Changeset - 77eaccba654e
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Drew Perttula - 8 years ago 2017-06-10 07:17:20
try to fix timeline sending empty ctx to rdfdb
Ignore-this: f778183e90f073b9914d9b6736560d99
6 files changed with 33 insertions and 14 deletions:
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@@ -61,24 +61,25 @@ def inGraph(spoc, graph):

# some of the following workarounds may be fixed in
def graphFromQuads(q):
    g = ConjunctiveGraph()
    #g.addN(q) # no effect on nquad output
    for s,p,o,c in q:
        #g.get_context(c).add((s,p,o)) # kind of works with broken rdflib nquad serializer code; you need this for json_ld serialize to work :(
,p,o), c) # no effect on nquad output
    return g

def graphFromNQuad(text):
    g1 = ConjunctiveGraph()
    # text might omit ctx on some lines. rdflib just puts in a bnode, which shows up later.
    g1.parse(data=text, format='nquads')
    return g1

from rdflib.plugins.serializers.nt import _quoteLiteral
def serializeQuad(g):
    replacement for graph.serialize(format='nquads')

    Still broken in rdflib 4.2.2: graph.serialize(format='nquads')
    returns empty string for my graph in
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  is: "light9-effects"
    graph: {type: Object}
    effectClasses: { type: Array }
  ready: ->
    @graph.runHandler(@getClasses.bind(@), 'getClasses')

  getClasses: ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    @effectClasses = _.sortBy(@graph.subjects(U('rdf:type'), U(':Effect')))

  is: "light9-effect-class"
    graph: {type: Object}
    uri: {type: String}
  onAdd: ->
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@@ -62,24 +62,27 @@ class Handler
  constructor: (@func, @label) ->
    @patterns = [] # s,p,o,g quads that should trigger the next run
    @innerHandlers = [] # Handlers requested while this one was running
class AutoDependencies
  constructor: () ->
    @handlers = new Handler(null) # tree of all known Handlers (at least those with non-empty patterns). Top node is not a handler.
    @handlerStack = [@handlers] # currently running
  runHandler: (func, label) ->
    # what if we have this func already? duplicate is safe?

    if not label?
      throw new Error("missing label")

    h = new Handler(func, label)
    @handlerStack[@handlerStack.length - 1].innerHandlers.push(h)
    console.time("handler #{label}")
    @_rerunHandler(h, null)
    console.timeEnd("handler #{label}")
  _rerunHandler: (handler, patch) ->
    handler.patterns = []
    catch e
@@ -118,37 +121,41 @@ class window.SyncedGraph
  # Note that _applyPatch is the only method to write to the graph, so
  # it can fire subscriptions.

  constructor: (@patchSenderUrl, @prefixes, @setStatus) ->
    # patchSenderUrl is the /syncedGraph path of an rdfdb server.
    # prefixes can be used in Uri(curie) calls.
    @_watchers = new GraphWatchers() # old
    @_autoDeps = new AutoDependencies() # replaces GraphWatchers

    if @patchSenderUrl
      @_client = new RdfDbClient(@patchSenderUrl, @clearGraph.bind(@),
      @_client = new RdfDbClient(@patchSenderUrl, @_clearGraphOnNewConnection.bind(@),
                                 @_applyPatch.bind(@), @setStatus)
  clearGraph: -> # for debugging
  clearGraph: ->
    # just deletes the statements; watchers are unaffected.
    if @graph?
      @_applyPatch({addQuads: [], delQuads: @graph.find()})

    # if we had a Store already, this lets N3.Store free all its indices/etc
    @graph = N3.Store()
    @cachedFloatValues = new Map();

  _clearGraphOnNewConnection: -> # must not send a patch to the server!
    log('graph: clearGraphOnNewConnection')
    log('graph: clearGraphOnNewConnection done')
  _addPrefixes: (prefixes) ->
  Uri: (curie) ->
    N3.Util.expandPrefixedName(curie, @graph._prefixes)

  Literal: (jsValue) ->

  LiteralRoundedFloat: (f) ->
@@ -166,24 +173,31 @@ class window.SyncedGraph
                    cb() if cb
  quads: () -> # for debugging
    [q.subject, q.predicate, q.object, q.graph] for q in @graph.find()

  applyAndSendPatch: (patch) ->
    if !Array.isArray(patch.addQuads) || !Array.isArray(patch.delQuads)
      throw new Error("corrupt patch: #{patch}")

    for qs in [patch.addQuads, patch.delQuads]
      for q in qs
        if not q.graph?
          throw new Error("corrupt patch: #{q}")

    log('graph: patch', patch)
    @_client.sendPatch(patch) if @_client

  _applyPatch: (patch) ->
    # In most cases you want applyAndSendPatch.
    # This is the only method that writes to @graph!
    for quad in patch.delQuads
    for quad in patch.addQuads
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@@ -148,25 +148,25 @@ Polymer
      settingType = if row[1] in scaledAttributeTypes then U(':scaledValue') else U(':value')
      addQuads.push(quad(setting, settingType, value))
    patch = {addQuads: addQuads, delQuads: []}
    log('save', patch)
    @newEffectName = ''

  onGraph: ->
    @graph.runHandler(@update.bind(@), 'controls')
  resendAll: ->
    for llc in @getElementsByTagName("light9-live-control")
  clearAll: ->
    for llc in @getElementsByTagName("light9-live-control")
  update: ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)

    @set('devices', [])
    for dc in _.sortBy(@graph.subjects(U('rdf:type'), U(':DeviceClass')))
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@@ -43,72 +43,72 @@ parseJsonPatch = (jsonPatch, cb) ->
  parseDels = (cb) =>
    parser = N3.Parser()
    parser.parse input.patch.deletes, (error, quad, prefixes) =>
                  if (quad)

  async.parallel([parseAdds, parseDels], ((err) => cb(patch)))

class window.RdfDbClient
  # Send and receive patches from rdfdb
  constructor: (@patchSenderUrl, @clearGraph, @applyPatch, @setStatus) ->
  constructor: (@patchSenderUrl, @clearGraphOnNewConnection, @applyPatch, @setStatus) ->
    @_patchesToSend = []
    @_lastPingMs = -1
    @_patchesReceived = 0
    @_patchesSent = 0

    @_reconnectionTimeout = null

  _updateStatus: ->
    ws = (if not @ws? then 'no' else switch @ws.readyState
      when @ws.CONNECTING then 'connecting'
      when @ws.OPEN then 'open'
      when @ws.CLOSING then 'closing'
      when @ws.CLOSED then 'close'

    ping = if @_lastPingMs > 0 then @_lastPingMs else '...'
      #{@_patchesReceived} recv;
      #{@_patchesSent} sent;
      #{@_patchesToSend.length} pending;
  sendPatch: (patch) ->
    console.log('queue patch to server ', patchSizeSummary(patch))
    console.log('rdfdbclient: queue patch to server ', patchSizeSummary(patch))

  _newConnection: ->
    wsOrWss = window.location.protocol.replace('http', 'ws')
    fullUrl = wsOrWss + '//' + + @patchSenderUrl
    @ws.close() if @ws?
    @ws = new WebSocket(fullUrl)

    @ws.onopen = =>
      log('connected to', fullUrl)
      log('rdfdbclient: connected to', fullUrl)

    @ws.onerror = (e) =>
      log('ws error ' + e)
      log('rdfdbclient: ws error ' + e)

    @ws.onclose = =>
      log('ws close')
      log('rdfdbclient: ws close')
      clearTimeout(@_reconnectionTimeout) if @_reconnectionTimeout?
      @_reconnectionTimeout = setTimeout(@_newConnection.bind(@), 1000)

    @ws.onmessage = @_onMessage.bind(@)

  _pingLoop: () ->
    if @ws.readyState == @ws.OPEN
      @_lastPingMs =
      clearTimeout(@_pingLoopTimeout) if @_pingLoopTimeout?
@@ -125,23 +125,23 @@ class window.RdfDbClient

  _continueSending: ->
    if @ws.readyState != @ws.OPEN
      setTimeout(@_continueSending.bind(@), 500)

    # we could call this less often and coalesce patches together to optimize
    # the dragging cases.

    sendOne = (patch, cb) =>
        toJsonPatch(patch, (json) =>
          log('send patch to server, ' + json.length + ' bytes')
          log('rdfdbclient: send patch to server, ' + json.length + ' bytes')

    async.eachSeries(@_patchesToSend, sendOne, () =>
        @_patchesToSend = []
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@@ -276,25 +276,25 @@ Polymer

  is: 'light9-timeline-time-zoomed'
  behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
    graph: { type: Object, notify: true }
    selection: { type: Object, notify: true }
    dia: { type: Object, notify: true }
    song: { type: String, notify: true }
    zoomInX: { type: Object, notify: true }
    rows: { value: [0...ROW_COUNT] }
    zoom: { type: Object, notify: true, observer: 'onZoom' }
    zoom: { type: Object, notify: true, observer: 'onZoom' } # viewState.zoomSpec
    zoomFlattened: { type: Object, notify: true }
  onZoom: ->
    updateZoomFlattened = ->
      @zoomFlattened = ko.toJS(@zoom)
  ready: ->

  attached: ->
    root = @closest('light9-timeline-editor')

  onDrop: (effect, pos) ->
@@ -355,24 +355,25 @@ Polymer
        quad(@song, U(':note'), newNote)
        quad(newNote, RDF + 'type', U(':Note'))
        quad(newNote, U(':originTime'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(dropTime))
        quad(newNote, U(':effectClass'), effect)
        quad(newNote, U(':curve'), newCurve)
        quad(newCurve, RDF + 'type', U(':Curve'))
        quad(newCurve, U(':attr'), U(':strength'))
    pointQuads = []

    desiredWidthX = @offsetWidth * .3
    desiredWidthT = @zoomInX.invert(desiredWidthX) - @zoomInX.invert(0)
    desiredWidthT = Math.min(desiredWidthT, @zoom.duration() - dropTime)
    for i in [0...4]
      pt = points[i]
      pointQuads.push(quad(newCurve, U(':point'), pt))
      pointQuads.push(quad(pt, U(':time'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(i/3 * desiredWidthT)))
      pointQuads.push(quad(pt, U(':value'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(i == 1 or i == 2)))

    patch = {
      delQuads: []
      addQuads: curveQuads.concat(pointQuads)
@@ -621,45 +622,48 @@ Polymer
    'onColorScale(graph, uri, colorScale)'
  displayed: ->
  onColorScale: ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    if @colorScale == @colorScaleFromGraph
    @editAttr(@song, @uri, U(':colorScale'), @graph.Literal(@colorScale))

  editAttr: (song, note, attr, value) ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    if not song?
      log("can't edit inline attr yet, no song")
    quad = (s, p, o) => {subject: s, predicate: p, object: o, graph: song}

    existingColorScaleSetting = null
    for setting in @graph.objects(note, U(':setting'))
      ea = @graph.uriValue(setting, U(':effectAttr'))
      if ea == attr
        existingColorScaleSetting = setting
    if existingColorScaleSetting
      @graph.patchObject(existingColorScaleSetting, U(':value'), value, song)
      setting = @graph.nextNumberedResource(note + 'set')
      patch = {delQuads: [], addQuads: [
        quad(note, U(':setting'), setting)
        quad(setting, U(':effectAttr'), attr)
        quad(setting, U(':value'), value)
  addHandler: ->
    @graph.runHandler(@update.bind(@), "update inline attrs #{@uri}")
  update: ->
    #console.time('attrs update')
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    @effect = @graph.uriValue(@uri, U(':effectClass'))
    @effectLabel = @graph.stringValue(@effect, U('rdfs:label')) or (@effect.replace(/.*\//, ''))
    @noteLabel = @uri.replace(/.*\//, '')

    existingColorScaleSetting = null
    for setting in @graph.objects(@uri, U(':setting'))
      ea = @graph.uriValue(setting, U(':effectAttr'))
      value = @graph.stringValue(setting, U(':value'))
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)