Changeset - 7d2d20f06d1d
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Drew Perttula - 7 years ago 2018-05-12 23:02:26
cleanup viewstate change notifications. Use ko.computed more.
Ignore-this: 3da1a8c7a09f05238ce3c640b05347b4
3 files changed with 54 insertions and 63 deletions:
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  is: 'light9-cursor-canvas'
  behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
  listeners: 'iron-resize': 'update'

    viewState: { type: Object, notify: true, observer: "onViewState" }
  ready: ->
    @mouseX = 0
    @mouseY = 0
    @cursorPath = null
    @ctx = @$.canvas.getContext('2d')

  onViewState: ->

  update: (ev) ->
    @$.canvas.width =
    @$.canvas.height =

  setMouse: (pos) ->
    @mouseX = pos.e(1)
    @mouseY = pos.e(2)

  setCursor: (y1, h1, y2, h2, viewState) ->
    xZoomedOut = viewState.fullZoomX(viewState.latestMouseTime())
    xZoomedIn = viewState.mouse.pos().e(1)
  redrawCursor: ->
    vs = @viewState
    dependOn = [vs.zoomSpec.t1(), vs.zoomSpec.t2()]
    xZoomedOut = vs.fullZoomX(vs.latestMouseTime())
    xZoomedIn = vs.mouse.pos().e(1)

    @cursorPath = {
      top0: $V([xZoomedOut, y1])
      top1: $V([xZoomedOut, y1 + h1])
      mid0: $V([xZoomedIn + 2, y2 + h2])
      mid1: $V([xZoomedIn - 2, y2 + h2])
      mid2: $V([xZoomedOut - 1, y1 + h1])
      mid3: $V([xZoomedOut + 1, y1 + h1])
      bot0: $V([xZoomedIn, y2 + h2])
      top0: $V([xZoomedOut, vs.audioY()])
      top1: $V([xZoomedOut, vs.audioY() + vs.audioH()])
      mid0: $V([xZoomedIn + 2, vs.zoomedTimeY() + vs.zoomedTimeH()])
      mid1: $V([xZoomedIn - 2, vs.zoomedTimeY() + vs.zoomedTimeH()])
      mid2: $V([xZoomedOut - 1, vs.audioY() + vs.audioH()])
      mid3: $V([xZoomedOut + 1, vs.audioY() + vs.audioH()])
      bot0: $V([xZoomedIn, vs.zoomedTimeY() + vs.zoomedTimeH()])
      bot1: $V([xZoomedIn, @offsetParent.offsetHeight])

  redraw: ->
    return unless @ctx
    @ctx.clearRect(0, 0, @$.canvas.width, @$.canvas.height)

    @ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff'
    @ctx.lineWidth = 0.5
    Drawing.line(@ctx, $V([0, @mouseY]), $V([@$.canvas.width, @mouseY]))
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@@ -73,13 +73,13 @@
      <light9-timeline-diagram-layer id="dia" selection="{{selection}}"></light9-timeline-diagram-layer>
      <light9-adjusters-canvas id="adjustersCanvas" set-adjuster="{{setAdjuster}}">
      <light9-cursor-canvas id="cursorCanvas"></light9-cursor-canvas>
      <light9-cursor-canvas id="cursorCanvas" view-state="{{viewState}}"></light9-cursor-canvas>

<!-- the whole section that pans/zooms in time (most of the editor) -->
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@@ -92,48 +92,51 @@ class Project
    if note in selection.selected()
      selection.selected(_.without(selection.selected(), note))

class ViewState
  constructor: () ->
    # caller updates all these observables
    @width = ko.observable(500)
    @zoomSpec =
      duration: ko.observable(100) # current song duration
      t1: ko.observable(0)
      t2: ko.observable(100)
    @cursor =
      t: ko.observable(20) # songTime
    @mouse =
      pos: ko.observable($V([0,0]))
    @width = ko.observable(500)
    @audioY = ko.observable(0)
    @audioH = ko.observable(0)
    @zoomedTimeY = ko.observable(0)
    @zoomedTimeH = ko.observable(0)
    @fullZoomX = d3.scaleLinear()
    @zoomInX = d3.scaleLinear()

    @zoomAnimSec = .1

  setWidth: (w) ->
    @zoomOrLayoutChanged() # before other handleers run
    @maintainZoomLimitsAndScales() # before other handlers run
  zoomOrLayoutChanged: () ->
  maintainZoomLimitsAndScales: () ->
    # not for cursor updates


    if @zoomSpec.t1() < 0
    if @zoomSpec.duration() and @zoomSpec.t2() > @zoomSpec.duration()

    @fullZoomX.domain([0, @zoomSpec.duration()])
    @fullZoomX.range([0, @width()])

    @zoomInX.domain([@zoomSpec.t1(), @zoomSpec.t2()])
    @zoomInX.range([0, @width()])
    log('update zoomInX')
  latestMouseTime: ->

  onMouseWheel: (deltaY) ->
    zs = @zoomSpec
@@ -144,13 +147,25 @@ class ViewState
    scale = Math.pow(1.005, deltaY)

    zs.t1(center - left * scale)
    zs.t2(center + right * scale)
    log('view to', ko.toJSON(@))

  frameCursor: ->
    zs = @zoomSpec
    visSeconds = zs.t2() - zs.t1()
    margin = visSeconds * .4
    # buggy: really needs t1/t2 to limit their ranges
    if @cursor.t() < zs.t1() or @cursor.t() > zs.t2() - visSeconds * .6
      newCenter = @cursor.t() + margin
      @animatedZoom(newCenter - visSeconds / 2,
                    newCenter + visSeconds / 2, @zoomAnimSec)
  frameToEnd: ->
    @animatedZoom(@cursor.t() - 2, @zoomSpec.duration(), @zoomAnimSec)
  frameAll: ->
    @animatedZoom(0, @zoomSpec.duration(), @zoomAnimSec)
  animatedZoom: (newT1, newT2, secs) ->
    fps = 30
    oldT1 = @zoomSpec.t1()
    oldT2 = @zoomSpec.t2()
    lastTime = 0
    for step in [0..secs * fps]
@@ -206,13 +221,12 @@ class TimelineEditor extends Polymer.mix
    @setAdjuster = (adjId, makeAdjustable) =>
      ac = @$.adjustersCanvas
      setTimeout((()=>ac.setAdjuster(adjId, makeAdjustable)),10)

    setTimeout =>

      setTimeout => # depends on child node being ready
@@ -225,22 +239,26 @@ class TimelineEditor extends Polymer.mix
                zoomed.$.rows, @, zoomed.onDrop.bind(zoomed))

      setInterval(@updateDebugSummary.bind(@), 100)
    , 500

    @addEventListener('iron-resize', @_onIronResize.bind(@))
    setTimeout(@_onIronResize.bind(@), 1000) # when children are packed
    #if anchor == loadtest
    #  add note and delete it repeatedly
    #  disconnect the graph, make many notes, drag a point over many steps, measure lag somewhere

  _onIronResize: ->

    log('changed width')
    @viewState.zoomedTimeY(@$.zoomed.$.time.offsetTop) if @$.zoomed?.$?.time?
    @viewState.zoomedTimeH(30) #@$.zoomed.$.time.offsetHeight)
    log('editor resized')
  _onSongTime: (t) ->
  _onSongDuration: (d) ->
    d = 700 if d < 1 # bug is that asco isn't giving duration, but 0 makes the scale corrupt
@@ -257,33 +275,21 @@ class TimelineEditor extends Polymer.mix
     #{elemCount('light9-timeline-graph-row')} rows,
     #{window.debug_adjsCount} adjuster items registered,
     #{window.debug_adjUpdateDisplay} adjuster updateDisplay calls,

  zoomOrLayoutChanged: ->
    vs = @viewState
    # todo: these run a lot of work purely for a time change
    if @$.zoomed?.$?.audio?
      #@dia.setTimeAxis(vs.width(), @$.zoomed.$.audio.offsetTop, vs.zoomInX)

    # cursor needs update when layout changes, but I don't want
    # zoom/layout to depend on the playback time
    setTimeout(@songTimeChanged.bind(@), 1)

  songTimeChanged: ->
    return unless @$.zoomed?.$?.time?
    @$.cursorCanvas.setCursor(@$.audio.offsetTop, @$.audio.offsetHeight,
  trackMouse: ->
    # not just for show- we use the mouse pos sometimes
    for evName in ['mousemove', 'touchmove']
      @addEventListener evName, (ev) =>

@@ -291,25 +297,22 @@ class TimelineEditor extends Polymer.mix
        if ev.touches?.length
          ev = ev.touches[0]

        root = @$.cursorCanvas.getBoundingClientRect()
        @viewState.mouse.pos($V([ev.pageX - root.left, ev.pageY -]))

        # should be controlled by a checkbox next to follow-player-song-choice
        @sendMouseToVidref() unless window.location.hash.match(/novidref/)

  sendMouseToVidref: ->
    now =
    if (!@$.vidrefLastSent? || @$.vidrefLastSent < now - 200) && !@songPlaying
      @$.vidrefTime.body = {t: @latestMouseTime(), source: 'timeline'}
      @$.vidrefLastSent = now


  bindWheelZoom: (elem) ->
    elem.addEventListener 'mousewheel', (ev) =>

  forwardMouseEventsToAdjustersCanvas: ->
    ac = @$.adjustersCanvas
@@ -317,36 +320,23 @@ class TimelineEditor extends Polymer.mix
    @addEventListener('mousemove', ac.onMove.bind(ac))
    @addEventListener('mouseup', ac.onUp.bind(ac))

  bindKeys: ->
    shortcut.add "Ctrl+P", (ev) =>

    zoomAnimSec = .1
    shortcut.add "Ctrl+Escape", =>
      @viewState.animatedZoom(0, @viewState.zoomSpec.duration(), zoomAnimSec)
    shortcut.add "Shift+Escape", =>
      @viewState.animatedZoom(@songTime - 2, @viewState.zoomSpec.duration(), zoomAnimSec)
    shortcut.add "Escape", =>
      zs = @viewState.zoomSpec
      visSeconds = zs.t2() - zs.t1()
      margin = visSeconds * .4
      # buggy: really needs t1/t2 to limit their ranges
      if @songTime < zs.t1() or @songTime > zs.t2() - visSeconds * .6
        newCenter = @songTime + margin
        @viewState.animatedZoom(newCenter - visSeconds / 2,
                                newCenter + visSeconds / 2, zoomAnimSec)
    shortcut.add "Ctrl+Escape", => @viewState.frameAll()
    shortcut.add "Shift+Escape", => @viewState.frameToEnd()
    shortcut.add "Escape", => @viewState.frameCursor()
    shortcut.add "L", =>
    shortcut.add 'Delete', =>
      for note in @selection.selected()
        @project.deleteNote(@song, note, @selection)

  makeZoomAdjs: ->
    yMid = => @$.audio.offsetTop + @$.audio.offsetHeight / 2
    dur = @viewState.zoomSpec.duration
    valForPos = (pos) =>
        x = pos.e(1)
        t = @fullZoomX.invert(x)
    @setAdjuster('zoom-left', => new AdjustableFloatObservable({
      observable: @viewState.zoomSpec.t1,
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