Changeset - 7d68a9db8319
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0 1 0 - 7 years ago 2018-06-08 05:53:04
working on /live choice attrs and dangling settings
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1 file changed with 20 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -72,12 +72,14 @@ coffeeElementSetup(class Light9LiveContr

  clear: ->
    @pickedChoice = null
    @sliderWriteValue = 0
    if @deviceAttrRow.useColor
      @value = '#000000'
    else if @deviceAttrRow.useChoice
      @value = @pickedChoice = null
      @value = @immediateSlider = 0

coffeeElementSetup(class Light9LiveDeviceControl extends Polymer.Element
  @is: "light9-live-device-control"
@@ -252,52 +254,60 @@ class GraphToControls

  shouldBeStored: (deviceAttr, value) ->
    # this is a bug for zoom=0, since collector will default it to
    # stick at the last setting if we don't explicitly send the
    # 0. rx/ry similar though not the exact same deal because of
    # their remap.
    return value != 0 and value != '#000000'
    return value? and value != 0 and value != '#000000'

  emptyEffect: ->
    new Map(@settings).forEach (row, key) =>

  controlChanged: (device, deviceAttr, value) ->
    if not value? or (typeof value == "number" and isNaN(value))
    # value is float or #color or (Uri or null)
    if (value == undefined or (typeof value == "number" and isNaN(value)) or (not and typeof value == "object"))
      throw new Error("controlChanged sent bad value " + value)
    effectSetting = @effectSettingLookup(device, deviceAttr)
    if @shouldBeStored(deviceAttr, value)
      if not effectSetting?
        @_addEffectSetting(device, deviceAttr, value)
        @_patchExistingEffectSetting(effectSetting, deviceAttr, value)

  _nodeForValue: (value) ->
      return value
    return @graph.prettyLiteral(value)

  _addEffectSetting: (device, deviceAttr, value) ->
    log('change: _addEffectSetting', deviceAttr.value, value)
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    quad = (s, p, o) => @graph.Quad(s, p, o, @ctx)
    effectSetting = @graph.nextNumberedResource(@effect.value + '_set')
    @addSettingsRow(device, deviceAttr, effectSetting, value)
    addQuads = [
      quad(@effect, U(':setting'), effectSetting),
      quad(effectSetting, U(':device'),  device),
      quad(effectSetting, U(':deviceAttr'), deviceAttr),
      quad(effectSetting, valuePred(@graph, deviceAttr), @graph.prettyLiteral(value))
      quad(effectSetting, valuePred(@graph, deviceAttr), @_nodeForValue(value))
    patch = {addQuads: addQuads, delQuads: []}
    log('save', patch)

  _patchExistingEffectSetting: (effectSetting, deviceAttr, value) ->
    log('patch existing', effectSetting.value)
    @graph.patchObject(effectSetting, valuePred(@graph, deviceAttr), @graph.prettyLiteral(value), @ctx)
    log('change: patch existing', effectSetting.value)
    @graph.patchObject(effectSetting, valuePred(@graph, deviceAttr), @_nodeForValue(value), @ctx)

  _removeEffectSetting: (effectSetting) ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    log('change: _removeEffectSetting', effectSetting.value)
     U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    quad = (s, p, o) => @graph.Quad(s, p, o, @ctx)
    if effectSetting?
      toDel = [quad(@effect, U(':setting'), effectSetting, @ctx)]
      for q in @graph.graph.getQuads(effectSetting)
      @graph.applyAndSendPatch({delQuads: toDel, addQuads: []})
@@ -326,12 +336,16 @@ coffeeElementSetup(class Light9LiveContr
    @currentSettings = {}

  onGraph: ->
    @graphToControls = new GraphToControls(@graph)
    @graph.runHandler(@update.bind(@), 'Light9LiveControls update')

    effect = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get('effect')
    if effect?
      @effectChoice = effect

  effectSettingLookup: (device, attr) ->
    if @graphToControls == null
      throw new Error('not ready')
    return @graphToControls.effectSettingLookup(device, attr)

  newEffect: ->
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