Changeset - 6d9c575200dd
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 8 years ago 2017-06-10 02:06:00
don't need 'open' gobo choice since it defaults to 0
Ignore-this: ab2d773079b08cff11074e6921de84bd
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -7,25 +7,25 @@
:uv                 a :DeviceAttr; rdfs:label "uv"; :dataType :scalar .
:brightness         a :DeviceAttr; rdfs:label "brightness"; :dataType :scalar .
:zoom               a :DeviceAttr; rdfs:label "zoom"; :dataType :scalar ;
  rdfs:comment "maybe make this a separate 'wide to narrow' type" .
:focus              a :DeviceAttr; rdfs:label "focus"; :dataType :scalar .
:iris               a :DeviceAttr; rdfs:label "iris"; :dataType :scalar .
:prism              a :DeviceAttr; rdfs:label "prism"; :dataType :scalar .
:strobe             a :DeviceAttr; rdfs:label "strobe"; :dataType :scalar;
  rdfs:comment "0=none, 1=fastest" .
:goboSpeed          a :DeviceAttr; rdfs:label "goboSpeed"; :dataType :scalar ;
  rdfs:comment "0=stopped, 1=rotate the fastest".
:quantumGoboChoice  a :DeviceAttr; rdfs:label "gobo"; :dataType :choice;
  :choice :open, :spider, :windmill, :limbo, :brush, :whirlpool, :stars .
  :choice :spider, :windmill, :limbo, :brush, :whirlpool, :stars .
:mini15GoboChoice   a :DeviceAttr; rdfs:label "gobo"; :dataType :choice;
  :choice :mini15Gobo1, :mini15Gobo2, :mini15Gobo3, :mini15Gobo4, :mini15Gobo5, :mini15Gobo6, :mini15Gobo7, :mini15Gobo8, :mini15Gobo9, :mini15Gobo10 .

:goboShake          a :DeviceAttr; rdfs:label "goboShake"; :dataType :scalar .

:mini15Gobo1 :value 3 .
:mini15Gobo2 :value 10 .
:mini15Gobo3 :value 18 .
:mini15Gobo4 :value 26 .
:mini15Gobo5 :value 34 .
:mini15Gobo6 :value 42 .
:mini15Gobo7 :value 50 .
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