Changeset - 654c41ccf265
[Not reviewed]
0 2 1
Drew Perttula - 8 years ago 2017-05-25 07:01:42
more draft UI for paint page
Ignore-this: 38d7781ae0c870578eee64cc17ec7eb8
3 files changed with 311 insertions and 1 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <script src="/lib/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet"  href="/style.css">

    <link rel="import" href="paint-elements.html">
    <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, width=1000, initial-scale=.5" />
     body {
         position: relative;
         height: 500px;
Show inline comments
@@ -23,12 +23,20 @@

      - hover spot
      - paint
      - erase
    <iron-ajax id="solve" method="POST" url="../paintServer/solve"></iron-ajax>
    <div id="parent">
      <img src="bg2.jpg">
      <svg id="paint" viewBox="0 0 500 221">
        <defs id="defs12751">
@@ -65,19 +73,163 @@
                 ></feComposite> -->

    <light9-simulation layers="{{layers}}"></light9-simulation>

<!-- merge more with light9-collector-device -->
<dom-module id="light9-device-settings">
     :host {
         display: block;
         break-inside: avoid-column;
         border: 2px solid gray;
         padding: 8px;
     td.nonzero {
         background: #310202;
         color: #e25757;
     td.full {
         background: #2b0000;
         color: red;
         font-weight: bold;
    <table class="borders">
        <th>device attr</th>
      <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{attrs}}">
          <td class$="{{item.valClass}}">{{item.val}}</td>

   HTMLImports.whenReady(function () {
           is: "light9-device-settings",
           properties: {
               label: {type: String, notify: true},
               attrs: {type: Array, notify: true},

           ready: function() {

               this.label = "aura2";
               this.attrs = [
                   {attr: 'rx', val: .03},
                   {attr: 'color', val: '#ffe897'},

<dom-module id="light9-capture-image">
     :host { display: block; }
    <div><img width="100" src="../{{path}}"></div>
   HTMLImports.whenReady(function () {
           is: "light9-capture-image",
           properties: {
               name: { type: String },
               path: { type: String },

<dom-module id="light9-simulation">
     #solutions { display: flex; margin: 20px; }
     #single-light { margin-right: 70px; }
     #multi-light {}
     #breakdown { position: relative; }
     #sources { display: flex; }
     #solution { display: flex; margin-top: 80px; }
     #connectors { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
     #connectors path { stroke: #615c54; stroke-width: 3px; }

    <div id="solutions">
      <div id="single-light">
        <div>Single pic best match:</div>

        <light9-capture-image name="mac2" path="show/dance2017/capture/moving1/cap258592/pic1.jpg"></light9-capture-image>

        <div>Error: 280844</div>

      <!-- existing effect best match? -->
      <div id="multi-light">
        Created from multiple lights:

        <div id="breakdown">
          <svg id="connectors">
              <path d="M 112,241 L 150,280"></path>
              <path d="M 332,241 L 150,280"></path>
              <path d="M 532,241 L 150,280"></path>
              <path d="M 732,241 L 150,280"></path>
          <div id="sources">
              <light9-capture-image name="aura1" path="show/dance2017/capture/moving1/cap258592/pic1.jpg"></light9-capture-image>
              <light9-capture-image name="aura2" path="show/dance2017/capture/moving1/cap258592/pic1.jpg"></light9-capture-image>
              <light9-capture-image name="aura3" path="show/dance2017/capture/moving1/cap258592/pic1.jpg"></light9-capture-image>
              <light9-capture-image name="aura4" path="show/dance2017/capture/moving1/cap258592/pic1.jpg"></light9-capture-image>
          <div id="solution">
            <div> <div>combined</div><div><img width="150" src="../show/dance2017/capture/moving1/cap258592/pic1.jpg"></div><div>error 9980</div></div>
            <div> <div>residual</div><div><img width="150" src="../show/dance2017/capture/moving1/cap258592/pic1.jpg"></div></div>

        Save as effect named <input> <button>Save</button>


<script src="paint-elements.js"></script>
Show inline comments
new file 100644
<link rel="import" href="/lib/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="/lib/iron-resizable-behavior/iron-resizable-behavior.html">
<link rel="import" href="/lib/iron-ajax/iron-ajax.html">

<dom-module id="light9-simulation">
     #solutions { display: flex; margin: 20px; }
     #single-light { margin-right: 70px; }
     #multi-light {}
     #breakdown { position: relative; }
     #sources { display: flex; }
     #solution { display: flex; margin-top: 80px; }
     #connectors { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
     #connectors path { stroke: #615c54; stroke-width: 3px; }

    <div id="solutions">
      <div id="single-light">
        <div>Single pic best match:</div>

        <!-- drag this img to make an effect out of just it -->
        <light9-capture-image name="mac2" path="show/dance2017/capture/moving1/cap258592/pic1.jpg"></light9-capture-image>

        <div>Error: 280844</div>

      <!-- existing effect best match? -->
      <div id="multi-light">
        Created from multiple lights:

        <div id="breakdown">
          <svg id="connectors">
              <path d="M 112,241 L 150,280"></path>
              <path d="M 332,241 L 150,280"></path>
              <path d="M 532,241 L 150,280"></path>
              <path d="M 732,241 L 150,280"></path>
          <div id="sources">
              <light9-capture-image name="aura1" path="show/dance2017/capture/moving1/cap258592/pic1.jpg"></light9-capture-image>
              <light9-capture-image name="aura2" path="show/dance2017/capture/moving1/cap258592/pic1.jpg"></light9-capture-image>
              <light9-capture-image name="aura3" path="show/dance2017/capture/moving1/cap258592/pic1.jpg"></light9-capture-image>
              <light9-capture-image name="aura4" path="show/dance2017/capture/moving1/cap258592/pic1.jpg"></light9-capture-image>
          <div id="solution">
              <!-- drag this img to make an effect out of it -->
              <div><img width="150" src="../show/dance2017/capture/moving1/cap258592/pic1.jpg"></div>
              <div>error 9980</div>
              <div><img width="150" src="../show/dance2017/capture/moving1/cap258592/pic1.jpg"></div>

        Save as effect named <input> <button>Save</button>


<!-- merge more with light9-collector-device -->
<dom-module id="light9-device-settings">
     :host {
         display: block;
         break-inside: avoid-column;
         border: 2px solid gray;
         padding: 8px;
     td.nonzero {
         background: #310202;
         color: #e25757;
     td.full {
         background: #2b0000;
         color: red;
         font-weight: bold;
    <table class="borders">
        <th>device attr</th>
      <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{attrs}}">
          <td class$="{{item.valClass}}">{{item.val}}</td>

       is: "light9-device-settings",
       properties: {
           label: {type: String, notify: true},
           attrs: {type: Array, notify: true},

       ready: function() {

           this.label = "aura2";
           this.attrs = [
               {attr: 'rx', val: .03},
               {attr: 'color', val: '#ffe897'},

<dom-module id="light9-capture-image">
     :host { display: block; }
    <div><img width="100" src="../{{path}}"></div>
       is: "light9-capture-image",
       properties: {
           name: { type: String },
           path: { type: String },
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)