Changeset - 8fba62df5e39
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Drew Perttula - 13 years ago 2012-06-14 06:24:39
selectmanip more controls, hover highlight
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1 file changed with 138 insertions and 18 deletions:
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@@ -74,52 +74,125 @@ class Sketch:
class SelectManip(object):
    selection manipulator is created whenever you have a selection. It
    draws itself on the canvas and edits the points when you drag
    various parts
    def __init__(self, parent, getSelectedIndices, getWorldPoint, getScreenPoint, getCanvasSize, setPoints, getWorldTime):
    def __init__(self, parent, getSelectedIndices, getWorldPoint, getScreenPoint, getCanvasSize, setPoints, getWorldTime, getWorldValue, getDragRange):
        """parent goocanvas group"""
        self.getSelectedIndices = getSelectedIndices
        self.getWorldPoint = getWorldPoint
        self.getScreenPoint = getScreenPoint
        self.getCanvasSize = getCanvasSize
        self.setPoints = setPoints
        self.getWorldTime = getWorldTime
        self.getDragRange = getDragRange
        self.getWorldValue = getWorldValue
        self.grp = goocanvas.Group(parent=parent)
        self.title = goocanvas.Text(parent=self.grp, text="selectmanip", x=10, y=10, fill_color='white', font="ubuntu 10")

        self.bbox = goocanvas.Rect(parent=self.grp,

        self.xTrans = goocanvas.Polyline(parent=self.grp, close_path=True,
        self.xTrans.connect("button-press-event", self.onXPress)
        self.xTrans.connect("button-release-event", self.onXRelease)
        self.xTrans.connect("motion-notify-event", self.onXMotion)
        self.centerScale = goocanvas.Polyline(parent=self.grp, close_path=True,

        thickLine = lambda: goocanvas.Polyline(parent=self.grp,
        self.leftScale = thickLine()
        self.rightScale = thickLine()
        self.topScale = thickLine()
        for grp, name in [(self.xTrans, 'x'),
                          (self.leftScale, 'left'),
                          (self.rightScale, 'right'),
                          (self.topScale, 'top'),
                          (self.centerScale, 'centerScale'),
            grp.connect("button-press-event", self.onPress, name)
            grp.connect("button-release-event", self.onRelease, name)
            grp.connect("motion-notify-event", self.onMotion, name)
            grp.connect("enter-notify-event", self.onEnter, name)
            grp.connect("leave-notify-event", self.onLeave, name)
            # and hover highlight

    def onXPress(self, item, target_item, event):
    def onEnter(self, item, target_item, event, param):
        self.prevColor = item.props.stroke_color_rgba
        item.props.stroke_color_rgba = 0xff0000ff
    def onLeave(self, item, target_item, event, param):
        item.props.stroke_color_rgba = self.prevColor
    def onPress(self, item, target_item, event, param):
        self.dragStartTime = self.getWorldTime(event.x)
        self.origPoints = [self.getWorldPoint(i) for i in
        idxs = self.getSelectedIndices()

        self.origPoints = [self.getWorldPoint(i) for i in idxs]
        self.origMaxValue = max(p[1] for p in self.origPoints)
        moveLeft, moveRight = self.getDragRange(idxs)

        if param == 'centerScale':
            self.maxPointMove = min(moveLeft, moveRight)
        self.dragRange = (self.dragStartTime - moveLeft,
                          self.dragStartTime + moveRight)
        return True

    def onXMotion(self, item, target_item, event):
    def onMotion(self, item, target_item, event, param):
        if hasattr(self, 'dragStartTime'):
            dt = self.getWorldTime(event.x) - self.dragStartTime
                (i, (orig[0] + dt, orig[1]))
                for i, orig in zip(self.getSelectedIndices(), self.origPoints))
            origPts = zip(self.getSelectedIndices(), self.origPoints)
            left = origPts[0][1][0]
            right = origPts[-1][1][0]
            width = right - left

            clampLo = left if param == 'right' else self.dragRange[0]
            clampHi = right if param == 'left' else self.dragRange[1]

            mouseT = self.getWorldTime(event.x)
            clampedT = max(clampLo, min(clampHi, mouseT))
            dt = clampedT - self.dragStartTime

            if param == 'x':
                self.setPoints((i, (orig[0] + dt, orig[1]))
                               for i, orig in origPts)
            elif param == 'left':
                self.setPoints((i, (left + dt +
                                    (orig[0] - left) / width * (width - dt),
                                    orig[1])) for i, orig in origPts)
            elif param == 'right':
                self.setPoints((i, (left +
                                    (orig[0] - left) / width * (width + dt),
                                    orig[1])) for i, orig in origPts)
            elif param == 'top':
                v = self.getWorldValue(event.y)
                scl = max(0, min(1 / self.origMaxValue, v / self.origMaxValue))
                self.setPoints((i, (orig[0], orig[1] * scl))
                               for i, orig in origPts)

            elif param == 'centerScale':
                dt = mouseT - self.dragStartTime
                rad = width / 2
                tMid = left + rad
                maxScl = (rad + self.maxPointMove) / rad
                newWidth = max(0, min((rad + dt) / rad, maxScl)) * width
                                (tMid +
                                 ((orig[0] - left) / width - .5) * newWidth,
                                 orig[1])) for i, orig in origPts)

    def onXRelease(self, item, target_item, event):
    def onRelease(self, item, target_item, event, param):
        if hasattr(self, 'dragStartTime'):
        del self.dragStartTime

    def update(self):
        """if the view or selection or selected point positions
        change, call this to redo the layout of the manip"""
        idxs = self.getSelectedIndices()
@@ -130,20 +203,46 @@ class SelectManip(object):
        b.y = min(p[1] for p in pts) - 5
        margin = 10 if len(pts) > 1 else 0
        b.width = max(p[0] for p in pts) - b.x + margin
        b.height = min(max(p[1] for p in pts) - b.y + margin,
                       self.getCanvasSize().height - b.y - 1)

        b.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE if len(pts) > 1 else goocanvas.ITEM_HIDDEN
        multi = (goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE if len(pts) > 1 else
        b.visibility = multi
        self.leftScale.props.visibility = multi
        self.rightScale.props.visibility = multi
        self.topScale.props.visibility = multi
        self.centerScale.props.visibility = multi

        self.title.props.text = "%s %s selected" % (
            len(idxs), "point" if len(idxs) == 1 else "points")

        centerX = b.x + b.width / 2

        midY = self.getCanvasSize().height / 2
        midY = self.getCanvasSize().height * .5
        loY = self.getCanvasSize().height * .8

        self.leftScale.props.points = goocanvas.Points([
            (b.x, b.y), (b.x, b.y + b.height)])
        self.rightScale.props.points = goocanvas.Points([
            (b.x + b.width, b.y), (b.x + b.width, b.y + b.height)])

        self.topScale.props.points = goocanvas.Points([
            (b.x, b.y), (b.x + b.width, b.y)])

        self.updateXTrans(centerX, midY)

        self.centerScale.props.points = goocanvas.Points([
            (centerX - 5, loY - 5),
            (centerX + 5, loY - 5),
            (centerX + 5, loY + 5),
            (centerX - 5, loY + 5)])

    def updateXTrans(self, centerX, midY):       
        x1 = centerX - 30
        x2 = centerX - 20
        x3 = centerX + 20
        x4 = centerX + 30
        y1 = midY - 10
        y2 = midY - 5
@@ -372,25 +471,46 @@ class Curveview(object):
        writer to self.selected_points"""
        self.selected_points = idxs
        if self.selected_points and not self.selectManip:
            self.selectManip = SelectManip(
                getSelectedIndices=lambda: self.selected_points,
                getSelectedIndices=lambda: sorted(self.selected_points),
                getWorldPoint=lambda i: self.curve.points[i],
                getScreenPoint=lambda i: self.screen_from_world(self.curve.points[i]),
                getWorldTime=lambda x: self.world_from_screen(x, 0)[0],
                getWorldValue=lambda y: self.world_from_screen(0, y)[1],
                getCanvasSize=lambda: self.size,
        if not self.selected_points and self.selectManip:
            self.selectManip = None


    def getDragRange(self, idxs):
        """if you're dragging these points, what's the most time you
        can move left and right before colliding with another point"""
        maxLeft = maxRight = 99999
        cp = self.curve.points
        for i in idxs:
            nextStatic = i
            while nextStatic >= 0 and nextStatic in idxs:
                nextStatic -= 1
            if nextStatic >= 0:
                maxLeft = min(maxLeft, cp[i][0] - cp[nextStatic][0])

            nextStatic = i
            while nextStatic <= len(cp) - 1 and nextStatic in idxs:
                nextStatic += 1
            if nextStatic <= len(cp) - 1:
                maxRight = min(maxRight, cp[nextStatic][0] - cp[i][0])
        return maxLeft, maxRight

    def setPoints(self, updates):
        for i, pt in updates:
            self.curve.points[i] = pt
    def selectionChanged(self):
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