Changeset - 8eca565811b3
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 9 years ago 2016-06-16 06:11:18
tint notes according to effect. other minor TL fixes
Ignore-this: 26bb112653f627d4ac409478c508d937
1 file changed with 20 insertions and 6 deletions:
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log = console.log
RDF = ''


# polymer dom-repeat is happy to shuffle children by swapping their
# attribute values, and it's hard to correctly setup/teardown your
# side effects if your attributes are changing before the detach
# call. This alternative to dom-repeat never reassigns
# attributes. But, it can't set up property bindings.
updateChildren = (parent, newUris, makeChild) ->
  childUris = []
  childByUri = {}
  for e in parent.children
    childByUri[e.uri] = e
@@ -41,24 +41,25 @@ Polymer
    zoomInX: {type: Object, notify: true}
  width: ko.observable(1)
    'iron-resize': '_onIronResize'
  observers: [
    'setSong(playerSong, followPlayerSong)'
  _onIronResize: ->
  _onSongTime: (t) ->
  _onSongDuration: (d) ->
    d = 700 if d < 1 # bug is that asco isn't giving duration, but 0 makes the scale corrupt
  setSong: (s) ->
    @song = @playerSong if @followPlayerSong

  ready: ->
    window.debug_zoomOrLayoutChangedCount = 0
    window.debug_adjUpdateDisplay = 0
    @viewState =
        duration: ko.observable(100)
        t1: ko.observable(0) # need validation to stay in bounds and not go too close
@@ -418,53 +419,54 @@ Polymer
    # not working yet
    #if @patchCouldAffectMe(patch)
    #  return
    if @isDetached?
      log('skipping update', @uri)
    # update our note DOM and SVG elements based on the graph
    U = (x) -> @graph.Uri(x)

    yForV = (v) => @offsetTop + (1 - v) * @offsetHeight

    originTime = @graph.floatValue(@uri, U(':originTime'))
    effect = @graph.uriValue(@uri, U(':effectClass'))
    for curve in @graph.objects(@uri, U(':curve'))
      if @graph.uriValue(curve, U(':attr')) == U(':strength')
        @updateStrengthCurveEtc(originTime, curve, yForV)
        @updateStrengthCurveEtc(originTime, curve, yForV, effect)
  updateStrengthCurveEtc: (originTime, curve, yForV) ->
  updateStrengthCurveEtc: (originTime, curve, yForV, effect) ->
    U = (x) -> @graph.Uri(x)
    worldPts = getCurvePoints(@graph, curve, originTime) # (song time, value)

    curveWidth = =>
      tMin = @graph.floatValue(worldPts[0].uri, U(':time'))
      tMax = @graph.floatValue(worldPts[3].uri, U(':time'))
      tMax - tMin            

    screenPts = ($V([@zoomInX(pt.e(1)), @offsetTop + (1 - pt.e(2)) * @offsetHeight]) for pt in worldPts)
    @dia.setNote(@uri, screenPts, label)

    leftX = Math.max(2, screenPts[1].e(1) + 5)
    rightX = screenPts[2].e(1) - 5
    w = 114
    h = 80
    @inlineRect = {
      left: leftX,
      top: @offsetTop + @offsetHeight - h - 5,
      width: w,
      height: h,
      display: if rightX - leftX > w then 'block' else 'none'

    if screenPts[3].e(1) - screenPts[0].e(1) < 50
    if screenPts[3].e(1) - screenPts[0].e(1) < 100
      # also kill their connectors

    @makeCurveAdjusters(curveWidth, yForV, worldPts)
  makeCurveAdjusters: (curveWidth, yForV, worldPts) ->
    U = (x) -> @graph.Uri(x)

    if 0
      @adjusterIds[@uri+'/offset'] = true
      @setAdjuster(@uri+'/offset', => new AdjustableFloatObject({
@@ -740,34 +742,46 @@ Polymer
    for suff in suffixes
      elem = @elemById[uri+suff]
      if elem
        delete @elemById[uri+suff]

  anyPointsInView: (pts) ->
    for pt in pts
      if pt.e(1) > -100 && pt.e(1) < 2500
        return true
    return false
  setNote: (uri, curvePts) ->
  setNote: (uri, curvePts, effect) ->
    areaId = uri + '/area'
    labelId = uri + '/label'
    if not @anyPointsInView(curvePts)
      @clearElem(uri, ['/area', '/label'])
    # for now these need to be pretty transparent since they're
    # drawing on top of the inline-attrs widget :(

    if effect in ['',
      hue = 0
      sat = 100
      hash = 0
      for i in [(effect.length-10)...effect.length]
        hash += effect.charCodeAt(i)
      hue = (hash * 8) % 360
      sat = 40 + (hash % 20) # don't conceal colorscale too much
    elem = @getOrCreateElem(areaId, 'notes', 'path',
      {style:"fill:#53774b50; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:1.5;"})
      {style:"fill:hsla(#{hue}, #{sat}%, 58%, 0.313); stroke:#000000; stroke-width:1.5;"})
    elem.setAttribute('d', svgPathFromPoints(curvePts))

    #elem = @getOrCreateElem(uri+'/label', 'noteLabels', 'text', {style: "font-size:13px;line-height:125%;font-family:'Verana Sans';text-align:start;text-anchor:start;fill:#000000;"})
    #elem.setAttribute('x', curvePts[0].e(1)+20)
    #elem.setAttribute('y', curvePts[0].e(2)-10)
    #elem.innerHTML = effectLabel;

  setCursor: (y1, h1, y2, h2, fullZoomX, zoomInX, cursor) ->
    @cursorPath =
      top: @querySelector('#cursor1')
      mid: @querySelector('#cursor2')
      bot: @querySelector('#cursor3')
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