Changeset - 87d9db21ba98
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Drew Perttula - 6 years ago 2019-05-28 08:42:14
treq content() deferred api fix
Ignore-this: a2a3f8fa02cd7fe25a1ecb749ed8faf
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 2 deletions:
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import time, json, logging
from typing import Dict

from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
import treq

from light9 import networking

log = logging.getLogger()


class MusicTime(object):
    fetch times from ascoltami in a background thread; return times
    upon request, adjusted to be more precise with the system clock
@@ -52,30 +53,31 @@ class MusicTime(object):
            return {'t': 0, 'song': None}
        pos = self.position.copy()
        now = frameTime or time.time()
        if pos.get('playing'):
            pos['t'] = pos['t'] + (now - self.positionFetchTime)
            if self.lastHoverTime is not None:
                pos['hoverTime'] = self.lastHoverTime
        return pos

    def pollMusicTime(self):

        def cb(response):

            if response.code != 200:
                raise ValueError("%s %s", response.code, response.body)
                raise ValueError("%s %s", response.code, (yield response.content()))

            position = json.loads(response.body)
            position = yield response.json()

            # this is meant to be the time when the server gave me its
            # report, and I don't know if that's closer to the
            # beginning of my request or the end of it (or some
            # fraction of the way through)
            self.positionFetchTime = time.time()

            self.position = position

            reactor.callLater(self.period, self.pollMusicTime)

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