channel).
import decimal
from rdflib import URIRef, Literal
from light9.namespaces import RDF, L9, DEV
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch


def getVal(graph, subj):
    lit = graph.value(subj, L9['value']) or graph.value(subj, L9['scaledValue'])
    ret = lit.toPython()
    if isinstance(ret, decimal.Decimal):
        ret = float(ret)
    return ret

class _Settings(object):
    default values are 0. Internal rep must not store zeros or some
    comparisons will break.
    def __init__(self, graph, settingsList):
        self.graph = graph # for looking up all possible attrs
        self._compiled = {} # dev: { attr: val }
        for row in settingsList:
            self._compiled.setdefault(row[0], {})[row[1]] = row[2]
        # self._compiled may not be final yet- see _fromCompiled
    def _fromCompiled(cls, graph, compiled):
        obj = cls(graph, [])
        obj._compiled = compiled
        return obj
    def fromResource(cls, graph, subj):
        settingsList = []
        with graph.currentState() as g:
            for s in g.objects(subj, L9['setting']):
                d = g.value(s, L9['device'])
                da = g.value(s, L9['deviceAttr'])
                v = getVal(g, s)
                settingsList.append((d, da, v))
        return cls(graph, settingsList)

    def fromVector(cls, graph, vector):
        compiled = {}
        for (d, a), v in zip(cls(graph, [])._vectorKeys(), vector):
            compiled.setdefault(d, {})[a] = v
        return cls._fromCompiled(graph, compiled)

    def _delZeros(self):
        for dev, av in self._compiled.items():
            for attr, val in av.items():
                if val == 0:
                    del av[attr]
            if not av:
                del self._compiled[dev]
    def __hash__(self):
        itemed = tuple([(d, tuple([(a, v) for a, v in sorted(av.items())]))
                        for d, av in sorted(self._compiled.items())])
        return hash(itemed)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not issubclass(other.__class__, self.__class__):
            raise TypeError("can't compare %r to %r" % (self.__class__, other.__class__))
        return self._compiled == other._compiled

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other


    def __repr__(self):
        words = []
        def accum():
            for dev, av in self._compiled.iteritems():
                for attr, val in av.iteritems():
                    words.append('%s.%s=%g' % (dev.rsplit('/')[-1],
                    if len(words) > 5:
        return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, ' '.join(words))
    def getValue(self, dev, attr):
        return self._compiled.get(dev, {}).get(attr, 0)
    def _fromCompiled(cls, graph, compiled):
        obj = cls(graph, [])
        obj._compiled = compiled
        return obj
    def fromResource(cls, graph, subj):
        settingsList = []
        with graph.currentState() as g:
            for s in g.objects(subj, L9['setting']):
                d = g.value(s, L9['device'])
                da = g.value(s, L9['deviceAttr'])
                v = getVal(g, s)
                settingsList.append((d, da, v))
        return cls(graph, settingsList)

    def fromVector(cls, graph, vector):
        compiled = {}
        for (d, a), v in zip(cls(graph, [])._vectorKeys(), vector):
            compiled.setdefault(d, {})[a] = v
        return cls._fromCompiled(graph, compiled)

    def _vectorKeys(self):
        """stable order of all the dev,attr pairs for this type of settings"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def asList(self):
        """old style list of (dev, attr, val) tuples"""
        out = []
        for dev, av in self._compiled.iteritems():
            for attr, val in av.iteritems():
                out.append((dev, attr, val))
        return out

    def devices(self):
        return self._compiled.keys()
    def toVector(self):
        out = []
        for dev, attr in self._vectorKeys():
            out.append(self._compiled.get(dev, {}).get(attr, 0))
        return out

    def byDevice(self):
        for dev, av in self._compiled.iteritems():
            yield dev, self.__class__._fromCompiled(self.graph, {dev: av})

    def ofDevice(self, dev):
        return self.__class__._fromCompiled(self.graph,
                                            {dev: self._compiled.get(dev, {})})
    def distanceTo(self, other):
        raise NotImplementedError
        dist = 0
        for key in set(attrs1).union(set(attrs2)):
            if key not in attrs1 or key not in attrs2:
                dist += 999
                dist += abs(attrs1[key] - attrs2[key])
        return dist

    def addStatements(self, subj, ctx, settingRoot, settingsSubgraphCache):
    def statements(self, subj, ctx, settingRoot, settingsSubgraphCache):
        settingRoot can be shared across images (or even wider if you want)
        # ported from
        add = []
        for i, (dev, attr, val) in enumerate(self.asList()):
            # hopefully a unique number for the setting so repeated settings converge
            settingHash = hash((dev, attr, val)) % 9999999
            setting = URIRef('%sset%s' % (settingRoot, settingHash))
            add.append((subj, L9['setting'], setting, ctx))
            if setting in settingsSubgraphCache:              
            scaledAttributeTypes = [L9['color'], L9['brightness'], L9['uv']]
            settingType = L9['scaledValue'] if attr in scaledAttributeTypes else L9['value']
                (setting, L9['device'], dev, ctx),
                (setting, L9['deviceAttr'], attr, ctx),
                (setting, settingType, Literal(val), ctx),
        return add


class DeviceSettings(_Settings):
    def _vectorKeys(self):
        with self.graph.currentState() as g:
            devs = set() # devclass, dev
            for dc in g.subjects(RDF.type, L9['DeviceClass']):
                for dev in g.subjects(RDF.type, dc):
                    devs.add((dc, dev))

            keys = []
            for dc, dev in sorted(devs):
                for attr in sorted(g.objects(dc, L9['deviceAttr'])):
                    keys.append((dev, attr))
        return keys
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import unittest
from rdflib import Literal
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch
from light9.rdfdb.localsyncedgraph import LocalSyncedGraph
from light9.namespaces import RDF, L9, DEV
from light9.effect.settings import DeviceSettings

class TestDeviceSettings(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = LocalSyncedGraph(files=['show/dance2017/cam/test/lightConfig.n3',

    def testToVectorZero(self):
        ds = DeviceSettings(self.graph, [])
        self.assertEqual([0] * 20, ds.toVector())

    def testEq(self):
        s1 = DeviceSettings(self.graph, [
            (L9['light1'], L9['attr1'], 0.5),
            (L9['light1'], L9['attr2'], 0.3),
        s2 = DeviceSettings(self.graph, [
            (L9['light1'], L9['attr2'], 0.3),
            (L9['light1'], L9['attr1'], 0.5),
        self.assertTrue(s1 == s2)
        self.assertFalse(s1 != s2)

    def testMissingFieldsEqZero(self):
            DeviceSettings(self.graph, [(L9['aura1'], L9['rx'], 0),]),
            DeviceSettings(self.graph, []))
    def testFromResource(self):
        ctx = L9['']
            (L9['foo'], L9['setting'], L9['foo_set0'], ctx),
            (L9['foo_set0'], L9['device'], L9['light1'], ctx),
            (L9['foo_set0'], L9['deviceAttr'], L9['brightness'], ctx),
            (L9['foo_set0'], L9['value'], Literal(0.1), ctx),
            (L9['foo'], L9['setting'], L9['foo_set1'], ctx),
            (L9['foo_set1'], L9['device'], L9['light1'], ctx),
            (L9['foo_set1'], L9['deviceAttr'], L9['speed'], ctx),
            (L9['foo_set1'], L9['scaledValue'], Literal(0.2), ctx),
        s = DeviceSettings.fromResource(self.graph, L9['foo'])

        self.assertEqual(DeviceSettings(self.graph, [
            (L9['light1'], L9['brightness'], 0.1),
            (L9['light1'], L9['speed'], 0.2),
        ]), s)

    def testToVector(self):
        v = DeviceSettings(self.graph, [
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['rx'], 0.5),
            [0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], v)
    def testFromVector(self):
        s = DeviceSettings.fromVector(
            [0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
        self.assertEqual(DeviceSettings(self.graph, [
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['rx'], 0.5),
        ]), s)                            

    def testAsList(self):
        sets = [
            (L9['light1'], L9['attr2'], 0.3),
            (L9['light1'], L9['attr1'], 0.5),
        self.assertItemsEqual(sets, DeviceSettings(self.graph, sets).asList())

    def testDevices(self):
        s = DeviceSettings(self.graph, [
            (L9['aura1'], L9['rx'], 0),
            (L9['aura2'], L9['rx'], 0.1),
        # aura1 is all defaults (zeros), so it doesn't get listed
        self.assertItemsEqual([L9['aura2']], s.devices())

    def testAddStatements(self):
        s = DeviceSettings(self.graph, [
            (L9['aura2'], L9['rx'], 0.1),
        stmts = s.statements(L9['foo'], L9['ctx1'], L9['s_'], set())
            (L9['foo'], L9['setting'], L9['s_set8011962'], L9['ctx1']),
            (L9['s_set8011962'], L9['device'], L9['aura2'], L9['ctx1']),
            (L9['s_set8011962'], L9['deviceAttr'], L9['rx'], L9['ctx1']),
            (L9['s_set8011962'], L9['value'], Literal(0.1), L9['ctx1']),
        ], stmts)
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import os
from rdflib import URIRef
from light9 import showconfig
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch
from light9.namespaces import L9
from light9.paint.solve import loadNumPy

def writeCaptureDescription(graph, ctx, uri, dev, relOutPath, settingsSubgraphCache, settings):
        uri, ctx=ctx,
        settingRoot=URIRef('/'.join([showconfig.showUri(), 'capture', dev.rsplit('/')[1]])),
        (dev, L9['capture'], uri, ctx),
        (uri, L9['imagePath'], URIRef('/'.join([showconfig.showUri(), relOutPath])), ctx),
class CaptureLoader(object):
    def __init__(self, graph):
        self.graph = graph
    def loadImage(self, pic, thumb=(100, 100)):
        ip = self.graph.value(pic, L9['imagePath'])
        if not ip.startswith(
            raise ValueError(repr(ip))
        diskPath = os.path.join(showconfig.root(), ip[len(])
        return loadNumPy(diskPath, thumb)
    def devices(self):
        """devices for which we have any captured data"""

    def capturedSettings(self, device):
        """list of (pic, settings) we know for this device"""
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@@ -128,49 +128,49 @@ class Solver(object):
    def solveBrute(self, painting):
        pic0 = self.draw(painting, 100, 48).astype(numpy.float)

        colorSteps = 3
        colorStep = 1. / colorSteps

        dims = [
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['rx'], [slice(.2, .7+.1, .1)]),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['ry'], [slice(.573, .573+1, 1)]),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['color'], [slice(0, 1 + colorStep, colorStep),
                                         slice(0, 1 + colorStep, colorStep),
                                         slice(0, 1 + colorStep, colorStep)]),

        def settingsFromVector(x):
            settings = []

            xLeft = x.tolist()
            for dev, attr, _ in dims:
                if attr == L9['color']:
                    rgb = (xLeft.pop(), xLeft.pop(), xLeft.pop())
                    settings.append((dev, attr, toHex(rgb)))
                    settings.append((dev, attr, xLeft.pop()))
            return settings
            return DeviceSettings(self.graph, settings)

        def drawError(x):
            settings = DeviceSettings.fromVector(self.graph, x)
            preview = self.combineImages(self.simulationLayers(settings))
            saveNumpy('/tmp/x_%s.png' % abs(hash(settings)), preview)
            diff = preview.astype(numpy.float) - pic0
            out = scipy.sum(abs(diff))
            #print 'measure at', x, 'drawError=', out
            return out
        x0, fval, grid, Jout = scipy.optimize.brute(
            sum([s for dev, da, s in dims], []),
        if fval > 30000:
            raise ValueError('solution has error of %s' % fval)
        return DeviceSettings.fromVector(self.graph, x0)
    def combineImages(self, layers):
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from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph

from light9.rdfdb.currentstategraphapi import CurrentStateGraphApi
from light9.rdfdb.autodepgraphapi import AutoDepGraphApi
from light9.rdfdb.grapheditapi import GraphEditApi
from light9.rdfdb.rdflibpatch import patchQuads

class LocalSyncedGraph(CurrentStateGraphApi, AutoDepGraphApi, GraphEditApi):
    """for tests"""
    def __init__(self, files=None):
        self._graph = ConjunctiveGraph()
        for f in files or []:
            self._graph.parse(f, format='n3')

    def patch(self, p):
        # no deps
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