Changeset - 78a6f15a462a
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Drew Perttula - 11 years ago 2014-05-27 05:47:35
fix rdflibpatch for rdflib 4.2.1's new quirks
Ignore-this: 684277f12d795ca1ab8673ca719350c5
1 file changed with 32 insertions and 23 deletions:
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@@ -16,27 +16,38 @@ def patchQuads(graph, deleteQuads, addQu
    deletes or before the adds (not a real transaction) if any of the
    deletes isn't in the graph or if any of the adds was already in
    the graph.

    These input quads use URIRef for the context, unlike some rdflib
    APIs that use a Graph(identifier=...) for the context.
    toDelete = []
    for s, p, o, c in deleteQuads:
        stmt = (s, p, o)
    for spoc in deleteQuads:
        if not isinstance(spoc[3], U):
            raise TypeError("please pass URIRef contexts to patchQuads")

        if perfect:
            if not any(, c)):
                raise ValueError("%r not in %r" % (stmt, c))
            if inGraph(spoc, graph):
                toDelete.append((c, stmt))
                raise ValueError("%r not in %r" % (spoc[:3], spoc[3]))
  , context=c)
    for c, stmt in toDelete:
, context=c)
    for spoc in toDelete:

    if perfect:
        addQuads = list(addQuads)
        for spoc in addQuads:
            if spoc in graph:
            if inGraph(spoc, graph):
                raise ValueError("%r already in %r" % (spoc[:3], spoc[3]))

def inGraph(spoc, graph):
    c is just a URIRef.
    Workaround for
    return (spoc[:3] + (Graph(identifier=spoc[3]),)) in graph.quads()


def graphFromQuads(q):
@@ -48,18 +59,9 @@ def graphFromQuads(q):
    return g

def graphFromNQuad(text):
    g.parse(data=self.nqOut, format='nquads')
    makes a graph that serializes to nothing
    g1 = ConjunctiveGraph()
    g1.parse(data=text, format='nquads')
    g2 = ConjunctiveGraph()
    for s,p,o,c in g1.quads((None,None,None)):
,p,o), c)
    #import pprint; pprint.pprint(
    return g2
    return g1

from rdflib.plugins.serializers.nt import _xmlcharref_encode
def serializeQuad(g):
@@ -118,15 +120,17 @@ class TestGraphFromQuads(unittest.TestCa
        self.assertEqual(out.strip(), self.nqOut.strip())


stmt1 = U('http://a'), U('http://b'), U('http://c'), U('http://ctx1')
stmt2 = U('http://a'), U('http://b'), U('http://c'), U('http://ctx2')
A = U("http://a"); B = U("http://b"); C = U("http://c")
CTX1 = U('http://ctx1'); CTX2 = U('http://ctx2')
stmt1 = A, B, C, CTX1
stmt2 = A, B, C, CTX2
class TestPatchQuads(unittest.TestCase):
    def testAddsToNewContext(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        patchQuads(g, [], [stmt1])
        self.assert_(len(g), 1)
        quads = list(g.quads((None,None,None)))
        self.assertEqual(quads, [stmt1])
        self.assertEqual(quads, [(A, B, C, Graph(identifier=CTX1))])

    def testDeletes(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
@@ -139,7 +143,7 @@ class TestPatchQuads(unittest.TestCase):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        patchQuads(g, [stmt1], [stmt1])
        quads = list(g.quads((None,None,None)))
        self.assertEqual(quads, [stmt1])
        self.assertEqual(quads, [(A, B, C, Graph(identifier=CTX1))])

    def testPerfectAddRejectsExistingStmt(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
@@ -156,6 +160,11 @@ class TestPatchQuads(unittest.TestCase):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, patchQuads, g, [stmt1], [], perfect=True)

    def testPerfectDeleteRejectsStmtFromOtherGraph(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        patchQuads(g, [], [stmt2])
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, patchQuads, g, [stmt1], [], perfect=True)
    def testPerfectDeleteAllowsRemovalOfStmtInMultipleContexts(self):
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        patchQuads(g, [], [stmt1, stmt2])
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