Changeset - 7b3f08db8f66
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0 3 0
Drew Perttula - 8 years ago 2017-06-10 07:14:29
reformat colorpick on timeline
Ignore-this: e6af990f4e2a43441609c2b288010f06
3 files changed with 16 insertions and 11 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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<link rel="import" href="/lib/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="/lib/paper-slider/paper-slider.html">

<dom-module id="light9-color-picker">
     :host {
         position: relative;
         display: flex;
         align-items: center;
         flex-wrap: wrap;
     #smallRainbowComp, #largeRainbowComp {
         display: inline-block;
         overflow: hidden;
         position: relative;
     #smallRainbow {
         background: url(/colorpick_rainbow_small.png);
         width: 150px; 
         height: 30px;
     #largeRainbow {
         background: url(/colorpick_rainbow_large.png);
         width: 400px; 
         height: 200px;
         user-select: none;
     #smallCrosshair, #largeCrosshair {
         position: absolute;
         left: -60px;
         top: -62px;
         pointer-events: none;
     #smallCrosshair {
@@ -37,59 +38,65 @@
            second column if its top goes above the top of the columns */
         width: 400px; 
         height: 60px;
     #largeCrosshair {
         background: url(/colorpick_crosshair_large.svg);
         width: 1000px; 
         height: 1000px;
     #smallRainbowComp {
         margin-right: 3px;
     #largeRainbowComp {
         display: none;
         position: absolute;
         border: 4px solid #545454;
         box-shadow: 8px 11px 40px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.74);
         z-index: 10;
         left: -50px;
         top: -110px;
     paper-slider {
         width: 170px;
     #vee {
         display: flex;
         align-items: center;
    <div id="smallRainbowComp">
      <div id="smallRainbow" on-mouseenter="onEnterSmall"></div>
      <div id="smallCrosshair"></div>
    <paper-slider min="0"
    <span id="vee">
      <paper-slider min="0"
    <div id="largeRainbowComp">
      <div id="largeRainbow"
      <div id="largeCrosshair"></div>
  <script src="/lib/color/one-color.js"></script>
   class RainbowCanvas {
       constructor(url, size, onReady) {
           this.size = size;
           var elem = document.createElement('canvas');
           elem.width = size[0];
           elem.height = size[1];

           this.ctx = elem.getContext('2d');

           this.colorPos = {} // color: pos
           this._loaded = false;
           this._loadWatchers = []; // callbacks
           var img = new Image();
Show inline comments
@@ -156,49 +156,49 @@
        <template is="dom-if" if="{{deviceAttr.useChoice}}">
          <light9-listbox choices="{{deviceAttr.choices}}" value="{{value}}">


    <dom-module id="light9-live-device-control">
         :host {
             display: inline-block;
         .device {
             border: 2px solid #151e2d;
             margin: 4px;
             padding: 1px;
             background: #171717;  /* deviceClass gradient added later */
             break-inside: avoid-column;
             width: 400px;
             width: 445px;
         .deviceAttr {
             border-top: 1px solid #272727;
             padding-bottom: 2px;
             display: flex;
         .deviceAttr > span {

         .deviceAttr > light9-live-control {
             flex-grow: 1;
         h2 {
             font-size: 110%;
             padding: 4px;
         .device, h2 {
             border-top-right-radius: 15px;

         #mainLabel {
             font-size: 120%; 
             color: #9ab8fd;
Show inline comments
@@ -495,82 +495,80 @@ Polymer
    for curve in @graph.objects(@uri, U(':curve'))
      if @graph.uriValue(curve, U(':attr')) == U(':strength')

        [@pointUris, @worldPts] = @_getCurvePoints(curve, originTime)
        curveWidthCalc = () => @_curveWidth(@worldPts)
        screenPts = ($V([@zoomInX(pt.e(1)), @offsetTop + (1 - pt.e(2)) * @offsetHeight]) for pt in @worldPts)
        @dia.setNote(@uri, screenPts, effect)
        @_updateAdjusters(screenPts, curveWidthCalc, yForV)
  _updateAdjusters: (screenPts, curveWidthCalc, yForV) ->   
    if screenPts[screenPts.length - 1].e(1) - screenPts[0].e(1) < 100
      @_makeOffsetAdjuster(yForV, curveWidthCalc)
      @_makeCurvePointAdjusters(yForV, @worldPts)

  _updateInlineAttrs: (screenPts) ->
    leftX = Math.max(2, screenPts[Math.min(1, screenPts.length - 1)].e(1) + 5)
    rightX = screenPts[Math.min(2, screenPts.length - 1)].e(1) - 5
    if screenPts.length < 3
      rightX = leftX + 120
    w = 430
    h = 80
    w = 250
    h = 110
    wasHidden = @inlineRect?.display == 'none'
    @inlineRect = {
      left: leftX,
      top: @offsetTop + @offsetHeight - h - 5,
      width: w,
      height: h,
      display: if rightX - leftX > w then 'block' else 'none'
    if wasHidden and @inlineRect.display != 'none'
      @async =>
  _getCurvePoints: (curve, xOffset) ->
    worldPts = []
    uris = @graph.objects(curve, @graph.Uri(':point'))
    for pt in uris
      v = $V([xOffset + @graph.floatValue(pt, @graph.Uri(':time')),
              @graph.floatValue(pt, @graph.Uri(':value'))])
      v.uri = pt
    worldPts.sort((a,b) -> a.e(1) > b.e(1))
    return [uris, worldPts]

  _curveWidth: (worldPts) ->
    tMin = @graph.floatValue(worldPts[0].uri, @graph.Uri(':time'))
    tMax = @graph.floatValue(worldPts[3].uri, @graph.Uri(':time'))
    tMax - tMin
  _makeCurvePointAdjusters: (yForV, worldPts) ->
    for pointNum in [0...worldPts.length]
      log('wor', worldPts, pointNum)
      @_makePointAdjuster(yForV, worldPts, pointNum)

  _makePointAdjuster: (yForV, worldPts, pointNum) ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)

    adjId = @uri + '/p' + pointNum
    @adjusterIds[adjId] = true
    @setAdjuster adjId, =>
      adj = new AdjustableFloatObject({
        graph: @graph
        subj: worldPts[pointNum].uri
        pred: U(':time')
        ctx: U(@song)
        getTargetPosForValue: (value) =>
          $V([@zoomInX(value), yForV(worldPts[pointNum].e(2))])
        getValueForPos: (pos) =>
          origin = @graph.floatValue(@uri, U(':originTime'))
          (@zoomInX.invert(pos.e(1)) - origin)
        getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => @_suggestedOffset(worldPts[pointNum]),
      adj._getValue = (=>
        # note: don't use originTime from the closure- we need the
        # graph dependency
        adj._currentValue + @graph.floatValue(@uri, U(':originTime'))
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)