Changeset - 72380e12d86c
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Drew Perttula - 7 years ago 2018-05-29 07:00:37
performance: add @cachedUriValues
Ignore-this: f3a707bc25acc028dedd2f115a5d17e5
1 file changed with 10 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -144,25 +144,26 @@ class window.SyncedGraph
  clearGraph: ->
    # just deletes the statements; watchers are unaffected.
    if @graph?
      @_applyPatch({addQuads: [], delQuads: @graph.getQuads()})

    # if we had a Store already, this lets N3.Store free all its indices/etc
    @graph = N3.Store()
    @cachedFloatValues = new Map()
    @cachedFloatValues = new Map() # s + '|' + p -> number
    @cachedUriValues = new Map() # s + '|' + p -> Uri

  _clearGraphOnNewConnection: -> # must not send a patch to the server!
    log('graph: clearGraphOnNewConnection')
    log('graph: clearGraphOnNewConnection done')
  _addPrefixes: (prefixes) ->
    for k in (prefixes or {})
      @prefixes[k] = prefixes[k]
    @prefixFuncs = N3.Util.prefixes(@prefixes)
  Uri: (curie) ->
@@ -219,24 +220,25 @@ class window.SyncedGraph
    for qs in [patch.addQuads, patch.delQuads]
      for q in qs
        if not q.equals
          throw new Error("doesn't look like a proper Quad")
        if not or not or not
          throw new Error("corrupt patch: #{JSON.stringify(q)}")
  _applyPatch: (patch) ->
    # In most cases you want applyAndSendPatch.
    # This is the only method that writes to @graph!
    for quad in patch.delQuads
      #log("remove #{JSON.stringify(quad)}")
      did = @graph.removeQuad(quad)
      #log("removed: #{did}")
    for quad in patch.addQuads
    #log('applied patch locally', patchSizeSummary(patch))

  getObjectPatch: (s, p, newObject, g) ->
    # make a patch which removes existing values for (s,p,*,c) and
    # adds (s,p,newObject,c). Values in other graphs are not affected.
@@ -282,25 +284,31 @@ class window.SyncedGraph
    hit = @cachedFloatValues.get(key)
    return hit if hit != undefined
    #log('float miss', s, p)

    ret = parseFloat(@_singleValue(s, p).value)
    @cachedFloatValues.set(key, ret)
    return ret
  stringValue: (s, p) ->
    @_singleValue(s, p).value
  uriValue: (s, p) ->
    @_singleValue(s, p)
    key = s.value + '|' + p.value
    hit = @cachedUriValues.get(key)
    return hit if hit != undefined

    ret = @_singleValue(s, p)
    @cachedUriValues.set(key, ret)
    return ret

  labelOrTail: (uri) ->
      ret = @stringValue(uri, @Uri('rdfs:label'))
      words = uri.value.split('/')
      ret = words[words.length-1]
    if not ret
      ret = uri.value
    return ret

  objects: (s, p) ->
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