Changeset - 89afd38433e8
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0 1 0 - 12 years ago 2013-03-26 08:24:06
1 file changed with 8 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -4,14 +4,21 @@ from light9.rdfdb.currentstategraphapi i
log = logging.getLogger('syncedgraph')

class AutoDepGraphApi(object):
    knockoutjs-inspired API for automatically building a dependency
    tree while reading the graph. See addHandler().

    This design is more aggressive than knockoutjs, since the obvious
    query methods like value() all error if you're not in a watched
    section of code. This is supposed to make it easier to notice
    dependency mistakes, especially when porting old code to use
    mixin for SyncedGraph, separated here because these methods work together
    This class is a mixin for SyncedGraph, separated here because
    these methods work together

    def __init__(self):
        self._watchers = _GraphWatchers()
        self.currentFuncs = [] # stack of addHandler callers
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