Changeset - 717774b8a4a6
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Drew Perttula - 11 years ago 2014-05-28 05:55:58
syncedgraph gets items() method for fetching an rdf list
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@@ -78,53 +78,67 @@ class AutoDepGraphApi(object):
    # work from a starting uri)

    def value(self, subject=None, predicate=RDF.value, object=None,
              default=None, any=True):
        if object is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError()
        func = self._getCurrentFunc()
        self._watchers.addSubjPredWatcher(func, subject, predicate)
        return self._graph.value(subject, predicate, object=object,
                                 default=default, any=any)

    def objects(self, subject=None, predicate=None):
        func = self._getCurrentFunc()
        self._watchers.addSubjPredWatcher(func, subject, predicate)
        return self._graph.objects(subject, predicate)

    def label(self, uri):
        return self.value(uri, RDFS.label)

    def subjects(self, predicate=None, object=None):
        func = self._getCurrentFunc()
        self._watchers.addPredObjWatcher(func, predicate, object)
        return self._graph.subjects(predicate, object)

    def items(self, listUri):
        """generator. Having a chain of watchers on the results is not
        well-tested yet"""
        chain = set([listUri])
        while listUri:
            item = self.value(listUri, RDF.first)
            if item:
                yield item
            listUri = self.value(listUri,
            if listUri in chain:
                raise ValueError("List contains a recursive rdf:rest reference")

    def contains(self, triple):
        func = self._getCurrentFunc()
        self._watchers.addTripleWatcher(func, triple)
        return triple in self._graph

    def contextsForStatement(self, triple):
        """currently this needs to be in an addHandler section, but it
        sets no watchers so it won't actually update if the statement
        was added or dropped from contexts"""
        func = self._getCurrentFunc()
        return contextsForStatementNoWildcards(self._graph, triple)

    # i find myself wanting 'patch' (aka enter/leave) versions of these calls that tell
    # you only what results have just appeared or disappeared. I think
    # I'm going to be repeating that logic a lot. Maybe just for the
    # subjects(RDF.type, t) call


class _GraphWatchers(object):
    store the current handlers that care about graph changes
    def __init__(self):
        self._handlersSp = {} # (s,p): set(handlers)
        self._handlersPo = {} # (p,o): set(handlers)
        self._handlersSpo = {} # (s,p,o): set(handlers)

    def addSubjPredWatcher(self, func, s, p):
        if func is None:
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