Changeset - 6cc84beb84a4
[Not reviewed]
0 4 0 - 9 years ago 2016-06-11 04:29:12
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Ignore-this: 39fdb41184c58eb50dec531046874dac
4 files changed with 34 insertions and 50 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@prefix : <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

:color              a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :color .
:rx                 a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :angle .
:ry                 a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :angle .
:uv                 a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :scalar .
:brightness         a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :scalar .
:zoom               a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :scalar ;
  rdfs:comment "maybe make this a separate 'wide to narrow' type" .
:focus              a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :scalar .
:iris               a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :scalar .
:prism              a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :scalar .
:goboSpeed          a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :scalar ;
  rdfs:comment "0=stopped, 1=rotate the fastest".
:quantumGoboChoice  a :DeviceAttr; :dataType :choice;
  :choice :open, :spider, :windmill, :limbo, :brush, :whirlpool, :stars .

:SimpleDimmer a :DeviceClass;
  :deviceAttr :brightness;
    [ :outputAttr :level; :dmxOffset 0 ] .

:ChauvetColorStrip a :DeviceClass;
  :deviceAttr :color;
@@ -98,25 +99,25 @@
    [ :dmxOffset 16 ; :outputAttr :fx2Select ],
    [ :dmxOffset 17 ; :outputAttr :fx2Adjust ],
    [ :dmxOffset 18 ; :outputAttr :fxSync ],
    [ :dmxOffset 19 ; :outputAttr :auraShutter ], # use 22
    [ :dmxOffset 20 ; :outputAttr :auraDimmer ],
    [ :dmxOffset 21 ; :outputAttr :auraColorWheel ],
    [ :dmxOffset 22 ; :outputAttr :auraRed ],
    [ :dmxOffset 23 ; :outputAttr :auraGreen ],
    [ :dmxOffset 24 ; :outputAttr :auraBlue ] .

:MacQuantum a :DeviceClass; 
  :docs <>;
  :deviceAttr :color, :rx, :ry, :zoom, :focus, :iris, :quantumGoboChoice, :goboSpeed;
  :deviceAttr :color, :rx, :ry, :zoom, :focus, :iris, :prism, :quantumGoboChoice, :goboSpeed;
    [ :dmxOffset 0; :outputAttr :shutter ; rdfs:comment "use 30" ],
    [ :dmxOffset 1; :outputAttr :dimmerFadeHi ],
    [ :dmxOffset 2; :outputAttr :dimmerFadeLo ],
    [ :dmxOffset 3; :outputAttr :cyan ],
    [ :dmxOffset 4; :outputAttr :magenta ],
    [ :dmxOffset 5; :outputAttr :yellow ],
    [ :dmxOffset 6; :outputAttr :colorWheel ; rdfs:comment "use 0" ],
    [ :dmxOffset 7; :outputAttr :goboChoice ],
    [ :dmxOffset 8; :outputAttr :goboSpeedHi ],
    [ :dmxOffset 9; :outputAttr :goboSpeedLo ],
    [ :dmxOffset 10; :outputAttr :goboStaticRotate ],
Show inline comments
@@ -29,24 +29,34 @@ effect:usa a :Effect;
  :chaseTempo 120;
  :chaseOffset 0;
  :palette "#ff0000", "#ffffff", "#0000ff" .

:fadeCurve1 a :Curve;
  :point :fc1p0, :fc1p1, :fc1p2, :fc1p3 .
:fc1p0 :time 0.00; :value 0 .
:fc1p1 :time 0.02; :value 1 .
:fc1p2 :time 0.10; :value 1 .
:fc1p3 :time 0.15; :value 0 .


effect:centerSpot a :Effect; rdfs:label "center spot";
  :publishAttr :strength;
  :setting effect:centerSpots0, effect:centerSpots1, effect:centerSpots2, effect:centerSpots3, effect:centerSpots4 .
effect:centerSpots0 :device dev:q2; :deviceAttr :color; :scaledValue "#f3d4d4" .
effect:centerSpots1 :device dev:q2; :deviceAttr :focus; :value 0.31 .
effect:centerSpots2 :device dev:q2; :deviceAttr :rx; :value 0.49 .
effect:centerSpots3 :device dev:q2; :deviceAttr :ry; :value 0.26 .
effect:centerSpots4 :device dev:q2; :deviceAttr :zoom; :value 0.42 .

effect:Strobe a :Effect;  rdfs:label "strobe";
  :publishAttr :strength, :rate, :offset, :duty .


effect:WorkLight a :Effect;
  rdfs:label "work light";
  :publishAttr :strength;
  :deviceSetting :ds4 .
:ds4 :device dev:colorStrip; :attr :color; :value "#00ff00" .

effect:Curtain a :Effect; rdfs:label "curtain"; :publishAttr :strength;
  :deviceSetting :ds5 .
Show inline comments
@@ -14,22 +14,22 @@ show:dance2016 :playList (
  sh:song16 sh:song17
) .

sh:song1 a :Song; rdfs:label  "01 dream";          :songFilename "01-dream.wav" .
sh:song2 a :Song; rdfs:label  "02 madeforme";      :songFilename "02-madeforme.wav" .
sh:song3 a :Song; rdfs:label  "03 fun-cut1";       :songFilename "03-fun-cut1.wav" .
sh:song4 a :Song; rdfs:label  "04 rockette";       :songFilename "04-rockette.wav" .
sh:song5 a :Song; rdfs:label  "05 browneyed";      :songFilename "05-browneyed.wav" .
sh:song6 a :Song; rdfs:label  "06 western";        :songFilename "06-western.wav" .
sh:song7 a :Song; rdfs:label  "07 broadwaymelody"; :songFilename "07-broadwaymelody.wav" .
sh:song8 a :Song; rdfs:label  "08 mama";           :songFilename "08-mama.wav" .
sh:song9 a :Song; rdfs:label  "09 barbie";         :songFilename "09-barbie.wav" .
sh:song10 a :Song; rdfs:label "10 long";           :songFilename "10-long.wav" .
sh:song10 a :Song; rdfs:label "10 short";           :songFilename "10-short.wav" .
sh:song11 a :Song; rdfs:label "11 itsthegirl";     :songFilename "11-itsthegirl.wav" .
sh:song12 a :Song; rdfs:label "12 eleanor";        :songFilename "12-eleanor.wav" .
sh:song13 a :Song; rdfs:label "13 california";     :songFilename "13-california.wav" .
sh:song14 a :Song; rdfs:label "14 enjoy";          :songFilename "14-enjoy.wav" .
sh:song15 a :Song; rdfs:label "15 britney";        :songFilename "15-britney.wav" .
sh:song16 a :Song; rdfs:label "16 hiphop-cut1";    :songFilename "16-hiphop-cut1.wav" .
sh:song17 a :Song; rdfs:label "17 fight";          :songFilename "17-fight.wav" .


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@prefix : <> .
@prefix effect: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix song: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

:a01 :effectAttr :chaseOffset; :value 0.12 .
<> :note song:n0, song:n1, song:n2, song:n25, song:n26, song:n27, song:n28 .
:ao0 :effectAttr :chaseTempo; :value 100 .
<> :note song:n0, song:n1, song:n2, song:n3 .

song:n0 a :Note; :curve song:n0c0; :effectClass effect:WorkLight;
     :originTime 161.162 .
song:n0 a :Note; :curve song:n0c0; :effectClass effect:Curtain;
     :originTime 35.653 .

song:n0c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n0c0p0, song:n0c0p1, song:n0c0p2, song:n0c0p3 .
song:n0c0p0 :time 0.000; :value 0.000 .
song:n0c0p1 :time 1.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n0c0p2 :time 2.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n0c0p3 :time 3.000; :value 0.000 .

song:n1 a :Note; :attrOverride :ao0, :ao1; :curve song:n1c1;
     :effectClass effect:RedStrip; :originTime 41.011 .

song:n1c1 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n1c1p0, song:n1c1p1, song:n1c1p2, song:n1c1p3 .
song:n1c1p0 :time 0.00; :value 0 .
song:n1c1p1 :time 1; :value 1 .
song:n1c1p2 :time 2; :value 1 .
song:n1c1p3 :time 3; :value 0 .

song:n2 a :Note; :curve song:n2c0; :effectClass effect:Strobe;
     :originTime 47.087 .

song:n25 a :Note; :curve song:n25c0; :effectClass effect:BlueStrip;
     :originTime 71.234 .

song:n25c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n25c0p0, song:n25c0p1, song:n25c0p2, song:n25c0p3 .
song:n25c0p0 :time 0.000; :value 0.000 .
song:n25c0p1 :time 1.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n25c0p2 :time 2.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n25c0p3 :time 3.000; :value 0.000 .

song:n26 a :Note; :curve song:n26c0; :effectClass effect:usa;
     :originTime 85.973 .
song:n1 a :Note; :curve song:n1c0; :effectClass effect:Curtain;
     :originTime 39.152 .

song:n26c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n26c0p0, song:n26c0p1, song:n26c0p2, song:n26c0p3 .
song:n26c0p0 :time 0.000; :value 0.000 .
song:n26c0p1 :time 1.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n26c0p2 :time 2.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n26c0p3 :time 3.000; :value 0.000 .

song:n27 a :Note; :curve song:n27c0; :effectClass effect:BlueStrip;
     :originTime 92.911 .
song:n1c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n1c0p0, song:n1c0p1, song:n1c0p2, song:n1c0p3 .
song:n1c0p0 :time 0.000; :value 0.000 .
song:n1c0p1 :time 1.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n1c0p2 :time 2.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n1c0p3 :time 3.000; :value 0.000 .

song:n27c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n27c0p0, song:n27c0p1, song:n27c0p2, song:n27c0p3 .
song:n27c0p0 :time 0.000; :value 0.000 .
song:n27c0p1 :time 1.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n27c0p2 :time 2.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n27c0p3 :time 3.000; :value 0.000 .

song:n28 a :Note; :curve song:n28c0; :effectClass effect:RedStrip;
     :originTime 137.322 .

song:n28c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n28c0p0, song:n28c0p1, song:n28c0p2, song:n28c0p3 .
song:n28c0p0 :time 0.000; :value 0.000 .
song:n28c0p1 :time 1.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n28c0p2 :time 2.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n28c0p3 :time 3.000; :value 0.000 .
song:n2 a :Note; :curve song:n2c0; :effectClass effect:Curtain;
     :originTime 43.806 .

song:n2c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n2c0p0, song:n2c0p1, song:n2c0p2, song:n2c0p3 .
song:n2c0p0 :time 0.000; :value 0.000 .
song:n2c0p1 :time 1.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n2c0p2 :time 2.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n2c0p3 :time 3.000; :value 0.000 .

song:n3 a :Note; :curve song:n3c0; :effectClass effect:Curtain;
     :originTime 32.297 .

song:n3c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n3c0p0, song:n3c0p1, song:n3c0p2, song:n3c0p3 .
song:n3c0p0 :time 0.000; :value 0.000 .
song:n3c0p1 :time 1.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n3c0p2 :time 2.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n3c0p3 :time 3.000; :value 0.000 .
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