Changeset - 79bc84310e80
[Not reviewed]
19 7 0
dmcc - 22 years ago 2003-07-08 16:19:55

changes from tonight's rehearsal:
changes from tonight's rehearsal:
- CueFader is closer to actually running the show, computes DMX levels
to send.
- KeyboardComposer is not a dummy. Use DMXDUMMY=1 to disable it.
- Submaster: subs can now be "temporary" -- i.e. they shouldn't be saved
or loaded. to save a temporary sub, make a copy of it with a proper name
since the computed name will be ugly.
Also, get_normalized_copy() and crossfade() methods added.
linear_fade helper (shouldn't be in Submaster, probably) added too.
- dmxchanedit: longer labels
- cuelist1 now has some bogus data in it and some crap removed
- dmxclient: now listens to the $DMXHOST and $DMXDUMMY env variables.
- patchdata: now up to date with this year's show
- danshow subs song{01..19}: removed. maybe we'll re-add them in an
archive directory.
26 files changed with 228 insertions and 991 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import Tix as Tk
import time
from TreeDict import TreeDict, allow_class_to_be_pickled
from TLUtility import enumerate
import Submaster

cue_state_indicator_colors = {
             # bg       fg
@@ -79,11 +80,13 @@ class TimedGoButton(Tk.Frame):
            bg='black', fg='white')
        self.timer_entry.pack(fill='y', side='left')
        self.disabled = (self.button['state'] == 'disabled')
        self.fading = 0
    def start_fade(self, end_level=1):
            fade_time = float(self.timer_var.get())
        except ValueError:
            # TODO figure out how to handle this
            # since we use a control now, i don't think we need to worry about
            # validation any more.
            print "can't fade -- bad time"

@@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ class TimedGoButton(Tk.Frame):
        self.start_level = self.scale_to_fade.scale_var.get()
        self.end_level = end_level
        self.fade_length = fade_time
        self.fading = 1
    def do_fade(self):
        diff = time.time() - self.start_time
@@ -102,8 +106,11 @@ class TimedGoButton(Tk.Frame):

            if newlevel != self.end_level:
                self.after(10, self.do_fade)
                self.fading = 0
            self.fading = 0
    def disable(self):
        if not self.disabled:
            self.button['state'] = 'disabled'
@@ -116,6 +123,8 @@ class TimedGoButton(Tk.Frame):
    def get_time(self):
        return self.timer_var.get()
    def is_fading(self):
        return self.fading

class CueFader(Tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master, cuelist):
@@ -189,6 +198,7 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):
            scale.scale.bind("<ButtonPress>", button_press)
            scale.scale.bind("<ButtonRelease>", button_release)
        faderframe.pack(side='bottom', fill='both', expand=1)
        self.cues_as_subs = {}
    def get_scale_desc(self, val, name):
        go_button = self.go_buttons.get(name)
        if go_button:
@@ -210,6 +220,12 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):
        for scale_name, scale in self.scales.items():
        self.cuelist.shift((-1, 1)[name == 'Next'])

        # now load the subs to fade between
        for cue, name in zip(self.cuelist.get_current_cues(), 
                             ('Prev', 'Cur', 'Next')):
            self.cues_as_subs[name] = cue.get_levels_as_sub()
        print "cues_as_subs", self.cues_as_subs
    def autoshift(self, name, scale):
        scale_val = scale.scale_var.get() 

@@ -237,6 +253,14 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):
            # undo above work

        cur_sub = self.cues_as_subs.get('Cur')
        if cur_sub:
            other_sub = self.cues_as_subs[name]
            # print 'fade between %s and %s (%.2f)' % (cur_sub, other_sub, scale_val)
            self.current_levels_as_sub = cur_sub.crossfade(other_sub, scale_val)
            print "current levels", self.current_levels_as_sub.get_dmx_list()
            # print
    def opposite_direction(self, d):
        if d == 'Next':
            return 'Prev'
@@ -245,12 +269,37 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):

class Cue:
    """A Cue has a name, a time, and any number of other attributes."""
    def __init__(self, name, time=3, **attrs):
    def __init__(self, name, time=3, sub_levels='', **attrs):
 = name
        self.time = time
        self.sub_levels = sub_levels
    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Cue %s, length %s>" % (, self.time)
    def get_levels_as_sub(self):
        """Get this Cue as a combined Submaster, normalized.  This method
        should not be called constantly, since it is somewhat expensive.  It
        will reload the submasters from disk, combine all subs together, and
        then compute the normalized form."""
        subdict = {}
            print self, self.sub_levels
            for line in self.sub_levels.split(','):
                line = line.strip()
                # print 'line', line
                sub, scale = line.split(':')
                # print 'sub', sub, 'scale', scale
                sub = sub.strip()
                scale = float(scale)
                subdict[sub] = scale
            # print 'subdict', subdict
        except (ValueError, AttributeError):
            print "parsing error when computing sub for", self

        s = Submaster.Submasters()
        newsub = Submaster.sub_maxes(*[s[sub] * scale 
            for sub, scale in subdict.items()])
        return newsub.get_normalized_copy()

empty_cue = Cue('empty')

@@ -266,8 +315,8 @@ class CueList:
        except IOError:
            self.treedict.cues = []
        self.cues = self.treedict.cues
        self.current_cue_index = 0
        self.next_pointer = None
        self.current_cue_index = -1
        self.next_pointer = 0
        self.prev_pointer = None

        import atexit
@@ -465,7 +514,7 @@ class CueEditron(Tk.Frame):
    def setup_editing_forms(self):
        self.variables = {}
        for row, field in enumerate(('name', 'time', 'page', 'desc')):
        for row, field in enumerate(('name', 'time', 'page', 'desc', 'sub_levels')):
            lab = Tk.Label(self, text=field, fg='white', bg='black')
            lab.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='nsew')

@@ -488,7 +537,7 @@ class CueEditron(Tk.Frame):
        self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
    def fill_in_cue_info(self):
        self.enable_callbacks = 0
        for row, field in enumerate(('name', 'time', 'page', 'desc')):
        for row, field in enumerate(('name', 'time', 'page', 'desc', 'sub_levels')):
            text = ''
            if self.cue:
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@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":

    root = Tk()
    tl = toplevelat("Keyboard Composer", existingtoplevel=root)
    kc = KeyboardComposer(tl, s, dmxdummy=1)
    kc = KeyboardComposer(tl, s, dmxdummy=0)
    kc.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
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@@ -8,14 +8,17 @@ import Patch

class Submaster:
    "Contain a dictionary of levels, but you didn't need to know that"
    def __init__(self, name, leveldict=None):
    def __init__(self, name, leveldict=None, temporary=0):
 = name
        self.temporary = temporary
        if leveldict:
            self.levels = leveldict
            self.levels = {}
    def reload(self):
        if self.temporary:
            subfile = file("subs/%s" %
@@ -33,6 +36,9 @@ class Submaster:
        except IOError:
            print "Can't read file for sub: %s" %
    def save(self):
        if self.temporary:

        subfile = file("subs/%s" %, 'w')
        names = self.levels.keys()
@@ -52,7 +58,7 @@ class Submaster:
        return self.levels
    def __mul__(self, scalar):
        return Submaster("%s*%s" % (, scalar), 
            dict_scale(self.levels, scalar))
            dict_scale(self.levels, scalar), temporary=1)
    __rmul__ = __mul__
    def max(self, *othersubs):
        return sub_maxes(self, *othersubs)
@@ -69,12 +75,45 @@ class Submaster:

        return levels
    def normalize_patch_names(self):
        """Use only the primary patch names."""
        # possibly busted -- don't use unless you know what you're doing
    def get_normalized_copy(self):
        """Get a copy of this sumbaster that only uses the primary patch 
        names.  The levels will be the same."""
        newsub = Submaster("%s (normalized)" %, temporary=1)
        return newsub
    def crossfade(self, othersub, amount):
        """Returns a new sub that is a crossfade between this sub and
        another submaster.  
        NOTE: You should only crossfade between normalized submasters."""
        otherlevels = othersub.get_levels()
        keys_set = {}
        for k in self.levels.keys() + otherlevels.keys():
            keys_set[k] = 1
        all_keys = keys_set.keys()

        xfaded_sub = Submaster("xfade", temporary=1)
        for k in all_keys:
                                 linear_fade(self.levels.get(k, 0),
                                             otherlevels.get(k, 0),

        return xfaded_sub
def linear_fade(start, end, amount):
    """Fades between two floats by an amount.  amount is a float between
    0 and 1.  If amount is 0, it will return the start value.  If it is 1,
    the end value will be returned."""
    level = start + (amount * (end - start))
    return level

def sub_maxes(*subs):
    return Submaster("max(%r)" % (subs,),
        dict_max(*[sub.levels for sub in subs]))
        dict_max(*[sub.levels for sub in subs]), temporary=1)

class Submasters:
    "Collection o' Submaster objects"
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        <attr name="name" type="string" value="tevya special" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="3.2" />
        <attr name="sub_levels" type="string" value="green : 1.0" />
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        <attr name="page" type="string" value="1.1.5" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="1" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="1.1.5" />
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        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="tevya: &quot;what&apos;s happening to the tradition?&quot;" />
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        <attr name="time" type="string" value="2" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="1.2.10" />
        <attr name="sub_levels" type="string" value="blue : 0.1, green : 0.1" />
        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="tevya: &quot;what&apos;s happening to the tradition?&quot;" />
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        <attr name="page" type="string" value="1.2.14" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="41" />
        <attr name="sub_levels" type="string" value="red : 1" />
        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="the third cue" />
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        <attr name="name" type="string" value="heart" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="42" />
        <attr name="some_attribute" type="numeric" value="3" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="heart" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="1.3.13" />
        <attr name="sub_levels" type="string" value="frontwhite : 0.2, red : 0.7" />
        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="&quot;you&apos;ve gotta have heart&quot;" />
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        <attr name="name" type="string" value="more musical refs" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="5" />
        <attr name="some_attribute" type="numeric" value="3" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="more musical refs" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="1.3.17" />
        <attr name="sub_levels" type="string" value="blue : 1.0" />
        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="etc." />
      <item type="PyObject" id="139671036" class="Cue">
      <item type="PyObject" id="139772700" class="Cue">
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        <attr name="name" type="string" value="rainbow shimmer" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="6" />
        <attr name="some_attribute" type="numeric" value="3" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="rainbow shimmer" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="1.4.2" />
        <attr name="sub_levels" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="curtain close" />
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        <attr name="some_attribute" type="numeric" value="3" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="fade up" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="2.1.1" />
        <attr name="sub_levels" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="stage manager: &quot;worklights, please&quot;" />
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        <attr name="time" type="string" value="8" />
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        <attr name="name" type="string" value="blackout" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="2.1.2" />
        <attr name="sub_levels" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="&quot;lights out!&quot;" />
      <item type="PyObject" id="139661388" class="Cue">
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        <attr name="name" type="string" value="sill" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="4.2" />
        <attr name="some_attribute" type="numeric" value="3" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="sill" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="2.2.4" />
        <attr name="sub_levels" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="another description" />
      <item type="PyObject" id="139661252" class="Cue">
      <item type="PyObject" id="140309860" class="Cue">
        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="mr. cue 10" />
        <attr name="some_attribute" type="numeric" value="3" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="2.7.3" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="front only" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="2.7.3" />
        <attr name="sub_levels" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="10" />
      <item type="PyObject" id="140192452" class="Cue">
      <item type="PyObject" id="140310788" class="Cue">
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        <attr name="some_attribute" type="numeric" value="3" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="cue 11" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="sub_levels" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="11" />
      <item type="PyObject" id="139670252" class="Cue">
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        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="some_attribute" type="numeric" value="3" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="cue 12" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="12" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="cue 12" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="2.1" />
      <item type="PyObject" id="139670324" class="Cue">
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        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="some_attribute" type="numeric" value="3" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="cue 13" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="13" />
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        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="cue 14" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="14" />
      <item type="PyObject" id="139670548" class="Cue">
      <item type="PyObject" id="140307748" class="Cue">
        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="some_attribute" type="numeric" value="3" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="cue 15" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="15" />
      <item type="PyObject" id="139664044" class="Cue">
      <item type="PyObject" id="140309436" class="Cue">
        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="some_attribute" type="numeric" value="3" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="cue 16" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="16" />
      <item type="PyObject" id="140194148" class="Cue">
      <item type="PyObject" id="140290764" class="Cue">
        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="some_attribute" type="numeric" value="3" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="cue 17" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="17" />
      <item type="PyObject" id="140185996" class="Cue">
      <item type="PyObject" id="140300196" class="Cue">
        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="some_attribute" type="numeric" value="3" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="some name" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="18" />
      <item type="PyObject" id="139662308" class="Cue">
      <item type="PyObject" id="140301756" class="Cue">
        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="some_attribute" type="numeric" value="3" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="cue 19" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="time" type="string" value="19" />
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@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class Onelevel(tk.Frame):

        # text description of channel
        self.desc_lab=tk.Label(self, text=Patch.get_channel_name(channelnum),
                               width=8, font=stdfont, anchor='w',
                               width=14, font=stdfont, anchor='w',
                               padx=0, pady=0, bd=0, 
                 height=1, bg='black', fg='white')
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@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ def outputlevels(levellist):
    global _dmx,_id

    if _dmx is None:
        host = os.getenv('DMXHOST', 'localhost')
        _dmx=xmlrpclib.Server("http://%s:8030" % host)

@@ -31,3 +32,9 @@ def outputlevels(levellist):
        print "outputlevels had xml fault: %s" % e
dummy = os.getenv('DMXDUMMY')
if dummy:
    print "dmxclient: DMX is in dummy mode."
    def bogus(*args):
    outputlevels = bogus
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@@ -3,55 +3,52 @@ patch = {
    ('side l','sidepost1') : 45, # posts
    ('side r','sidepost2') : 46,
    'sidefill1' : 13,
    'sidefill2' : 14,

    ('patio1','main 1',) : 1,
    ('main 2',) : 2,
    ('main 3',) : 3,
    ('main 4',) : 4,
    ('main 5',) : 5,
    ('god','main 6') : 6,
    ('main 7',) : 7,
    ('main 8',) : 8,
    ('main 9',) : 9,
    ('main 10',) : 10,
    ('main 11',):11,
    ('patio2','main 12',):12,

    'cycleft' : 43,
    'cycright' : 42,
    ('god',) : 6,
    ('desk1' ,'b11'):54, # left bank over house
    ('marry1' ,'b12'):53,
    ('hotbox1' ,'b14'):51,
    ('edge' ,'b15'):50,
    ('cuba1'   ,'b21'):55, # mid bank
    ('desk2'   ,'b26'):60,
    ('rock','b31'):61, # right bank
    ('hotbox2' ,'b33'):63,
    ('marry2' ,'b35'):65,
    ('cuba2' ,'b36'):66,
    'house': 68,
    ('ramp1','dolly-ramp-l','b11',): 54, # left bank over house
    ('main-l-blue', 'b12',): 53,
    ('ramp2', 'b13',): 52,
    ('main-lc-fill', 'b14',): 51,
    ('main-c1', 'b15',): 50,
    ('main-r-red','b16',): 49,
    ('ramp6','b21',): 55, # mid bank
    ('ramp5','b22',): 56,
    ('ramp0-stairs','b23',): 57,
    ('main-c2', 'b24',): 58,
    ('ramp9-stairs', 'stairs-r', 'b25',): 59,
    ('ramp3', 'b26',): 60,
    ('ramp4', 'b31',): 61, # right bank
    ('main-l-red', 'b32',): 62,
    ('main-c3', 'b33',): 63,
    ('main-r-blue', 'b34',): 64,
    ('ramp8', 'dolly-ramp-r', 'b35',) : 65,
    ('ramp7', 'b36',): 66,

    'oran1':21,    'oran2':25,    'oran3':29,    'oran4':33,
    'gree1':22,    'gree2':26,    'gree3':30,    'gree4':34,
    'blue1':23,    'blue2':27,    'blue3':31,    'blue4':35,
    'red1' :24,    'red2' :28,    'red3' :32,    'red4' :36,
    'upfill1' : 40,
    'upfill2' : 38,
    'upfill3' : 37,
    'upfill4' : 39,
    'cafe1': 15,
    'cafe2': 16,

    # hello dolly
    'f1' : 1,
    'f1.5' : 3,
    'f2' : 4,
    'f3' : 5,
    'f4' : 7,
    'f5' : 8,
    'diag' : 9,
    'f6' : 10,
    'diag-back' : 11,
    'f7' : 12,

    'downfill-left' : 13,
    'downfill-right' : 14,
    'l-scp' : 40,
    'r-scp' : 37,
    'upstairs above' : 39,
    'upstairs front' : 15,
    'storefill' : 17,
    'dayback' : 41,
    'judge' : 19,
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)