Changeset - 61f3f378cc62
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Drew Perttula - 8 years ago 2017-05-23 06:27:10
move code for adding effect to current song to its own (testable) module
Ignore-this: f39a6bd2dd34822ee8f8daba407f621f
2 files changed with 129 insertions and 112 deletions:
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@@ -4,18 +4,17 @@ from run_local import log
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
import cyclone.web, cyclone.websocket, cyclone.httpclient
import sys, optparse, logging, subprocess, json, time, traceback, itertools
import sys, optparse, logging, subprocess, json, itertools
from rdflib import URIRef, Literal

sys.path.append('/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/') # for numpy, on rpi
sys.path.append('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages') # For numpy
from light9 import networking, showconfig, Submaster, dmxclient
from light9.curvecalc import musicaccess
from light9.curvecalc.curve import CurveResource
from light9 import networking, showconfig
from light9.effecteval.effect import EffectNode
from light9.effect.edit import getMusicStatus, songEffectPatch
from light9.effecteval.effectloop import makeEffectLoop
from light9.greplin_cyclone import StatsForCyclone
from light9.namespaces import L9, RDF, RDFS
from light9.namespaces import L9
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch
from light9.rdfdb.syncedgraph import SyncedGraph
from greplin import scales
@@ -35,66 +34,6 @@ class EffectEdit(PrettyErrorHandler, cyc
            (song, L9['effect'], uri, ctx),
def clamp(x, lo, hi):
    return max(lo, min(hi, x))

def getMusicStatus():
    returnValue(json.loads((yield cyclone.httpclient.fetch(
        networking.musicPlayer.path('time'), timeout=.5)).body))
def newEnvelopeCurve(graph, ctx, uri, label):
    """this does its own patch to the graph"""
    cr = CurveResource(graph, uri)
    cr.newCurve(ctx, label=Literal(label))
    yield insertEnvelopePoints(cr.curve)

def insertEnvelopePoints(curve):
    # wrong: we might not be adding to the currently-playing song.
    musicStatus = yield getMusicStatus()
    fade = 2
    t1 = clamp(songTime - fade, .1, songDuration - .1 * 2) + fade
    t2 = clamp(songTime + 20, t1 + .1, songDuration)
    curve.insert_pt((t1 - fade, 0))
    curve.insert_pt((t1, 1))
    curve.insert_pt((t2, 1))
    curve.insert_pt((t2 + fade, 0))
def newEffect(graph, song, ctx):
    effect = graph.sequentialUri(song + "/effect-")
    quads = [
        (song, L9['effect'], effect, ctx),
        (effect, RDF.type, L9['Effect'], ctx),
    print "newEffect", effect, quads
    return effect, quads
def musicCurveForSong(uri):
    return URIRef(uri + 'music')

def maybeAddMusicLine(quads, effect, song, ctx):
    add a line getting the current music into 'music' if any code might
    be mentioning that var
    for spoc in quads:
        if spoc[1] == L9['code'] and 'music' in spoc[2]:
                (effect, L9['code'],
                 Literal('music = %s' % musicCurveForSong(song).n3()), ctx)

def currentSong():
    s = (yield getMusicStatus())['song']
@@ -102,11 +41,6 @@ def currentSong():
        raise ValueError("no current song")

def songHasEffect(graph, song, uri):
    """does this song have an effect of class uri or a sub curve for sub
    uri? this should be simpler to look up."""
    return False # todo
class SongEffects(PrettyErrorHandler, cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
    def wideOpenCors(self):
        self.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
@@ -128,54 +62,16 @@ class SongEffects(PrettyErrorHandler, cy
        except Exception: # which?
            song = yield currentSong()
        event = self.get_argument('event') or 'default'
"adding to %s", song)

        ctx = song
        graph = self.settings.graph
        with graph.currentState(
                tripleFilter=(dropped, None, None)) as g:
            droppedTypes = list(g.objects(dropped, RDF.type))
            droppedLabel = g.label(dropped)
            droppedCodes = list(g.objects(dropped, L9['code']))

        quads = []

        if songHasEffect(graph, song, dropped):
            # bump the existing curve
            effect, q = newEffect(graph, song, ctx)
        p = yield songEffectPatch(graph, dropped, song, event, ctx)

            curve = graph.sequentialUri(song + "/curve-")
            yield newEnvelopeCurve(graph, ctx, curve, droppedLabel)
                (song, L9['curve'], curve, ctx),
                (effect, RDFS.label, droppedLabel, ctx),
                (effect, L9['code'], Literal('env = %s' % curve.n3()), ctx),

            if L9['EffectClass'] in droppedTypes:
                    (effect, RDF.type, dropped, ctx),
                    ] + [(effect, L9['code'], c, ctx) for c in droppedCodes])
            elif L9['Submaster'] in droppedTypes:
                    (effect, L9['code'], Literal('out = %s * env' % dropped.n3()),
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "don't know how to add an effect from %r (types=%r)" %
                    (dropped, droppedTypes))

            maybeAddMusicLine(quads, effect, song, ctx)

        print "adding"
        for qq in quads:
            print qq
class SongEffectsUpdates(cyclone.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
    def connectionMade(self, *args, **kwargs):
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new file 100644
import json
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from light9.namespaces import L9, RDF, RDFS
from light9.curvecalc.curve import CurveResource
from rdflib import URIRef, Literal
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch
import cyclone.web, cyclone.websocket, cyclone.httpclient
from light9 import networking

def clamp(x, lo, hi):
    return max(lo, min(hi, x))

def musicCurveForSong(uri):
    return URIRef(uri + 'music')

def getMusicStatus():
    returnValue(json.loads((yield cyclone.httpclient.fetch(
        networking.musicPlayer.path('time'), timeout=.5)).body))
def songHasEffect(graph, song, uri):
    """does this song have an effect of class uri or a sub curve for sub
    uri? this should be simpler to look up."""
    return False # todo

def newEffect(graph, song, ctx):
    effect = graph.sequentialUri(song + "/effect-")
    quads = [
        (song, L9['effect'], effect, ctx),
        (effect, RDF.type, L9['Effect'], ctx),
    print "newEffect", effect, quads
    return effect, quads
def newEnvelopeCurve(graph, ctx, uri, label, fade=2):
    """this does its own patch to the graph"""
    cr = CurveResource(graph, uri)
    cr.newCurve(ctx, label=Literal(label))
    yield insertEnvelopePoints(cr.curve, fade)

def insertEnvelopePoints(curve, fade=2):
    # wrong: we might not be adding to the currently-playing song.
    musicStatus = yield getMusicStatus()
    t1 = clamp(songTime - fade, .1, songDuration - .1 * 2) + fade
    t2 = clamp(songTime + 20, t1 + .1, songDuration)
    curve.insert_pt((t1 - fade, 0))
    curve.insert_pt((t1, 1))
    curve.insert_pt((t2, 1))
    curve.insert_pt((t2 + fade, 0))
def maybeAddMusicLine(quads, effect, song, ctx):
    add a line getting the current music into 'music' if any code might
    be mentioning that var
    for spoc in quads:
        if spoc[1] == L9['code'] and 'music' in spoc[2]:
                (effect, L9['code'],
                 Literal('music = %s' % musicCurveForSong(song).n3()), ctx)

def songEffectPatch(graph, dropped, song, event, ctx):

    with graph.currentState(
            tripleFilter=(dropped, None, None)) as g:
        droppedTypes = list(g.objects(dropped, RDF.type))
        droppedLabel = g.label(dropped)
        droppedCodes = list(g.objects(dropped, L9['code']))

    quads = []
    fade = 2 if event == 'default' else 0

    if songHasEffect(graph, song, dropped):
        # bump the existing curve
        effect, q = newEffect(graph, song, ctx)

        curve = graph.sequentialUri(song + "/curve-")
        yield newEnvelopeCurve(graph, ctx, curve, droppedLabel, fade)
            (song, L9['curve'], curve, ctx),
            (effect, RDFS.label, droppedLabel, ctx),
            (effect, L9['code'], Literal('env = %s' % curve.n3()), ctx),

        if L9['EffectClass'] in droppedTypes:
                (effect, RDF.type, dropped, ctx),
                ] + [(effect, L9['code'], c, ctx) for c in droppedCodes])
        elif L9['Submaster'] in droppedTypes:
                (effect, L9['code'], Literal('out = %s * env' % dropped.n3()),
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "don't know how to add an effect from %r (types=%r)" %
                (dropped, droppedTypes))

        maybeAddMusicLine(quads, effect, song, ctx)

    print "adding"
    for qq in quads:
        print qq
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