Changeset - 7eb3676b8fd6
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Drew Perttula - 8 years ago 2017-05-23 06:58:02
more of the fixed add-to-song service
Ignore-this: 44b96a929b79ab201a80a6914b117f9d
7 files changed with 42 insertions and 19 deletions:
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@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class SongEffects(PrettyErrorHandler, cy
        except Exception: # which?
            song = yield currentSong()

        event = self.get_argument('event') or 'default'
        event = self.get_argument('event', default='default')
"adding to %s", song)

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@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ def getMusicStatus():

def songEffectPatch(graph, dropped, song, event, ctx):
    some uri was 'dropped' in the timeline. event is 'default' or 'start' or 'end'.
    with graph.currentState(
            tripleFilter=(dropped, None, None)) as g:
        droppedTypes = list(g.objects(dropped, RDF.type))
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@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class ReadOnlyConjunctiveGraph(object):
        self.graph = graph

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if attr in ['subjects', 'value', 'objects', 'triples']: # not complete
        if attr in ['subjects', 'value', 'objects', 'triples', 'label']: # not complete
            return getattr(self.graph, attr)
        raise TypeError("can't access %r of read-only graph" % attr)

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@@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ class SyncedGraph(CurrentStateGraphApi, 
        log.debug('patch is done %s', debugKey)

    def suggestPrefixes(self, prefixes):
        song note edit should put song: to the song uri

    def sendFailed(self, result):
        we asked for a patch to be queued and sent to the master, and
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@@ -33,6 +33,21 @@ model.addToCurrentSong = (e) ->
    data: {drop: e.uri}

model.addMomentary = (e) ->
    type: 'POST'
    url: '/effectEval/songEffects'
    data: {drop: e.uri, event: 'start'}

model.addMomentaryUp = (e) ->
    type: 'POST'
    url: '/effectEval/songEffects'
    data: {drop: e.uri, event: 'end'}

reconnectingWebSocket "../effectsUpdates", (msg) ->
  model.chases(msg.chases) if msg.chases?
  model.classes(msg.classes) if msg.classes?
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@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ html
          a(data-bind="attr: {href: uri}, text: label")
          button(data-bind="click: $root.addToCurrentSong") Add to current song
          button(data-bind="event: { mousedown: $root.addMomentary, mouseup: $root.addMomentaryUp }") Add momentary
          code(data-bind="text: code")
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@@ -14,22 +14,22 @@ show:dance2017 :playList (
  sh:song16 sh:song17 sh:song18
) .

sh:song1 a :Song; rdfs:label  "01"; :songFilename "01.wav" .
sh:song2 a :Song; rdfs:label  "02"; :songFilename "02.wav" .
sh:song3 a :Song; rdfs:label  "03"; :songFilename "03.wav" .
sh:song4 a :Song; rdfs:label  "04"; :songFilename "04.wav" .
sh:song5 a :Song; rdfs:label  "05"; :songFilename "05.wav" .
sh:song6 a :Song; rdfs:label  "06"; :songFilename "06.wav" .
sh:song7 a :Song; rdfs:label  "07"; :songFilename "07.wav" .
sh:song8 a :Song; rdfs:label  "08"; :songFilename "08.wav" .
sh:song9 a :Song; rdfs:label  "09"; :songFilename "09.wav" .
sh:song10 a :Song; rdfs:label "10"; :songFilename "10.wav" .
sh:song11 a :Song; rdfs:label "11"; :songFilename "11.wav" .
sh:song12 a :Song; rdfs:label "12"; :songFilename "12.wav" .
sh:song13 a :Song; rdfs:label "13"; :songFilename "13.wav" .
sh:song14 a :Song; rdfs:label "14"; :songFilename "14.wav" .
sh:song15 a :Song; rdfs:label "15"; :songFilename "15.wav" .
sh:song16 a :Song; rdfs:label "16"; :songFilename "16.wav" .
sh:song17 a :Song; rdfs:label "17"; :songFilename "17.wav" .
sh:song1 a :Song; rdfs:label  "01"; :songFilename "01-out.wav" .
sh:song2 a :Song; rdfs:label  "02"; :songFilename "02-out.wav" .
sh:song3 a :Song; rdfs:label  "03"; :songFilename "03-out.wav" .
sh:song4 a :Song; rdfs:label  "04"; :songFilename "04-out.wav" .
sh:song5 a :Song; rdfs:label  "05"; :songFilename "05-out.wav" .
sh:song6 a :Song; rdfs:label  "06"; :songFilename "06-out.wav" .
sh:song7 a :Song; rdfs:label  "07"; :songFilename "07-out.wav" .
sh:song8 a :Song; rdfs:label  "08"; :songFilename "08-out.wav" .
sh:song9 a :Song; rdfs:label  "09"; :songFilename "09-out.wav" .
sh:song10 a :Song; rdfs:label "10"; :songFilename "10-out.wav" .
sh:song11 a :Song; rdfs:label "11"; :songFilename "11-out.wav" .
sh:song12 a :Song; rdfs:label "12"; :songFilename "12-out.wav" .
sh:song13 a :Song; rdfs:label "13"; :songFilename "13-out.wav" .
sh:song14 a :Song; rdfs:label "14"; :songFilename "14-out.wav" .
sh:song15 a :Song; rdfs:label "15"; :songFilename "15-africaout.wav" .
sh:song16 a :Song; rdfs:label "16"; :songFilename "16-out.wav" .
sh:song17 a :Song; rdfs:label "17"; :songFilename "17-out.wav" .


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