Changeset - 748a2e8afd30
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Drew Perttula - 9 years ago 2016-06-09 05:16:32
rdf graph adjuster, use new runHandler api
Ignore-this: 51fe3a2f2799f473658cc83ed8485ecc
1 file changed with 9 insertions and 3 deletions:
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@@ -90,25 +90,31 @@ class window.AdjustableFloatObject exten
    #   pred
    #   ctx
    #   getTargetTransform(value) -> getTarget result for value
    #   getValueForPos


  _syncValue: () ->
    @_currentValue = @config.graph.floatValue(@config.subj, @config.pred)
    @_onChange() if @_onChange
  _getValue: () ->
    # this is a big speedup- callers use _getValue about 4x as much as
    # the graph changes and graph.floatValue is slow

  getTarget: () ->
  subscribe: (onChange) ->
    @config.graph.subscribe @config.subj, @config.pred, null, (patch) =>
      @_currentValue = @config.graph.floatValue(@config.subj, @config.pred)
    # only works on one subscription at a time
    throw new Error('multi subscribe not implemented') if @_onChange
    @_onChange = onChange

  continueDrag: (pos) ->
    # pos is vec2 of pixels relative to the drag start
    newValue = @config.getValueForPos(@_editorCoordinates())
    @config.graph.patchObject(@config.subj, @config.pred,
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