Changeset - 67347c027b2a
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Drew Perttula - 8 years ago 2017-06-10 10:19:35
hopefully harmmless steps towards making the handler tree right
Ignore-this: 1e7acf9e64ac8cc5250a3da3876af130
1 file changed with 37 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -36,57 +36,87 @@ class AutoDependencies
    if not label?
      throw new Error("missing label")

    h = new Handler(func, label)
    tailChildren = @handlerStack[@handlerStack.length - 1].innerHandlers
    matchingLabel = _.filter(tailChildren, ((c) -> c.label == label)).length
    # ohno, something depends on some handlers getting run twice :(
    if matchingLabel < 2
    console.time("handler #{label}")
    @_rerunHandler(h, null)
    console.timeEnd("handler #{label}")
  _rerunHandler: (handler, patch) ->
    handler.patterns = []
    catch e
      log('error running handler: ', e)
      # assuming here it didn't get to do all its queries, we could
      # add a *,*,*,* handler to call for sure the next time?
      #log('done. got: ', handler.patterns)
    # handler might have no watches, in which case we could forget about it

  _logHandlerTree: ->
    log('handler tree:')
    prn = (h, depth) ->
      indent = ''
      for i in [0...depth]
        indent += '  '
      log(indent + h.label)
      log("#{indent} \"#{h.label}\" #{h.patterns.length} pats")
      for c in h.innerHandlers
        prn(c, depth + 1)
    prn(@handlers, 0)

  _allPatchSubjs: (patch) ->

    allPatchSubjs = []
    for stmt in patch.addQuads
    for stmt in patch.delQuads
    allPatchSubjs = _.uniq(allPatchSubjs)
    if _.contains(allPatchSubjs, null) or allPatchSubjs.length == 0
      allPatchSubjs = null
    log('allPatchSubjs', allPatchSubjs)
  _handlerIsAffected: (child, allPatchSubjs) ->
    if allPatchSubjs == null
      return true
    if not child.patterns.length
      return false
    for stmt in child.patterns
      if _.contains(allPatchSubjs, stmt[0])
        return true

    return false
  graphChanged: (patch) ->
    # SyncedGraph is telling us this patch just got applied to the graph.

    allPatchSubjs = @_allPatchSubjs(patch)
    rerunInners = (cur) =>
      toRun = cur.innerHandlers.slice()
      for child in toRun

        match = @_handlerIsAffected(child, allPatchSubjs)
        log('match', child.label, match)
        #child.innerHandlers = [] # let all children get called again
        @_rerunHandler(child, patch)

  askedFor: (s, p, o, g) ->
    # SyncedGraph is telling us someone did a query that depended on
    # quads in the given pattern.
    current = @handlerStack[@handlerStack.length - 1]
    if current? and current != @handlers
      current.patterns.push([s, p, o, g])
      #log('push', s,p,o,g)

@@ -146,35 +176,37 @@ class window.SyncedGraph
    parser.parse trig, (error, quad, prefixes) =>
                  if (quad)
                    cb() if cb
  quads: () -> # for debugging
    [q.subject, q.predicate, q.object, q.graph] for q in @graph.find()

  applyAndSendPatch: (patch) ->
    if !Array.isArray(patch.addQuads) || !Array.isArray(patch.delQuads)
      throw new Error("corrupt patch: #{patch}")
      throw new Error("corrupt patch: #{JSON.stringify(patch)}")

    for qs in [patch.addQuads, patch.delQuads]
      for q in qs
        if not q.graph?
          throw new Error("corrupt patch: #{q}")
          throw new Error("corrupt patch: #{JSON.stringify(q)}")

    @_client.sendPatch(patch) if @_client

  _applyPatch: (patch) ->
    # In most cases you want applyAndSendPatch.
    # This is the only method that writes to @graph!
    for quad in patch.delQuads
    for quad in patch.addQuads
    #log('applied patch locally', patchSizeSummary(patch))

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